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Posts posted by garethbale

  1. I'm pretty certain now that there won't be a cure in our cosmetic lifetime. By that I mean in the next 15 years. After that we'll probably be too old to care. Unfortunately all the stem cell research is still in pre-clinical testing phase. After that it requires years of testing on humans, then marketing etc. There are so many obstacles to overcome, not least being that the stem cells actually know how to trigger hair growth, and not become cancerous.


    I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that it won't happen for us now. Maybe our children if they're lucky. To the guy who said he was saving for this. Forget it mate, use your money for something useful like a deposit on a property.

  2. Very nice improvement.


    I have a general question here...


    He's obviously had to cover quite a large area and although it looks very good, the density is understandably not full. So, would SMP work as a means of making the result appear thicker than it really is? It would darken the scalp so less of his fair skin was visible.


    I'd always wondered if this was an option to give a thicker and fuller appearance of a transplant without using more grafts.

  3. u get to stuff more grafts up there by being so conservative and therefore have to use far less grafts but in the end he really doesn't look any less bald then he did before. hairline is way too high. him and Lorenzo share the same approach to hairlines.


    temples essentially untouched. face was anything but framed. dude needs another 2000 grafts to finish wat was started.


    While I wouldn't agree that he doesn't look any less bald, I'm inclined to agree that the hairline is too high. If this was due to the boundaries of what could be achieved then fair enough, but IMO its one of those results that has hair transplant written all over it.


    If he's happy though I guess that's what matters.

  4. Dr Erdogan had recently started to post dry before pictures, so its disappointing that he has reverted back to wet before photos.


    It clearly makes the transformation appear better than it really is. I bet if this guy's before pics showed dry hair, his hair would look reasonably dense. I haven't got a problem with wet before pics being posted as long as dry ones are posted as well or there are clear comparatives (eg wet before vs wet after). These photos are very misleading and you really have to question the doctor's ethics.


    Are photos moderated for approval before they are allowed to be posted on the site?

  5. Gareth,


    That's actually a very good update.


    Replicel could be released in Asia sometime between 2017 and 2019 - depending on who you ask. The issue, however, will be twofold: according to the most recent update, a single treatment - including removal of the donor cells, replication of the dermal sheath stem cells, and reinjection - is quoted at $30,000; and, there will, apparently, only be a very small number of physicians able to offer the treatment (in Asia) at first. This is all premature, however, as they still have at least phase II trials to complete in Japan - if they are going to take advantage of the new stem cell regulations.


    Oddly enough, Dr. Nigams posted a series of Mwamba "bio cell FUE" cases on his homepage. However, these look like regular FUE cases Dr. Mwamba shared on our forums. Also, we haven't heard any updates from Dr. Mwamba himself. I still think donor doubling has a lot of potential. However, it's not quite there yet.


    The guys working on true hair multiplication in Europe still have a way to go as well.


    There may be CB-03-01 in the meantime. However, Cosmo pharmaceuticals is focused more on its acne applications, and cost and need for higher doses will likely prevent many of the braver hair loss suffers out there from trying the acne product (which still has years to go) at home.



    Thanks, Blake!


    I do try to stay up to date with the various future technologies.


    Can I just ask where you read that piece about Replicel's treatment costing $30,000. Unless its some kind of miracle treatment, I think this would price most people out of the equation. Also, would the treatment be a one-off or is it repeated?

    I've not seen anything from Replicel regarding price other than they expect it to be in line with surgical treatments.


    On the subject of those pictures on Nigam's website, I think it looks very fishy. Nigam has a habit of posting images of himself with reputable people within the industry and I suspect this is the case here. Of course I may be wrong.

  6. I'm 27 years old, and I'm trying to think conservatively down the line, but is it possible lets say I get a 2000 graft hair transplant now, 14 years from now by the time I'm 40 there will be sufficient advancements enough in stem cell therapy and hair manipulation as to not be so concerned now?


    It's a tough one.


    There are certainly people working on better treatments. The long term goal is the creation of follicles to provide an unlimited supply of donor hair, but this is still some years away.


    It is possible that Replicel may release some kind of treatment in the next five years; they have teamed up with a Japanese cosmetics company (Japan also has enacted laws to help accelerate stem cell treatments) but as yet they haven't produced results with proven efficacy.


    Aderans is dead. Histogen seems to have stalled. Dr Wesley is working on his Pilofocus technique, which I hope can regenerate some hair, and Dr Mwamba was looking at Dr Nigam's doubling technique (which I think has failed unfortunately).


    There is also Acell and PR but I don't have much faith in these treatments.


    So essentially in the meantime, minoxidil and finasteride really are the best of a bad bunch!

  7. man dr mwamba is still experimenting with this technique, he said that


    he would give a confirmation by the summer of 2015


    the protocols require a lot of time and we should wait


    12 months after that or even longer because it is a diffrent technique


    so we shouldn't disturb him, i know it is hard for waiting but dr mwamba is a trustworthy


    person and he will tell us the truth



    He hasn't made an update since July. The last post he made regarding a test subject was this, back in April:


    'He is at 5 months post op ( injection of stem cells for hair multiplication ) and so far nothing happened as far as hair growth'


    So the test subject is at 11 months now; there should probably be an answer to the question over whether his hair has regenerated with doubling or otherwise. All the test candidates operated on at some point (Boldy, Tom Vercetti etc) all claim their procedures have failed at some time or other.


    I want to remain optimistic, as I was a year ago, but all the evidence points to this having failed.


    I hope I am wrong. I know Dr Mwamba is trustworthy and I have no intention of disturbing his work, but some kind of update would be nice so we are not in the dark

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