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Everything posted by Superhawk

  1. Superhawk


    yomommyz, I'm 31 and have been taking proscar 1.25mg/day for about 6 years. It has not completely stopped my hair loss, however has slowed it down very considerably. I began losing my hair at 20, and started to use rogain shortly thereafter. I couldn't tell you if it did any good, but I didn't continue using it because it was a pain in teh but and all my pillows started turning yellow. I started proscar around 25-26, and have been on it ever since. My younger brother is bald and most of the men on my moms side of the family are completely bald. I have very thick hair everywhere except for my receding hairlines. From what I undersand, both rogaine and proscar don't really do as much for the hairlines as they do for the crown. I would recommend using it as long as you don't have any serious side effects. I've noticed sometimes that I get a sligt bit of discomfort in my testicles, however I take it before I go to bed so I don't really notice it much. I've been to the doctor and they where not concerned about it. I hope this helps & good luck with everything.
  2. Hey guys I know this is ultimately my decission but I've done so much research that I'm confused. I;m 31 and am a NW2 moving to NW3. I would like a FUE procedure done and need you help and advice on the top FUE docs who produce the best and most consistent results. I need appx. 1200-1700 FUE's. This is based on online consults with Dr. Jone Cole, Dr. Feller, Dr. Ron Shapiro, & Dr. Epstein. Alviarmani thought I needed 2500-3500. I was originally going to go with Dr. Armani or Dr. Cole, however this site doesn't recomend either one, so I'm not sure who to go with. I think these two show some of the best results, however since they are not recommended is there any other surgeons who you belive would match there skill and artistry? Thanks for your time and input in advance, Jack.
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