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Everything posted by FUE-Hopeful

  1. Attached are the latest photos. Stopped in to show Dr. Lindsey in late May and we agreed to give it more time before reassessing next steps.
  2. Thanks Doctor! Didn't Tom Petty have a song about waiting be the hardest part? Not fully giving up, just considering fall back options. I'll swing by later this month.
  3. Attached are the most recent photos taken today - one year from the FUE procedure. There seems to be continued growth on the right side of the scar, but the left continues to be stubborn. If in the end the scar area will not be receptive to regrowth, I wonder if could try scalp pigmentation to essentially hide it.
  4. Photo updates taken today - about 10 months from surgery. The scar area still seems to be a tough customer with growth. There are a few small hairs poking through though.
  5. Updating the group with photos from today - about 7 months from surgery. Seems to be progress on the right side of the scar, and I am hoping to see more growth on the left in the coming months.
  6. Here are the newest photos. I believe there is improvement - and so does my wife (but perhaps she's just being optimistic!). I'll stop in next month for a visit to your office doctor.
  7. Attached are photos taken on May 15. There seems to be progress, particularly on the right side of the scar. I will post again in a few weeks.
  8. Dr. Lindsey's recap of my experience and procedure is 100% accurate - except that I am in my mid-30s (wish I was back in the 20s!). Dr. L was terrific to work with. He speaks candidly about your condition and the treatment options. Compared to my last doctor who did not spell out the whole process, this came as a much needed alternative. Speaking of past doctors, I won't name names, but do not try the Neograft system. After more than a year with that treatment, there was no noticeable regrowth. Dr. L and his assistant took about 6 hours in total and the procedure did not hurt at all. We were not able to harvest as many follicles as hoped, but we are hoping the results will still be good. In fact, unlike some docs who might say they will charge you a certain amount, Dr. L was honest about the lower than expected harvesting (if that's the right word?) and he charged me less money than I was expecting. I will post photos shortly but I have not seen much of a difference at this time. I realize it may take a few more months to begin to see growth. Here's hoping for the best!
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