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Everything posted by apgomez85

  1. No the problem is I want to keep it discreet. Plus I cant be gone for too long from work because it makes it tough for everyone picking up my slack.
  2. So I was looking forward to getting my ht from hasson and wong, but apparently I can't lift heavy objects for a couple of weeks after the surgery because of the donor area possibly reopening. I can't get more than a week off of work so this sadly makes it impossible for me. I wanted h&w cause they seem like the best, but now I have to settle with someone else. Well, thats if FUE is my only alternative. Can I lift heavy objects after a FUE procedure? If so, who is the best FUE surgeon in Southern California? I really need to find someone good. Im really disappointed Hasson and wong didnt work out, but I have no choice. Thanks for any help.
  3. Yeah thanks man. The lifting I do is not too bad. The most i lift is around 80 pounds and that's rare. Most boxes are around 10-50 lbs. For 50 percent of the day I'm driving around. Construction seems like a more labor intensive job than what I do. I can deal with the pain, I'm just worried about messing up the procedure and results.
  4. Ok the problem now is that I am being told that I may need to take 2-3 weeks off of work for the surgery. What have you guys experienced post-op wise? I drive a truck and pick up boxes of food that way up to 70 lbs. Its not too strenuous and I can take it a bit easy. I would wear a cap for the work day though. The representative at hasson and wong has made it possible for me to make it there, but I would have to return to work right away.
  5. Actually I'm in the process of emailing them to see if they can help me out. I'm just exploring other options just in case.
  6. Actually there is a shuttle service i found out i can use for 18 dollars. The only problem is the only way i can afford it is with a cancelled appointment discount, but i only get a week advanced notice max and that is difficult with my work because they want at least 2 weeks notice. I really dont want to save up anymore because it will take another year for that amount.
  7. Really? What didn't you like about you procedure bnash?
  8. Yeah hasson and wong seem like the best. I just want to make sure because its going to be a hassle to make the arrangements to get there and the prices are so high. Meshkin seems to have great results with a smaller number of grafts, but I don't know which posts to trust. Seems like some people get paid to advertise surgeons.
  9. I've been researching hts for years now and I have been planning on having it with hasson and wong. The problem is Im going to need about 4000 grafts for what i want and that is pushing it for my budget. There is also the issue with travel because it is difficult with my job and I have no one to take me to the air port or pick me up. I live in southern california and i have been reading good things on dr. Meshkin and he would be more convinient and affordable, but i also want to make a good decision here. What do you guys think? Or is there someone better in southern california? Ive already looked at the recommended ones, but they seem to change. Are hasson and wong the best or is there someone here that can do just a good of a job? I've beem saving up for this for a long time and its not going to be easy on me financially so I want it to be worth it. Thanks for any help.
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