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Everything posted by robbie123

  1. good for you johnboy71 Hopefully i wont have to go through it that many times Yeah, BHR seems to have excellent results and customer service. Good luck, hope all goes well for you. rob
  2. Threaduk of all the clinics i went for consultations not one of them, including dr de reys said i would need a "second pass" they all quite happily said my hair restoration would be no problem with the amount of graphs they suggested. I paid 7000 euros for a procedure that I fully expected to be done properly first time around. rob
  3. johnboy71, yeah mate its disappointing especially when you done all your research and are pretty sure that you have found the right surgeon. I think I will go to BHR clinic, this was one of the places i had a consulation with and i was very impressed with them. Dr de reys was cheaper and has been practising FUE for the longest so thats why i choose him instead.. Its just really annoying that i have to do this all over again. rob
  4. The way i see it and the way i see my own situation is more graphs in the first place and you would not need to thicken things up.. I think someone else made the point that Dr reys was the most conservative Dr in Europe when it come to estimating amount of graphs required and I would agree with this statement 100%. The problem with being too conservative is unhappy clients who think the density should be much better. For example, I went for 3 consultations with 3 of the best known Fue specialists in Belgium and Dr de reys estimated 800 graphs lower than any others. The result of his low estimation = poor density. Even if the calibre of the hair improves the large gaps between graphs will remain.... rob
  5. Very disappointed myself mate.. Admittedly I choose dr de reys because of price but i did lots of research and in the end i decided he was the right choice because of his experience. I now know for sure that this was the wrong choice and more established clinics would not let this happen.. Just wish i had of spent a few thousand extra and got it done right.. sure there may be a possibility of problems with the established clinics but i know for a fact they would bend over backwards to make sure you get a good result, this alone is worth spending a few more grand... Good luck with repair and hope you get a good result next time. rob
  6. Threaduk, you have made my day mate.. finally someone with the balls willing to step forward and report a bad result.. well done.. Where do i start. The whole gagged hairline thing sucks... I made him fix my when i seen it in the mirror.. The correspondence sucks.. takes forever to get answers and at one point no they would not acknowledge that there was a problem.. Density is crap and i would be embarrassed to post pics on a public forum, private pm me if you want to discuss this further. This is not a conspiracy but very real world results and I knew it was only a matter of time before more people came forward.. I would bet my house that this will not be the last complaint you will hear. Its unfortunate because dr de reys is cheap and he has a good reputation from his time at prohair but i think since he left prohair his results has declined, most likely because the owner of prohair was trying very hard to build a good reputation and would not let him away with poor density/results, but in his own clinic he is free to place graphs as he pleases.. The good results have been well documented on this forum but you guys need to accept that there is bad results also.. no need to post more flattering reviews because i have heard them quite a few times already from the same individuals.. rob
  7. Dr de reys and his wife Gina treated me very well also and I have no complaints there.. Just to clarify,,I did not mean that he rushed my entire surgery or that he was fed up throughout the surgery because he did not rush it and was not fed up, the part where I thought he was getting frustrated and rushed it was when he I asked him to fix my hairline where I thought he went to high at one side.. I did require a lot of injections for pain, I lost count of how many.. nerve blocker also.. The crunching of them needles into your skull is not a pleasant experience no matter who you are but if you want hair on your head you just have to deal with it I suppose. Rob
  8. I think a doctor who is recommended on this forum should have consistently good results/feedback before consideration is given.. Rob
  9. You can disagree all you like mate.. I am entitled to offer my own experiences to anyone seeking information on Dr De reys.. There are guys on this forum that have experienced a lot of pain with Dr de reys and you my friend are the in the minority.. The German forums has got quite a few complaints starting to emerge with patients complaining about poor density especially around the front hairline/temples resulting in considerable gaps in the hair which is unacceptable IMO.... Of course I will allow the full 12 months before judging my results..even if my results are very good I will still write a full and frank review of my experience good and bad... You are very clearly absolutely over the moon with your results from Both dr de reys and dr villue who also recommend each other and that is brilliant but people need more feedback from other experiences not just yours.. Rob
  10. I had a procedure with him I am 7 months post op and I have to say not good at this stage... of course I will give him the benefit of doubt until the 12 month mark but what's got me really worried is the fact that there now seems to be quite few complaints about this doctor mostly on German forums.. poor yield and sparse placement of graphs seem to be the big issue and i have to say mine is looking very sparse for 7 months so its not very encouraging when you read these bad reviews but like I said I will give him the benefit of doubt until 12 months. And the pain I experienced with this doctor was shocking..... as did a few others that's on this forum.. The other thing that really annoyed me about him was the hair line.. we agreed the hair line after many attempts at drawing it on and then he done one side to high, that really pissed me off because i felt he just wasn't listening to what i said and just wanted to do it his own way..I asked him to fix it and he did but I could see he was getting annoyed with me but its my hair right, I have to live with it..I just got the impression he could not be arsed and just wanted to get the job done a quick as possible. and get me out of there. This doctor is cheaper than most but please do some in depth research and find out all you can before you decide. Hope this helps someone.. Rob
  11. hi mate, i had 1500 graphs with this doctor and i agree, the pain was absolutely brutal! I mean shocking at times! I am now convinced that this doc must use some kind of sh#te anaesthetic because it didn't completely numb my pain and i also needed a nerve blocker. I think there is few other guys on here that has had the same experience with this doc so its no coincidence! Apart from the pain everything else i am happy with so far:)
  12. Hi mate My hair loss is almost identical to yours. I have booked my operation with dr der reys in a few weeks. At 5 months your hairline to the left side seems to have a gap between implanted hair and existing hair, did dr de reys implant into the existing hair? maybe its just not growing out as fast as the front?? I know your around the halfway stage to the final result but i am curious to know how far he went into your existing hair to make sure it blends in properly but also to allow for any receding that may occur in the future. Did he meet your expectations or could they be improved upon? Kind regards
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