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Everything posted by chriswelser

  1. hi, i love the job dr umar did on your hair, great work! just wondering do you happen to have pictures of the crown at all? I would love to see pics of the crown. =)
  2. hi, i love the job dr umar did on your hair, great work! just wondering do you happen to have pictures of the crown at all? I would love to see pics of the crown. =)
  3. Hi, Is rogaine necessary for a hair transplant in the recipient area or donor area?
  4. i buy it at walmart in canada, so i am sure walmart must abide by the rules
  5. Hi, Is there a difference between generic proscar and real proscar? I know finasteride is the ingredient we need, but it does sound sketchy.
  6. Or is it too late to apply rogaine before an october date of surgery?
  7. Hi, I am thinking about doing a HT with dr umar in october, does it help the survival of transplanted hair if one uses rogaine a few months before the HT? I read Dr Umar's pre op and there is no mention of using rogaine before the HT. I am aware you should NOT use rogaine a week or two before the HT.
  8. Hi, how long does it take for nape hair to grow in? I know at first it is very fine, but how long does it take for the nape to grow fine hair an inch long?
  9. Hi, Is it normal for a HT doctor to have a medical assistant place the grafts for them? I was going to schedule a HT with Dr. Umar and his medical assistant places the grafts and for 20$ per graft Dr. Umar will do the placement of the grafts.
  10. Hi, How many weeks before a HT with Dr. Umar should one use rogaine? I cannot get the pre surgery instructions until I give my deposit. I just want to know the answer to this one question. Thanks
  11. Hi, just wondering how long before a surgery does the doctor recommend to use rogaine? 2 months? 3 months? I am aware of the fact you have to stop using it 2 weeks before the surgery.
  12. so, i have to stop using propecia before the surgery? i would be worried i would lose hair if i had to stop taking propecia. does dr umar tell you to stop it do you know?
  13. so, i have to stop using propecia before the surgery? i would be worried i would lose hair if i had to stop taking propecia. does dr umar tell you to stop it do you know?
  14. Hi, I am thinking of getting a hair transplant with dr. umar, just wondering do you know what some of his pre surgery instructions are? He will not give out his pre surgery instructions until he gets the deposit, but I need to know what they are before I give him the deposit. Questions such as do you have to quit using propecia before surgery? Do you have to use rogaine before the surgery? I have to look presentable at work and I use gel/toppik/hairspray to hide my thinning hair, if I had to use rogaine before the surgery that would be a lot of maintenance. I plan on taking time of work after the surgery.
  15. If i dont use anything for 6 months then i dont want to want to go anywhere outside the house without a hat and i wouldn't want to go to work because I dont want everyone to know about it. But why would dr umar say 6 months and everyone else I talk to including doctors say that i can use toppik after 2 weeks? I am sure all those other doctors dont want their clients to lose their transplanted hairs from using hair products after 2 weeks from the surgery.
  16. hi, I had a consult with dr. umar in redondo beach. he said i have a good amount of donor hair from my head and beard and chest hair. i asked him about using toppik, gel and hair die after the procedure. his answer was i should wait around 6 months after the procedure but everyone else i have talked to and the research on the internet all say you can use hair products after 2 weeks from the hair surgery. why such a big difference? thanks =)
  17. Hi, I am thinking of getting a HT and I live in canada where it is cold in the winter/fall. I want to get it done in the winter to enjoy my spring and summer. does the cold weather affect the HT when it is healing and the survival rates of each hair? thanks =)
  18. Hi, I am thinking of getting a hair transplant using beard and head hair. How long after the transplant should I wait to use gel/toppik/hairspray and hair die. I use those things to help conceal my thinning hair. Thank you =)
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