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Posts posted by California

  1. California,

    3644 is the number of grafts I was told I received. Whether they all lived...well you can see. I wasn't informed of any donor area limitations and that is was in fact stretchy enough. They anticipated 3500 before the operation.


    Sorry Brian. My bad. Now, that I re-read your post, you are correct.

    Have you gone for a follow up consultation with your Doctor to get his opinion on your HT results?




  2. Hello everyone,

    I am interested in opinions of the quality of the work done for my procedure 9 months ago. The goal was to restore my hairline and then fade back slowly. I have patiently reserved judgement and have watched it grow in over the last nine months. I think at this point it should be pretty much done growing in and these are the final results.


    However, I am of the opinion that my hairline has been restored which is amazing, but I think the fade back from the hairline is practically non-existent and looks unnatural. The scar has healed nicely. So I have mixed feelings about the overall results. Though maybe I am my own worst critic.


    I am looking for honest answers. Most people don't say much about it though a few have had rather harsh remarks without being informed that I had the procedure.


    FUT: 1529 1 hair, 1767 2 hair, 348 3 hair

    Total: 3644 hair grafts


    Hi Brian84,


    I would suggest that you revise the title of your thread. Seems like you actually got only a 1529 graft transplant (and not 3644 grafts as indicated in the title).


    Hair naturally emerges from the scalp in clusters or groups. In fact, on average only 10% of hair emerges from the scalp as a single hair. This grouping is called the follicular unit or graft.There are usually two to four hairs in the cluster but some hair types have five or even six. The average hairs per cluster or "follicular unit" is two.


    As far as feedback goes, the level of your hair loss seems to be way bigger than the amount of grafts transplanted. Can you share if there was any limitation as far as the donor hair supply goes. Did the Doctor share any future plans for your HT.


    I wish you all the best.


    Best regards,


  3. Thanks David. I intend to make my post abit different where I will give my feedback on few hotels that I have stayed during my trip. Most importantly lots of photos from my procedure with my feedback and I will also show photos of Dr Bhatti clinic that no one has seen before.


    Hi Jay,


    Congratulations on your HT procedure. Thanks so much for sharing your HT journey so far. Very kind of you to share all the details. Looking forward to all the pictures and feedback coming from your side. I am sure that they will be highly beneficial to many hair loss sufferers searching for an HT solution.


    Best regards,


  4. I think the Old cases are Just recycled ... we need New Evidence , not to be harsh on anyone , BUT if the patient is saving his Life earnings just to change his life with a Top class result and when this is Not Translated to his dreams , No amount of refund will bring back the smile on his face !

    Mr. california with due respect ..... pls get some fresh results .... and I do not wish to challenge the skill of Dr. Bhatti , But there does seem a lot of the Guys are particularly NOT Happy with the way they are Handled . we save our hard earned Money just to realise a Dream .... if we do not get the Result .... you guys just say Sorry or at max do a free procedure ... Nah we do not want ur free procedure , its serious tiring to follow the post operative care again and again !


    Hi mikeey,


    I totally agree with you on the fact that HT is a very important, very costly and very stressful part of one's life. This is something that no one (Patient or the Surgeon) can take easy. Every possible effort needs to be made to make each and every HT procedure successful. Saying "sorry" after a botched procedure does not help anyone.


    That said, I would respectfully ask you to point me to the Patient cases where folks said that they were not "handled" properly by our Clinic. There was a thread recently from a Patient who was not happy with a few things that he experienced during this recent HT procedure with Dr. Bhatti (such as time for pre-op consultation, not getting to see Dr. Bhatti the day after the procedure etc.). We did address all his concerns and also apologized for things that we could have done better. I am not aware of any other such cases. We try very hard to be proactive and to provide the best possible service to our Patients.


    In regards to the patient cases that you have commented on as being "old", just wanted to let you know that:


    Shane13 completed his 12 month post-op on September 14, 2014

    Manish 1990 completed is 9.5 month post-op on October 11, 2014

    Prime209 completed his 9 months post-op on September 27, 2014

    HoustonChandigarh got this HT procedure done in March 2014. He is 7 months post-op now

    The last case (3000 grafts) was 8 months post-op on October 1st, 2014.


    We will definitely keep posting more Patient cases and a lot of Dr. Bhatti Patients are religiously updating everyone with this HT progress also.


    We are far from being perfect. We look forward to feedback from our Patients and well wishers like yourself and apply it to provide a better service to the folks that matter the most to us.....our Patients.




  5. After spending over few months on this network learning about experiences of various, I decided to have an HT.

    I wanted to have an Indian Doctor as their understanding of Indian Skin will be much better than others.

    When it comes to India there are only few recommended doctors in this network.


    I booked an appointment with Dr Tejinder Bhatti on 7th Nov.

    Doctor Bhatti suggested that I am class V and will need around 5500 grafts.

    We have agreed over email to have this over two session, the first on 7th Nov to have around 3000 grafts and 2nd after 6 months.

    I have attached the pics as 3 weeks before transplant in photo album

    Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients


    Of Late I am seeing few bad experiences being shared here with Dr.Bhatti, :confused:

    Hopefully those are one off cases.

    I will keep posting my experiences.:cool::cool:


    Do wish me luck..:):)


    Hi spf,


    Congratulations on putting your faith in Dr. Bhatti for your HT. I am sure that you must have done your research and due diligence to make this important decision.


    I want to assure you that you are in very good hands as far as your HT procedure is concerned. In regards to the "some bad experiences" that you have referred to, I would highly encourage you to pay more attention to the Patient results that are almost 12-months or so post-op. That will give you a better picture of an HT Surgeon's track record.


    Copy/pasting some Dr. Bhatti Patient cases from this Forum below, just for your reference:


    Shane13- 12 months post-op



    Manish1990- 9.5 months post-op



    Prime209-9 month post-op






    GaelicDawn- 12 months post-op



    Questionmark- 15 months post-op



    HoustonChandigarh- 8 months post-op



    8 months post-op



    I wish you all the best.


    Best regards,


  6. unfortunately its becoming a rare occurrence that I see a Dr. Bhatti patient post results that are satisfying. he just doesn't seem to have very good yield. hair lines are improving tho so that a good thing.


    Hi BUSA,


    As always, thanks for your candid feedback. Just wanted to bring to your attention the fact that the Dr. Bhatti Patients that you might be referring to....(where the yield might "seem" less than optimal) are only a few months post-op. As you know very well, HT results take time to show and you can make a fair judgment on the success or failure of an HT only 12 months post-op. Some folks are fast growers and some are not.


    Just as a reference point, I am copy/pasting some Dr. Bhatti Patient cases from this Forum that are mostly 8 months and over post-op. Anyone can type Dr. Bhatti in the "search" field (title) and the same results will come up.



    Shane13- 12 months post-op



    Manish1990- 9.5 months post-op



    Prime209-9 month post-op






    GaelicDawn- 12 months post-op



    Questionmark- 15 months post-op



    HoustonChandigarh- 8 months post-op



    8 months post-op



    Thank you,


  7. Oh, and still no accountability for my slight over charge, even though it was only a few hundred dollars, it's the principal that should count.


    Hi Kiwidude,


    We totally welcome your candid feedback. We believe that no one is perfect and there is always room for improvement, growth and betterment. Patient feedback is valuable for a doctor's office. My detailed response to your post was just to clarify and explain the process that we have in place.


    Again, Dr. Bhatti never takes on more than 2 procedures a day and the person that mentioned a third procedure to you was incorrect.


    Lastly, in response to your comment about getting overcharged, I believe that you might have missed the part of my response where I addressed it. (point #6 in my response). Copy/pasting below.


    We have never over charged a patient but then we are all human and mistakes can happen. I am humbly requesting you to please send me a private message with the details and if you got over charged, I will take responsibility of refunding you that amount.


    Thank you,


  8. Its is not true dr bhatti is one of the most expensive ht surgeon in india this is absolutely false. Please dr bhatti post result of your first patient with date and persons pre op, op and post op pic. Please I am curious to know that you have been doing HT since day and year as you and your rep are claiming. He is charging same as per US surgeon. To get license in US is not as easy in india. In US you have a very strict criteria to get into medical school. In india even a person with 35% in high school so called 12th grade can get into medical school through manangement seats and with donation. Please google indian medical school and how students cheat and get into school. I will not accept this at any cost that US doctors are of same standard as an indian doctor.


    You really do not need to accept anything and we do not want to prove anything to you. Please go and read your comment again......it is totally insulting, racist and derogatory. You are insulting an entire country of over a billion people. I will let the stake holders of this Forum decide whether this kind of behavior and comments are acceptable on this prestigious Forum.




  9. 10 to 15mins is not enough, when I met Dr.Rahal he answered my tons of queries which took more than an hour, even he is busy person and ya one of the top surgeon.


    Rawkerboi, I agree with you. Please note that in Dr. Bhatti's case, by the time a Patient gets to meet him face to face, on an average, there has already been an email/Skype exchange between him and the Patient spanning back to several months. Most of the times, most of the questions and queries have been addressed by that time. I am not sure if that happened in this particular case, but that is the general process that we have in place. Again, Dr. Bhatti personally responds to all the Patient (existing and potential) emails within a day.

    For our North American Patients, I spend as much time as it takes to answer questions over the phone and email and when I don't have an answer, I find it for them.



    Thank you,


  10. Hi all, first time poster, but been lurking on here for a good 5 or 6 years now.


    Anyway i'll keep this short. I flew a long way last month to see Dr Bhatti after reading some good things about him on here and obviously attracted by the price as i do not earn much. After about a dozen or so emails we agreed on 3200 grafts minimum prior to my arrival - note this is my 2nd transplant after a previous 3000 strip procedure in Thailand with average results. Luckily my scar heeled well and i've also had SMP which helps as i like my hair shortish and can manage to hide it with a number 1.


    I arrived in Delhi and chose to use Dr Bhatti's driver as i wanted to see some of India. The drive was amazing, you get to drive through many small villages and basically it's sensory overload although it's pretty sketchy on Indian roads, no rules it seems, was happy to make it to Chandigarh alive haha.


    Onto meeting Dr Bhatti and surgery. I only got to speak with him for about 10 to 15 minutes the day before surgery. His clinic had a few other patients waiting in reception and overall both days i kind of felt like i was getting rushed through and on a production line as he does up to 3 procedures a day i believe. We agreed 3200 grafts before i flew but once i got there he was trying to convince me to get 1500. That's a long way to fly to be left feeling like you'd wasted alot of time and money to hear that, needless to say i was left deflated, i know the state of my condition, have researched for years and 1500grafts wouldn't even come close, nor would 3200grafts but thats all i could afford. After some awkward chatting he simply said he would transplant as many as he could, essentially i still went to bed pre-op feeling left in the dark to what i would end up getting. I asked also if i could have some grafts from my beard put into my strip scar. I have a very dense beard, he said i didn't "need" grafts in my scar. Well!!! in theory no-one needs a transplant of any kind, no-one needs breast enlargements or tattoos etc, it was a want, a desire to have grafts put in my strip scar. This seemed to just get brushed under the rug, i asked politely if it could be done but it was dismissed. The day of the op, it was painless, sound of the punch going into your head is strange but you get use to it, they get you lunch, and all his female assistants actually place the grafts after he's done the recipient holes, they then get you to sit about for around 2 hours to let the grafts clot before you go anywhere. I was still not told the day of the op how many grafts had been transplanted. They had asked me to PRE-PAY for 3000grafts and conveniently told me a day later i had had 2910 grafts. For some reason i was asked to pay more money??? I added up all the payments and referenced it back to his pricing form on his website and i was over charged by about $250 NZD about $210 US dollars which im unlikely to get back after int. bank transfer fees etc. Lastly my final disappointment was seeing the grafts were only placed in the crown and the hair line as many surgeons seem to pack the front so you like fine face on until you turn your head and your completely bald from behind from poor coverage placement. I asked for just a simple even spread of grafts over the entire thinned area, but no, just a few in the front, Nothing in the middle and a bunch in the back.


    Note: no offer to count grafts as said on his website


    The day after the op i did not see Dr Bhatti, which seemed odd to me, it looked like he had another long line of clients to work through. Was shown how to wash the hair, it seems each clinic has very differing ways to treat the hair immediately post-op but i followed their advice.


    All in all, a 5 out of 10 experience. Painless op, didn't feel like a valued customer, more just get me in and out, however the staff were all friendly. Just thought i'd give people another perspective, i never normally bother posting but felt if your planning on traveling as far as i did be sure about your decision and demand definitive answers from him. He did seem like a nice enough guy just left pretty disappointing. End result will be a year away and if it turns out decent i'll re-post another fair assessment of his results.


    Hope this is of some help to a few, cheers


    Hi Kiwidude,


    Thank you for sharing your HT procedure journey so far. Thank you also for choosing Dr. Bhatti/Darling Buds Clinic for your HT. I am sorry that you don't seem to be happy with the overall experience, so far. We truly value you as our Patient and want to be there for you whenever you need our help and advice. This commitment is good for today and also for the next so many years to come.


    I am responding to your post not to be confrontational but just to state some facts (which can be independently verified and validated). No offense meant to you or anyone else. Just trying to provide more visibility into the philosophy, beliefs and operations of our Clinic.


    1. You had stated that you chose to be driven from Delhi to Chandigarh (a 5 hour drive). The driver that picked you up was Dr. Bhatti's own Chauffer. The Clinic does not make any money by providing the transportation but wants our Patients to feel welcome. We make it a point not to have our Patients make the trip in a random cab.


    2. You had a consultation with Dr. Bhatti for 10-15 minutes on the day prior to the surgery. That is pretty standard for a pre-op consultation. He is a busy Surgeon and like any other busy Surgeons, it is expected to find patients waiting.


    3. Dr. Bhatti does NOT do 3 procedures a day. He performs one bigger (around 3000 grafts) and one smaller (around 1500 grafts) procedure a day. Here is what I would ask you to consider. As you must have seen yourself, Dr. Bhatti has a huge clinic with 4 operation theatres. He could easily hire more Surgeons and cater to more patients. More patients....more surgeries....more money for the Clinic. Right? The fact that Dr. Bhatti chooses to turn down patients due to the non-availability of dates (one doctor can do only so many procedures) should be proof enough that he cares a lot for his patients and is not willing to take any risks whatsoever with his patients and their HT results. There is no "production line" here....it is like any other successful doctors office. When I see my dentist in California, I get shown into different rooms with different assistants and I get to see the dentist only after all the other stuff has been completed by his staff.


    4. I honestly believe that Dr. Bhatti is chosen by Patients NOT just because of the "lower" pricing. Please note that you will find HT centers in India (there are over 550 HT centers in India) that charge less than $0.50 per graft.....Dr. Bhatti is one of the most expensive HT Surgeons in India and when you add up the travel and other related costs, the final cost per graft could be comparable to even some doctors in the US. Again, low pricing alone cannot and should not be the deciding factor in selecting an HT Surgeon. You have said that you have been on this Forum for 5-6 years....I am sure you would know that very well. Dr. Bhatti is chosen by his patients for their HT procedure because of his service, results and expertise. Relatively lower cost is an icing on the cake.....but definitely not the cake itself.


    5. In regards to the number of grafts you wished to be transplanted versus the doctor's recommendations, I believe that when we as patients choose our doctor (and put our faith in him/her), then after we share our goals/objectives, we need to let the doctor make the decision. When we go to see any doctor, we don't tell the doctor what medication to prescribe for us....we let the doctor make that call. As far as your FUT scar is concerned, Dr. Bhatti said that it is very thin and since you have already had SMP done, it is barely visible and that is why he said what he said (that a transplant is not needed into the scar). The doctor has to be far sighted. He/she has to leave some room for future procedures (if needed) and not deplete the donor supply in one go. A few years later the same patient might blame that doctor for not planning ahead.

    Comparing HT to tattoos is not a fair comparison. You can ask a tattoo parlor to replicate any tattoo but you can't ask an HT Surgeon to do the same.


    6. Our clinic will always accommodate if a patient asks to count the harvested grafts. Graft counting by a patient would take a long time and hence it is not "offered" to every client. If our website indicates that we offer this to every patient, then we would need to charge that verbiage. Our clients trust us and know that we look out for their best interests. You had asked for more grafts and you ended up getting less. As you know, more grafts would translate into more money for the clinic. Again, if higher profits was the driving force at Darling Buds, then the Clinic would/could have been performing 5-6 procedure a day. We have never over charged a patient but then we are all human and mistakes can happen. I am humbly requesting you to please send me a private message with the details and if you got over charged, I will take responsibility of refunding you that amount.


    7. Dr. Bhatti backs up his work. I would ask you to give it time and later, if it is felt that you did not get the expected results, we would be happy to do whatever it takes to get those results. Not saying that you won't get good results....but giving you this assurance to build up your confidence level.


    8. On the day following the procedure, when you come to the clinic for an hour or so, for a wash and post-op instructions, Dr. Bhatti tries his best to see the Patients to say Goodbye. In your case, it happened that he was tied up in a surgery at that time and didn't get a chance to see you off. We apologize for that. We have always been there for our patients. Dr. Bhatti does not make it a point to reach out to all his patients after the procedure BUT he will respond to every single email from the patients personally within 2-4 hours if they are in the same time zone and within 12 hours if they are in a different time zone.

    I would request you to please go through the very long thread from this Forum related to Dr. Bhatti's recommendation. You will find very candid feedback from dozens of Dr. Bhatti patients from all over the world (Europe, Australia, North America, Asia etc.). You will see a general undertone in most of the patient feedback......that Dr. Bhatti is a caring doctor and a nice human being. These are folks that got their HT done by Dr. Bhatti and will probably never meet him again in their lives....

    Below is the link to the thread for your reference.



    Again, we highly value you as our Patient and want you to be happy with the results. You will always find us just a phone call or an email away.



    Thank you,


  11. It is just so difficult to judge this one because of the poor quality and limited angles of the patient's self-taken 7 month and 8 month pics. This could well be a home run result, which would have entailed an explosion of growth from month 6 to months 7 (judging from the single, tiny 7-month hairline shot) and 8, but it is just so difficult to assess from these photos.


    I would love to see more! Perhaps the patient could persuade someone with a decent camera to take combed back hairline, left profile, right profile, and top down shots in good natural light? He seems very concerned about masking his identity, so perhaps you could help him with a simple photo editor to block out his face but still give us good angles and close ups of his result?




    Hi PupDaddy,


    I totally agree with you. I would also love to see more angles (better picture quality) for this Patient. And you are totally correct in your assumption that he is very concerned about his privacy. I did offer to edit the pictures to mask his face completely. Will reach out to him again and see if I can get some more, better pictures from him. Good news is that he is elated about his HT results and hence happy to help:)


    Thank you,


  12. Patient is Indian American. Wanted to restore his hairline and mid-scalp.

    Dr. Bhatti implanted 3000 scalp grafts in a one day procedure.


    Please note that the Patient came back to the US right after the HT procedure and the 'after' pictures posted are the ones that he shared with us.


    The post-op 8 month pictures were taken by him today after he got a haircut.


    Thank you for viewing.


















  13. I don't understand, what's wrong with the hairline?


    Hi KO,


    I believe that there is nothing wrong with the hairline......but we have a particular user on this Forum (everyone knows who I am referring to) that is obsessed with bashing "Dr. Bhatti hairlines"........reminds me of Joseph Goebbels, famous quote, "If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth". I am glad that the Members of this Forum are smart, knowledgeable and well informed and can see through all that.




  14. FYI


    Today during his speech at the Madison Square Garden in New York, the Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi announced that very soon American tourists (US Citizens) visiting India, will be given a visa on arrival in India. This is also good news for the hair loss patients from the US who are planning to get their HT done in India in the future. They won't need to wait for weeks to receive the Indian visa in the US.


    Best regards,


  15. Eternal, I hope you are doing good. Honestly I was with you in the beginning. But when Dr.Bhatti posted your result, I was very impressed. It will be good for you if you could compare other Norwood 6/7 cases like yourself who had undergone HTs. You might not feel so bad then. I honestly think after 8/9 months of the second procedure you will be pleased. Just lay back and relax for the next few months. And thank you Dr. Bhatti for clarifying the matter.


    Hi Rez1,


    Thank you for your comments. Very positive and encouraging. This is the way it should be. It becomes our moral and ethical duty to empathize and sympathize with each other.......only a hair loss suffer can understand and appreciate the pain and frustration of another hair loss sufferer. Yourself, Loags79, Yaz89 and densedream have encouraged this Patient and advised him to be hopeful and yet, realistic at the same time.


    We will be following up on eternal's HT progress.


    Best regards,


  16. This is an interesting case and I'll like to share my impartial point of view, not knowing the etneral or dr.bhatti


    Dr Bhatti: I've been impressed by his candidness and professionalism on many occasionx when he's address the forum with concern & issues. He articulates very well and appears to be genuine and also detailed in his replies. In terms of his results, I think its solid. It appears to me Dr.Bhatti does take on higher NW cases than the typical FUE HT surgeon and this my be the issue of perceived "poor results"


    eternal: You started off very bald & very thin in the donor. It appears to me that given time without medication you might have very little donor area remanining when you reach age 55-60.

    3200 grafts for 1st HT is only enough to build a satisfactory hairline and some density few inches behind it. 1000 grafts and 800 beard grafts will add more density to the 1st HT but it won't do much to improve your appearance in a major way. The after photo provided by Dr.Bhatti demostrates a result which I would expect from the 2 HTs and your hairloss profile.

    With FUE there is a lower yield rate so perhaps not all of the 4800 grafts would've been successful. I wonder how many grafts were transected and discarded and how many were damaged during harvest and implanted or if your donor area is vulnerable to DHT perhaps they succcumb to shockloss. FUE yield rates for beard grafts be even lower than normal FUE grafts so I wouldn't bank to much on getting too much success from those grafts.


    Overall I think Dr.Bhatti has don't a good job with limited resources. Could it have been better? Perhaps? But you are much much less bald than what you were before.


    Also, better photos from both sides would good to assess the situation.


    Hi Loags79,


    Your feedback and comments are highly appreciated. Thank you for your kind words. Just wanted to bring one fact to your attention (making sure that we are all on the same page). The "after" pictures for eternal that were uploaded by Dr. Bhatti are after the first procedure. The results of the second procedure are still awaited since he is only 5 months post-op.


    Best regards,


  17. Hi All,


    I have not chimed in so far because I am in the US West Coast. I went through the recent posts on this thread in the morning and wanted to list my comments:


    1. Densedream is NOT a representative of Dr. Bhatti. I am. Densedream is a Patient of Dr. Bhatti and has absolutely no financial or any other gain by rooting for Dr. Bhatti. He is doing what he is doing just because he believes in the HT Surgeon that he chose for his procedure. God bless his heart. Almost all of Dr. Bhatti Patients that I have come into contact with have shown similar level of loyalty. This should speak volumes for the kind of HT Surgeon AND kind hearted human being that Dr. Bhatti is.


    2. Eternaldenied was extensively counseled by our Clinic about the "realistic expectations". We all want to have more hair but unfortunately, often times, that is just not possible. The deeper question is ......would such a Patient be better off if the Surgeon just refuses to perform his procedure and he has to "live" with total baldness (NW7) for the rest of his life.....or the Surgeon agrees to work with him and the limited donor hair available.....and the Patient ends up with a 'decent' amount hair on his head.....My definition of "decent" here would be an illusion of good coverage.


    3. After the first procedure (Dr. Bhatti has uploaded the pictures), Eternaldenied had claimed that his transplanted grafts did not grow at all. Even though, we, as a Clinic thought that that was highly improbable, we did not challenge his claims. We took his word for it and offered a 50% discount for his second procedure.

    Dr. Bhatti has always backed up his work and his Patient results and this was no exception. As he has rightly said, we NEVER abandon our Patients. But situations like this put us on a spot .......where we are forced to take a step back and rethink if we should be just turning down such cases upfront and not pursue our belief that "a decent hair coverage is better than total baldness".


    4. Last and yes, the LEAST......FUEONLY...... I have called him on his "blackmail" attempts so many times but he has NEVER shown the COURAGE to be upfront and honest about his agenda. Consider this.....if you dislike an HT Surgeon's work so much and are always waiting for an opportunity to bash, discredit, malign and insult that Surgeon.....would you in your right frame of mind approach that same Surgeon and request him to hire you to be his representative? Well, that is what our friend, the one and only "FUEONLY" did. Right after his request got turned down, he turned into a "Dr. Bhatti basher".....he makes his insulting comments and when he gets called on it, instead of backing up his claims....he melts away in the darkness.......come on, FUEONLY.......show some integrity. How long are you going to hold on to the "grudge" and where is this spite going to take you?

    Again, I have emails from you asking Dr. Bhatti to hire you as his Rep for the US Midwest region.....so you have no room to deny.


    In conclusion, Eternaldenied, we as a Clinic will not abandon you but we do hope that you will help all of us by having realistic expectations.


    We wish you all the best.


    Best regards,


  18. Thanks for the insight!

    Any reasons his sessions are limited to less than 2000?

    Are there any drawbacks to doing it without shaving the recipient area?


    Hi Eric,


    Copy/pasting from the FAQ section of our website:

    How many grafts can be harvested through your “no shave” technique?


    We routinely do the "no shave" technique procedure for cases requiring an average 2000 grafts. The term "no shave" is a misnomer since it is a must to have hair awaiting extraction to be shaved down to 1 mm in length in order to accomplish an FUE procedure. However, these stripes (not to be confused with strips) are not visible due to overlapping of hair from above and hence the donor site looks the same after a hair transplant procedure. The common denominator for a "no shave" technique is long hair at the back of the scalp long- enough to cover the shaved stripes from where the grafts are going to be extracted. The following are the number of average grafts that can be taken based on given hair length over the donor area in an individual with 100 hair per cm sq- ? inch length- 1000-1200 1 inch length- 1200- 1500 1? inch length- 1500-1800 2 inch length- 1800-2000 2? inch length- 2000-2500 It is impossible to extract more than 2500 grafts in this technique since the hair lower down over the neck are spared and so are the thin hair bearing stripes which go untouched. This limits the extraction of greater number of grafts. If a patient with the same variables were to get a "full shave" FUE, up to 4000 grafts can be extracted.


    Here is the URL for the FAQ section:

    FAQs - Hair transplantation FAQ




  19. I work in a customer service-oriented field and am very interested in not shaving the top of my head for FUE. I can take about a month off from work but that's probably max. I have medium length hair and I wear my hair down, so I feel like I might be able to hide this SOMEWHAT. Which surgeons offer this option and are there any drawbacks to it?




    Hi eric105,


    Dr. Bhatti (Darling Buds Clinic, Chandigarh, India) offers the no shave (FUE) if less than 2000 grafts are to be implanted. For bigger procedures, if the Patient wishes to go for the 'no shave', then he suggests that the HT be done in two steps (each step involving less than 2000 grafts transplanted)




  20. first you need to get on medication if you are suffering from extensive hair loss

    any good surgeon would have put tyou atleats 6 months on any dht blocker b4 HT and he would have seen your stability of hair loss

    second post your close up photo clearly and with very good camera so users here can see

    how dr bhatti has placed the grafts and I owuld like to see did you got hairline while HT was done by dr bhatti

    Hairline very very very very imp and only way to know is post your photo

    did you met any of dr bhatti patients live before HT




    Two comments for you.


    1. dds chose Dr. Bhatti for his HT. I am sure that he must have done his due diligence in selecting his doctor.


    2. I am sorry......but I have to ask: Ever heard of a thing called "spelling and grammar check"?




  21. Hi California


    Do you know if Dr Bhatti is attending this conference? I know Dr Bhatti attends conferences aboard, just wondering if will attend this one.


    Hi Jayukdht,


    This particular conference is being organized by some Indian HT Surgeons and is being held in Goa, India. I am not sure if Dr. Bhatti will be attending. However I do know that he is all set to attend the ISHRS 22nd Annual Scientific Meeting

    scheduled for October 8-11, 2014 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia




  22. I request dr bhatti to attaend dr mwamba conference if he has time. It will be very informative.




    I have asked you so many time to come out in the open and declare what your real agenda/intention/motive is......why are you SO worried about Dr. Bhatti? Where is this "OBSESSION" coming from? Are you a Dr. Bhatti Patient? Are you planning to become a Dr. Bhatti Patient? Are you friends with Dr. Bhatti? Are you getting paid by any Dr. Bhatti competitor?

    80% of your posts/rants/ramblings talk about Dr. Bhatti


    Could it be that since in the past, you asked Dr. Bhatti to hire you as his Rep for the Midwest USA and you got turned down? Could this be your way of "pay back"?


    Again......please share......




  23. Hello Mumbai walla,


    You should know more than any one else living in Mumbai, an epicenter of corruption, mafia, Harshad Mehta's, Anthule's birthplace.


    Bribes with proof will be jailed if no money

    Bribes with proof, with money will be in parliament.


    Read this book "Games Indian play" by V. Ranganathan , an IIM Prof, your simple mind will grasp some of it... Good luck with your self-flagellation !




    Hairygooner comments !


    Our highly qualified entrepreneur is having a hard time downloading images.....lmfaoooo!!!!


    And dude Vanga, please stop acting like you're representing all the Indians on this world and stop your stereotypical nonsense.



    "In India some member's take money from other Doctors to malign other Physicians" Proof???


    Hi Madhuvanga,


    With all due respect, this argument is not going anywhere. You said that you are having problems uploading your HT pictures. Blake was kind enough to offer to upload the pics for you and asked you to email the pictures to him. Did you do that?


    Your attempt to degrade and insult Mumbai (or the whole of India) does not help your cause. Every city and country in this world has it's good and bad points. Corrupt people exist everywhere. That should not be a reflection upon the entire city/nation.


    This is a very prestigious and highly respected Forum. Most members tend to respect and support other members. We all empathize and sympathize with each other because all of us are familiar with the trauma of losing one's hair. If you are able to document your claims, you will find support. Attacking Mumbai/India......just shows bad taste.


    Looking forward to seeing some solid documentation from your side.


    Wish you all the best,


  24. Hi People,


    Can anyone please let me know the Success rate of Body HT and also if it is worth risk taking as I don't have donor grafts


    Hi Meshak,


    Please take a look at the link below. This will give you Dr. Bhatti's "ABC of BHT" and also the before and after pictures of some Dr. Bhatti BHT cases. Success rate is good and often this is the only option for folks that just don't have the scalp hair donor.




    I wish you all the best.




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