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Posts posted by GreatPelo

  1. I've been involved in the industry for 14 years and I use Finasteride 5mg cut in 1/4s and Rogaine foam once at night. For shampoo I use Pantene volumizer which costs me $5 and lasts 3 months. Remember shampoo doesn't penetrate skin to help your fiolllicle so get a shampoo that goes good with your hair and scalp. No need to overspend on expensive hair treatments.


    Hope this helps!!

  2. This is a mistake a great deal of patients make. If the first procedure was poor...what's drastically going to change to make your second one great??? Not knowing how great other results can be from other doctors is what keeps unhappy patients going back to the same ineffective doctor.


    Move on....there are several great doctors to choose from....but take your time and do your homework!


    Best of luck!

  3. *Actually...head DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SHAVED for FUE. There are a hand full of doctors in the US doing the No-Shave FUE....Dr. Barusco in Florida is one of them. This is advantageous because going back to work immediately is a huge advantage over the Shaved FUE method...which makes you look funny for several weeks until your hair grows in the donor (many doctors do NOT SHAVE because it's easier for the doctor to harvest the grafts...Where as a doctor that is willing to NOT SHAVE the patient's donor will take on the bigger brunt of the work but give the patient the benefit of not looking funny afterward.


    One more disadvantage is that multiple FUE methods can make donor area begin to look diffused....where as the FUT method you keep the same density throughout.


    Great info above....kudos to you, Mickey85!!!

  4. *Actually...head DOES NOT HAVE TO BE SHAVED for FUE. There are a hand full of doctors in the US doing the No-Shave FUE....Dr. Barusco in Florida is one of them. This is advantageous because going back to work immediately is a huge advantage over the Shaved FUE method...which makes you look funny for several weeks until your hair grows in the donor (many doctors do NOT SHAVE because it's easier for the doctor to harvest the grafts...Where as a doctor that is willing to NOT SHAVE the patient's donor will take on the bigger brunt of the work but give the patient the benefit of not looking funny afterward.


    One more disadvantage is that multiple FUE methods can make donor area begin to look diffused....where as the FUT method you keep the same density throughout.


    Great info above....kudos to you, Mickey85!!!

  5. Hit the breaks young man. I know your hair loss is affecting you, but you're too young for a hair transplant. Get started on therapy (Propecia, Rogaine, Laser therapy) and let's see how you're holding up in 2-3 years...let your hair loss pattern set in....and if therapy is holding good....then you can consider hair transplant surgery.


    Jumping the gun too early and then suffering aggressive hair loss in the future might put you in a difficult situation of not being able to fulfill your hair goals (hair loss being more aggressive than what your future donor can cover)....thus making you even more frustrated in the future.


    Take it step by step...educate yourself on this...and you'll be better off in the future...no matter which road it leads you.


    Best of luck!

  6. Actually, after you've healed (scabs gone) some doctors recommend using Minoxidil even in the transplanted area to give the new follicles more blood supply.....but only after healing.


    If you're working the frontal area and using Minoxidil on crown...you should be fine. You don't want to get too close to the transplanted area in order to avoid over bleeding during surgery.


    Best of luck!

  7. BrianR,


    Find any volumizing shampoo that goes good with your hair and then focus on FDA proven methods of therapy like Propecia, Rogaine, Laser and/or Viviscal vitamins. A great deal of people spend a great deal of $$$ on these systems without much improvement. Remember, shampoo does not penetrate the scalp to reach the follicles in order to produce healthier hair. Propecia interrupts your testosterone from converting to DHT...and Rogaine does seep into your scalp and attracts more blood to the area...helping sick follicles get more blood in order to keep/produce better hair...similar to what the Laser comb does. Viviscal are hair vistamins...it does not cut off DHT...but makes your hair as strong as possible.


    Hope this helps!

  8. Adam1,


    I don't think your frontal hairline looks funny at all. Maybe you've kept thinning and this has made it look undone. As far as your scar revision, try doing it little by little. Big mistake doctors make is trying to erase everything with one shot. Best is to let the scalp settle and then go back and remove more.


    Hope this helps...best of luck!

  9. Hit the breaks young man. There's no need to rush. I would consider Propecia/Rogaine for a couple of years to see if it stabalizes you. If it does, you can consider a HT Sx, which ever method you prefer. If it doesn't and you keep losing aggressively, then you'll be one happy guy for not having started down the HT path...


    Best of luck!

  10. Patient Beware! If you go to ishrs.org and find the ARTICLES link...click it and then find the PRP article. It's been used to treat injured athletes with shoulder injuries etc....but not proven yet to revitilize dormant follicles. Also, if you read the small writing under this unproven method, doctors do not guarantee results....tough cookie to swallow consider a patient is investing $1000...The jury isn't out on this one yet..


    .I'd hold off and invest your money on a good hair transplant procedure and/or proven therapy methods such as Propecia, Rogaine, etc.


    Best of luck!!!

  11. 2000-2200 grafts frontal...Finasteride for mid/crown areas. You always want to give therapy a shot first...especially in an area like the crown. invest grafts in areas where you get the biggest bang for your buck and use therapy to fill in as much as possible in others we don't see as much.


    Best of luck!

  12. Yes you have to wait. But the doctor should have also expressed during the consultation that many patients do have to come back for more density....especially when working in the frontal area. As much as equipment has improved, trying to match mother nature with just one procedure doesn't always work out. As stated before....some patients do return to get more density.


    However, you have to wait for everything to come in....then...and only then...can you start judging the type of work performed. At that point, you might be so happy with the results...you might not want more or you might not mind more.....


    Best of luck!

  13. Liufa,


    You seem to have slight receding in frontal area....but a huge amount of hair elsewhere. Since you don't have aggressive hair loss, you can try Finasteride 5mg and cut them in 1/4. I use to take the 1mg Propecia and it softened my sex drive. Now having started to cut the 5mg and taking it in 1/4, I've noticed more morning wood...so I'm very happy!!!!


    I would check with your hair specialist or family doctor about this. As far as rushing into a hair transplant surgery....don't seem to be in a great need. When ever it bothers you enough. With proper therapy and a great donoar area, you will be fine in the future.


    Best of luck!

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