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Posts posted by GreatPelo

  1. After 15 years in the industry as a patient and having had represented numerous hair specialists in the industry, on average, a doctor can yield more grafts with a strip than the FUE method, unless you're a dynamo and can harvest 5000 FUE grafts in one sitting, which I'd love to witness in person considering how tedious a process it is....


    Even taking the factor of # of grafts harvested out of the equation, the fact you're facing a Norwood 5 is a flag (warning) to take your time in deciding. Try to find a doctor that offers both methods...this will put the odds in your favor of making the right decisions.

  2. I agree with Spanker...considering, on average, we lose hair from 20-65 and you're considering never using medical therapy...you're much better off shaving your head. First of all, a little too young for hair transplant...considering you're only 23 and already showing a future pattern Norwood 5. If I were you John999, I would hit the breaks and either go all out doing the right thing (medical therapy and HT surgery)...or just shave your head. Also, considering your future hair loss to be aggressive at Norwood 5, the FUE method is not the best for you since you'll need several surgeries throughout your life...which will result in dot scars all over your donor...which will result in a diffused density throughout your donor. With the FUT method you can cover more area, have one linear scar in your donor, less transection, not to mention more affordable and a dense donor area.


    You've got a lot to think about...the best thing you can do is hit the breaks....take your time...and visit with a doctor that offers both type of methods so he leads you in the right direction without a biased opinion for one method over another.


    Best of luck!!

  3. Tyger,


    Your last paragraph where you state african americans are not good candidates for neograft (fue) and kills roots due to their curly nature is SPOT ON. Not everyone is a good candidate for the fue method, whether with the neograft or any other fue tool for that matter. This "fue movement" that is going on is going to bring out a huge wave of unsatisfied patients that were never good candidates to begin with. Unfortunately many doctors/technicians put money first before what's best for a patient..pretty sad.


    If you find yourself a doctor that offers both, then you can get an unbiased recommendation of what method is best...putting your interests/results first.


    Best of luck and thanks or sharing your story!!!!




  4. I would go to a hair specialist. Dermatologists, although they are respected doctors, don't know as much as hair specialist. I think you're on track with what you're taking and yes we do lose 100-150 hairs a day...which normally get replaced with others...but not if we have the hair loss gene. Therapy, Propecia, will help reduce hair Loss....but no therapy stops hairless 100%.


    Best of luck!

  5. If you're concerned due to the fact of being out of the sun and not being able to wear protection, at least within 2 weeks of your procedure, then take the time off. Leaving the office and hopping in your car will not cause sun damage. However, if you're out in the sun for long periods of time during your healing process, then it could become a problem.


    1 month should be more than enough time to heal correctly and be back at it. Just make sure you follow your healing process correctly as stated by your doctor and you should be alright.


    Being sick nor medication should have any affect at all. As far as shampoo, my doctor washed my hair before, after surgery and then I washed it 2 times a day every day til all the scabs fell off...so washing hair seems to be a vital part of healing. However, I didn't rub the transplanted area during wash...I used a cup and poured shampoo and water over it and then washed off with clean water.


    Hope this helps.

  6. Since the transplanted area has been poked 1000s of times, you don't want to go to the beach during your healing process (about 2 weeks) and put that skin through the ringer with a scalp sunburn. You can, however, wear a baseball cap, or panama style hat, that doesn't rub the transplanted area to protect you from the sun. So you don't have to be a couch potato for 2 weeks by any means. Sitting at work by a window will probably not result in any damage. You should be fine driving, unless you're driving a convertible and still in the healing process. You should be fine after 3-4 weeks to resume your activities 100%.


    Don't over worry...just take precautions and you should be just fine.


    Best of luck!

  7. It would be interesting if someone ever took the time to do some statistical research on the % of doctors using the NeoGraft....bet about 80%+ are not hair transplant specialists who are adding it as one more service and don't even partake much during the procedure....letting techs do all the work..including harvesting, site creation, etc....


    This is due to the aggressive marketing by the company to these non-specialist and now the aggressive marketing of independent techs offering their services to these non specialist doctors...offering their services....


    VERY DANGEROUS TO PATIENTS...I think in a year or two we'll be getting more patient reviews on their NeoGraft results....Standing by.....

  8. Just took a look at your doctors' website. Neither one has a word of experience nor training in hair transplants. This looks to be a case where the Tech did most/all the work...is that correct??? It's always recommended to go with a hair specialist. Hopefully you'll get the result you are expecting.


    Wishing you great results!!!

  9. Let's go step by step: First of all, he's involved in a plethora of services...so that tells me he's not a hair specialist....which would've been reason enough to not even visit him. Second, marketing and being close to you are not good reason to consider him....big boo boo!! Third, read your information and you yourself will realize the reasons you should forget this guy and move on. You NEVER transplant 2-3 hair grafts in the frontal....no matter what. So if you're information is accurate, move on and find a specialist....even if you have to drive a long distance. I would consider an independent specialist instead of a big company. But be careful because in your area there are a few that don't do great work. I would consider Dr. Glen Charles in Boca Raton.

  10. I'm sure his surgeon suggested the FUT because he's a NW5...which is not the best candidate for the FUE procedure. He probably has a good amount of area to cover....will probably take more than 1 procedure to cover (can't confirm without pictures) so FUT would get him there quicker, more affordable and not diffusing his donor area.


    It's important you stay consistent with the Big 3....considering you are a NW5. Keep in mind since you're only in your 30s...you will probably have more than 1 surgery.


    All the best!

  11. Great info from GreatJob...also...if we harvest a certain amount of grafts and spread them through a large area, we may not have much density throughout. Where as if we first transplant them in front/mid area, we get a greater density result....then consider covering crown area with another procedure. But the fact that hair loss if progressive, most patients will have more than one procedure anyways down the road.


    Best of luck!

  12. Shaving the recipient area is definitely not required. Doctors sometime recommend this because it makes their job easier....but then patients pay the price of looking funny and/or having to wait longer to get back to their routines.


    BTW...3000+ grafts seems like a very large amount for you, considering you have a great deal of hair throughout. There seems to be 2 red flags already here...patient beware!!!


    Best of luck!

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