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Posts posted by azn_guy

  1. do you guys know if getting a ht at a younger age yields better results than someone that is older? Are there any studies or cases where doctors noticed that getting a HT at a younger age of 28 may be better in the long run than getting one at 38?


    Lets assume I'm a NW3 and I decide to get a HT now at age 28.


    How would that compare to me being a NW4 at age 38 in terms of yield?


    obviously with the right surgeon, the yield is at a possible solid number of 95%, but assuming you get a HT of 3000 grafts, if 5% goes down the drain, then that means you're losing 150 grafts


    Assuming you received the 3000 grafts at a younger age of 28 instead of 38, maybe you get a 98% yield instead. that means instead of losing 150 grafts, you only lose 60 grafts (2% of 3000 grafts is 60 grafts)


    I know I'm nit-picking, but since many of us put so much effort into the details, 5% versus 2% can make a big deal...especially for those doing ultra mega-sessions.


    So going back to my original question. Is it advantageous to go for a HT when you're younger? knowing you may possible get better yield results?

  2. Originally posted by Jotronic:



    I emailed this patient with you in mind on Friday. I have yet to hear anything. If/when I do I will ask for updated photos.



    thanks jotronic, we shall see soon how the HT is going a long.


    I personally would like to know of this situation since his hair characteristics are very similar to mine


    This outcome will be encouraging to me personally icon_wink.gif. It may very well steer me go get a consultation with H&W! I like the fact that Dr. Wong is asian, I think it definitely helps with his ability to "relate" to fellow relatives, hehe.

  3. After many readings and research, many folks here that have had HT's had wished they gotten more grafts than their original.


    Anyone here wished they had gotten less grafts placed? For example, is there anyone that got ultra-refined HT just 2-4 years ago and had a mega-session and now wished they had not dense-packed? Anyone here run out of donor hair and wished they were placed differently? etc...


    If anyone wants to share their experience, or if there is a doctor that wishes to show off some real life examples of using too much donor hair, it would be great to see some.

  4. After many readings and research, many folks here that have had HT's had wished they gotten more grafts than their original.


    Anyone here wished they had gotten less grafts placed? For example, is there anyone that got ultra-refined HT just 2-4 years ago and had a mega-session and now wished they had not dense-packed? Anyone here run out of donor hair and wished they were placed differently? etc...


    If anyone wants to share their experience, or if there is a doctor that wishes to show off some real life examples of using too much donor hair, it would be great to see some.

  5. you guys are right, maybe I am getting wrapped up on all of this, But I think it's a great question.


    One thing I dont see enough of through patient and clinic before and after photos are the donor recipient areas. While people do show pictures, I guess I would be more at ease if I saw this more often.


    Funny thing is I'm not worried about the recipient area as much because I've seen so many successful stories w/ before&after photos so I guess I'm trying to grasp the "hidden fees" section of a Hair Transplant surgery so I dont get surprised.


    I did go to a consultation and I specifically asked the lady "how will the scar be", all she did was show me an almost undetectable scar via tricho and said I would look like that. I felt she was selling me the procedure, which is why I'm asking the question here icon_smile.gif


    I do appreciate the responses!

  6. This question is for the HT surgeons


    Is it too much to ask for specific strip details during a consultation?


    I noticed at 2 of my consultations, the doctors simply look at it really quick, then dont do any micro-investigations or anything.


    I would like to know exactly what their donor-strip approach would be.


    I referenced this questions to the doctors, but anyone else that is experiences may answer icon_smile.gif

  7. by the way, I looked at my chest hair too, it's all 1's




    What I'm always scared of is HT doctors rely on the 2's, 3's, 4's


    just imagine if they take a donor strip from the donor area with the expectation of roughly 3000 grafts to realize from the 3000 grafts, I have 3000 hairs


    Obviously this is not the case, but who knows...


    I would hope if the doctor were to strip out 3000 grafts, then I would be grateful to get hopefully 6000 hairs out of it.


    I guess the best approach here would to go to the HT for a 2nd consultation and ask them specifically where the strip is and figure out how much is available, is this too much to ask during a consultation?

  8. I was just wondering, I know there has been quite a few articles EVERYWHERE about follicular units, but I was wondering if there is any correlation between arm/leg/pubic hair and your head.


    The reason I ask is because I'm not a hairy person so I can easily take a look at my arm and leg hair and the hair's are all groupings of "1", meaning I dont see any groupings of 2/3/4.


    I wonder if this correlates to the amount of hairs per follicular groupings


    So in conclusion, ALL my leg and arm hair are single units


    Anyone on here notice groupings of 2/3/4 on their own arms/legs? Just curious...

  9. good point guys, 21cm strip would essentially be the same as a 25cm strip, you would still want to hide it.


    btw, I am only wondering right now. Is this something you could recommend?


    for example, if you're the type to keep the sides short due to hair style, you would ask the doctor to do a 21cm strip and go wider rather than longer.


    I think doctors like using the side hair for temporal restoration as well.


    my math could be incorrect too icon_smile.gif feel free to correct me!


    It concerns me regarding the "only 5000", I was anticipating 10,000 fu's, the more the better right?

  10. Hey Everyone,


    Any idea how long a donor strip would be for 3000 grafts?


    This is what I've come up with especially with asian hair characteristics.


    Usually Caucasians have on average 100,000 hairs, while Asians have 80,000 (this is only an average), simply do a search online "asian hair, 80,000" a bunch of articles will come up


    So considering 80,000 hairs, assuming 2 hairs per follicular unit, there should be 40,000 FU's


    the dht-resistant hair around your head takes up 25%, meaning 25% of 40,000 is 10,000


    so it looks like I have roughly 10,000 grafts to work with.


    Assuming I take 3000 grafts, and I have roughly 80fu/cm, this means I would need one of the following


    a) 21.4cm x 1.75cm strip (3000/80/1.75 = 21.4cm)


    b) 25cm x 1.5cm strip (3000/80/1.5 = 25cm)


    c) 30cm x 1.25cm strip (3000/80/1.25 = 30cm)


    d) 37.5cm x 1cm strip (3000/80/1 = 37.5cm)


    I don't know about you guys, but a 25, 30, and 37.5cm strips lengthwise is REALLY long...


    This is of course assuming I have 80fu/cm, (I could have 100fu/cm, but then again I have asian hair)


    Any thoughts?

  11. Hey Everyone,


    Any idea how long a donor strip would be for 3000 grafts?


    This is what I've come up with especially with asian hair characteristics.


    Usually Caucasians have on average 100,000 hairs, while Asians have 80,000 (this is only an average), simply do a search online "asian hair, 80,000" a bunch of articles will come up


    So considering 80,000 hairs, assuming 2 hairs per follicular unit, there should be 40,000 FU's


    the dht-resistant hair around your head takes up 25%, meaning 25% of 40,000 is 10,000


    so it looks like I have roughly 10,000 grafts to work with.


    Assuming I take 3000 grafts, and I have roughly 80fu/cm, this means I would need one of the following


    a) 21.4cm x 1.75cm strip (3000/80/1.75 = 21.4cm)


    b) 25cm x 1.5cm strip (3000/80/1.5 = 25cm)


    c) 30cm x 1.25cm strip (3000/80/1.25 = 30cm)


    d) 37.5cm x 1cm strip (3000/80/1 = 37.5cm)


    I don't know about you guys, but a 25, 30, and 37.5cm strips lengthwise is REALLY long...


    This is of course assuming I have 80fu/cm, (I could have 100fu/cm, but then again I have asian hair)


    Any thoughts?

  12. Originally posted by Leeson:

    Wear a kneck brace for 3 months and tell your friends you were in a car accident icon_smile.gif


    That's a really good way to hide the HT and still have an excuse!




    I agree to live life, but I personally wouldn't mind "suffering" 2 months simply to have the "perfect" scar icon_smile.gif or at least the "best possible" scar.


    I would feel guilty knowing I accidentally did something that caused the scar to stretch...it's like spraining your ankle and you tell yourself you're going to play basketball anyways and fight through the pain and then you hurt your ankle even more as a result. It would have been much better not playing basketball for 2 weeks and let your ankle heal the correct way.

  13. Hey Guys,


    This may sound stupid, but I'm sure several folks may have had this question at one point in time.


    After having a HT, many folks are worried about donor strip scarring due to stretching.


    Why not keep your head looking "up", it'll take less stress on the donor scar since you're not "stretching" the skin in the back of your head


    Currently just trying it out, I can look up and feel the back of my head and there is obviously less tension.


    Any thoughts? I can imagine looking up for 6 months may be outlandish, but some folks will go at great lengths to have the smallest scar possible.

  14. If I decide to have an HT, I will either go with Dr. Cooley or H&W. I think Dr. Cooley is a great choice.


    I had a consultation and fairly enjoyed it. I was not impressed with their new hair consultation employee, she came from LA and seemed like a salesperson in my opinion.

  15. Certainly some cases depending on the patients hair characteristics are more difficult than others


    Dr. Charles, can you elaborate on "hair characteristics" here?


    I'm asian and have been told the HT Surgeons should pay close attention to the angle of the hair, since we asians have more course/thicker hair but at the same time, have less hair.


    Thus a #3 buzz cut for asians, you can essentially see their scalp, but for caucasians a #3 buzz cut, the hair is flat so it's easier to hide.

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