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Everything posted by daster

  1. I agree with mattj. If you're curious you can get it here with just a online consultation http://www.europepills.com
  2. 50/50 cause you could get your genes from mom or dad in this regard
  3. Stick with trusted indian manafacturers and make sure they aren't selling you fakes.
  4. Nice chart I guess that proves avodart is better. This is where I buy generic avodart/dutasteride without a prescription http://www.trustedtablets-online.com/ and it's worked great.
  5. Ultimately it seems to depend on the person so one has to realize you have to gamble the risk before you take it. I bought generic finasteride without a prescription here http://www.trustedtablets-online.com/ never had any side effects but it worked good for me.
  6. I dont understand why people say they dont want to buy online but then complain about cost. This is where I buy the generic for a good price without a prescription http://www.trustedtablets-online.com/ and it's worked great.
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