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Everything posted by rpbhair

  1. hi, thanks for the replies. No noticeable side effects. I do have a terribly itch scalp though, which i had before starting avodart. There do appear to be some small white flakes but ive used anti-dandruff shampoos, t-gel and nizoral and a conditioner but none have helped. I actually think it may be stress related, does that seem possible? or could it just be the dht attacking?
  2. hi, thanks for the replies. No noticeable side effects. I do have a terribly itch scalp though, which i had before starting avodart. There do appear to be some small white flakes but ive used anti-dandruff shampoos, t-gel and nizoral and a conditioner but none have helped. I actually think it may be stress related, does that seem possible? or could it just be the dht attacking?
  3. i have lots of baseline photos and will take some new ones soon and post them. well i had a shower earlier and counted 50 in the shower - i block the drain hole with some tissue so i can gather the hair. i then counted another 50 hairs or so when running my hands through the front of my hair. i dont think my front looks greatly worse than 2 years ago but the centre part has definitely thinned a bit. surely i shouldn't be losing that many hairs if its working?
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