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Posts posted by JohnnyDrama

  1. Thanks for the comments Simon. To be honest I haven't had a single regretful thought about the whole thing (yet anyway :)), and that's saying a lot seeing as today is exactly 6 weeks post op........which is possible the height of the ugly duckling period!


    If I find the time this weekend, I will go for another cut. Either way, I'll get some 6 week photos up. If I get it cut, I'll try to do a pre/post cut pic comparison as well.


    Like I already mentioned, I got a 2" on the donor at the 4 week post op point, and everything looked really good.

  2. Glad you're healing well mate. It's a pity your donor was limited but again, it's much better to have an ethical doc tell you how it is and go with nice, conservative approach.....instead of somebody promising you the sun moon and stars only to be left reeling in 5 years and beyond.


    We're in for a tough few months but should be worth it. I think I might actually go for another hair cut next weekend, and maybe get a 2 blade all over. I will be 6 weeks post op then so will take pics if it happens, for those interested in how a 2" looks so soon after the ht.

  3. Nice one JohnnyDrama, congratulations on your procedure. We can support each other, you're that bit further on than me so you can keep me up to date on what's coming my way!


    I travelled down from Scotland and stayed over for three nights in Manchester, becoming my second home the amount of times I've been there now.


    I've detailed my first month in my thread which is linked in my sig below. That should give you an idea of how things pan out the first few weeks.


    What kind of post-op regimen are you using?

  4. Hi JohnnyDrama,

    Excellent right up! Thanks for posting and so glad it all went well for you. Good luck with the next few months. I also am having my 2000 FUE done with Dr Bisanga at BHR in 3 weeks time so reading your detailed experience has been a great insight to what i can expect in a few weeks time.

    Stephen at BHR has also been a great help to me so far with all his emails and support, also met him in person a few months back and to see his results first hand gives me so much confidence that i chose well with Dr Bisanga at BHR.


    Hey tlk, how did your procedure go mate? Will you be documenting your experience? Would be great to see a case of similar size and timeline to myself and compare our experiences!

  5. Again, these pics illustrate my diffuse/Ludwig pattern, and should be of interest to other diffusers!


    I had absolutely no hairline work done whatsoever, or crown work. The work started just behind the hairline then addressed my forelock and midscalp area behind. I'm currently happy with my hairline. It is 'softer' on the left side compared to a slightly thicker right, but I'm happy with the position of the hairline itself. This to me is my optimal line, relatively mature but not too receded, and not too low to look silly for a 30 year old.


    Regarding my loss pattern for the future, well it's pretty tough to predict, as most Ludwigs/diffusers are. If I ever get hairline work over the next few years, it will be to mimic/bulk up my current line if it is to get progressively worse.


    The natural coverage of how my native hair fell pre-op, just goes to show how well it concealed my thinned mid area.......shown in these pre and post pics!





  6. Have also just booked a 2nd PRP visit to BHR and Dr Bisanga for next March. I'm hoping to also get to a Borussia Dortmund soccer game as myself and my dad have been meaning to get to a major Euro match for a while now.


    I'll be just coming up on 7 months post op at that point so it will be good for the doc to check up on things anyway.


    Good clean FUE there Johnny, looks great from what i can see in the pics.


    It's just the agonising wait now :)


    Cheers Rob. Yup, the next couple of months won't be huge fun. Things are hectic with work and now until December looks block booked with new clients so I'm hoping I don't have much time to even think about my head! :)

  7. Just to mention some changes in my own regimen recently:


    I have changed to 0.5mg Fin daily. I was 1.25mg on MWF but wanted to reduce the dose but also have it daily for a more stable hit on my hormones. I noticed sides last year when also on Roaccutane and 1.25mg Fin daily but things have improved.


    Also now using Rogaine 5% Foam every night.


    Just bought Jasons Biotin Shampoo. It's organic and apparently less harsh on hair as it does not have particular sulphates that can damage hair (SLS). I will also restart on Nizoral once/twice weekly.


    MSM 3000mg and Biotin 1mg supplements daily.

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