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  1. Thanks, Bill. I appreciate it.
  2. I had a phone consult for an FUE procedure at SMG back in February and I'm a little surprised with my experience after hearing nothing but positives about them on this site. The consult started out poorly because the consultant was late to work and I was the first appt. I was at work too so carving an hour out of my schedule wasn't easy to begin with. We finally got started about 15 minutes late and the whole conversation felt a little canned and then rushed when I was able to ask questions at the end. He actually cut me off from my last question because he didn't want to fall behind for the rest of the day. He did say I could call or email anytime after we had the initial consult so I finally sent an email with some detailed questions about a week ago...sadly, I haven't heard anything back. Has anyone else had a phone consultation with SMG? I'd be interested to hear about others' experiences. Sorry if this isn't the appropriate place for this post...wasn't sure where to put it.
  3. TC17, you mentioned that you've talked to a few physicians about the approach that you and I are considering...could you tell me who they are? You seem to know a lot more about this stuff than I do, do you know of any reputable FUE clinics in or around the midwest??? I'm in Ohio and would like to consult with someone who does the FUE, I've already done the strip consultation and I know that's not for me at this point. Thanks
  4. You guys have hit on the exact question that I've been looking for! I'm 32, I'm already probably a NW 6 and I know I'll never have a full head of hair. I've always kept my hair really short because it was always thin, I've been losing it since I was 18, I was always big into sports etc... I went to Dr. Haber last year and to my surprise he thought I was a good candidate for a transplant. Still, I wasn't sold on it because I was going to have keep my hair longer to cover the scar and I'm just not interested in the thinning, longer hair look at 32. I'd rather buzz it but if I buzz now I just look completely bald up top and I agree that there's a big difference when you have some stubble. I've been wondering if anyone has gotten an FUE procedure to frame the face, get some thin coverage, and buzz it down to a 1. Is this a possibility? I'd love to hear some feedback.
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