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Posts posted by JohnnyDrama

  1. In my opinion, the most important thing when considering FUE, or any method for that matter, is that you are 100 % comfortable with the clinic you have chosen in terms of their experience, posted results, ethics, patient care post op among others.


    With FUE, there are fewer docs globally performing top drawer work than there are with FUT (at least from what I have seen). I'd highly recommend you choose a clinic based on the criteria I've mentioned, and even though it may be difficult, try not to let geography dictate.


    There are quite a few Ozzie lads who have done this and have posted their experiences when either in Europe or North America.


    Oh, and I had an FUE procedure 2 weeks ago myself.

  2. You should contact the member 'Denny' on this site, he is a representative of Dr Koray. He should speed things up for you.


    Regarding Antalya, don't worry about what kind of temperatures you will be exposed to post op. What you must prevent is direct sunlight to scalp post op, so you will be wearing something on your head. Heat in itself however has little or no impact post ht. Many patients from many top clinics return home to their naturally hot countries after an op and still get great yields.

  3. Ya I suppose you being fairly slick means you'd have to be pretty straight up when (all going to plan) you have a mop to show everyone in 12 months!


    My loss is different, it was so central, that I masked it quite well. The thing I will find difficult over the next few weeks is seeing everyone one with a buzz and once the shed kicks in. I will have gone from a full head of hair (albeit centrally masked with concealer) to a buzz cut with a baldy centre. We'll see how things pan out!


    I've been out and about plenty with no cap on. As I type this I'm in a very busy bar (with good wifi). Admittedly its easier walkier around carefree when nobody knows me.


    I definitely intend starting a few runs at least over the next few days, then a few body weighted sessions when I reach the 2 weeks mark. I'm very active myself and into my fitness, so I can appreciate how frustrating it must be!


    I've only seen my gf too. The week in Brussels was long but worth it I feel, and since then we've been enjoying holidays so the craziness hasn't kicked in much!

  4. Hi guys, have been travelling again today so haven't been online much over the last day or so.


    Day 10 today. All seems to be coming along well. Everything is nice and clean now, and no grafts seem to have shed yet. Most of the placed grafts actually seem to be growing in line with my own native hair, if not even faster! There is still a noticeable contrast between recipient and native, probably down to redness as expected.


    I received pics from clinic today, so will try to get them up tomorrow or the day after.


    Getting strangely used to the short hair mind! Although I appreciate this is much easier said while on holidays and not surrounded by people who are used to looking at you. My gf dropped a bombshell earlier mind, saying that she thinks she may actually prefer me with tight hair! The mind boggles!


    I'm well aware I'm still probably in that sweet spot post ht where all grafts are in and everything is rosy. Once shedding kicks in things could change! I'm back to work in 10 days, so that's probably when reality will kick in!

  5. Thanks Bloom......best of luck with the consultation!!



    Hey spg, glad you found it helpful.


    Re native hair, as I said in my original post.....keeping as much as possible was a request of mine because like you, I feared the buzz look! The doc shaves the recipient areas, and probably a few mms outside of these zones. Since the work done on my scalp was all in my mid-region, I looked ridiculous so just asked them to shave atthe end of day 2. I'm glad I asked them to.


    With your loss however, you may be able to mask things better. I'm guessing with frontal and crown work, you'll be getting close to 3,000 FUE?


    Do you usually keep your hair short enough? If so, I would suggest maybe get your hair cut as you normally would maybe a week or so before the op, that way you don't have long native hair dangling into the recipient post-op, aggravating it.


    Most I've spoken to who have gotten FUE have recommended shaving. I can now see why. Much less maintenance and everything is easier to clean/manage in the weeks post op.

  6. End of day 5 post op and swelling is as good as gone. The forehead massages helped hugely. I think I would have had 2 big black eyes had I been lazy about it.


    Last night in Brussels so looking forward to change of scene in Amsterdam tomorrow. Should be interesting meeting my gf and seeing her reaction!


    Best of luck JD, i am sure you will get a stellar result.


    Thanks Ireland.......fingers crossed!

  7. I think Dr. Erdogan splitted some of the 911 double grafts into singles. Denny can confirm this to us.


    Speaking of PRP, do you think that it did any benefits to you? Its becoming a hype offered by top FUE surgeons these days. Some says its a BS some says that it works. :confused:


    Way way too early to tell if it helped me mate. I am only 5 days post op! ;) Time will tell.


    Regarding the procedure itself, yes it is relatively unproven in that extensive research has not been carried out, I think largely due to no organisation would benefit financially from such a study!


    PRP seems to respond well with diffuse thinners, so that is why I asked for it. I certainly can't see it doing any harm anyway, so why not try to get the best results! If it helps the condition of some of my midscalp native hairs, then great! I am looking into returning to BHR for a follow up treatment in 6-7 months time.


    I have seen a few standalone PRP procedures and it has definitely improved some diffuse thinners who did not go the HT route.

  8. I'm right at the start of HT downtime!!! :) I got 2,200 FUE last week. Two days were split in 1,279 grafts in day 1 and 921 in day 2. In comparison, 3,500 seems seriously big for one day.


    There are lots of variables at play, and all these have to be considered when saying what is better. Some clinics are set up to operate in such a way, others prefer to spread things out a bit.

  9. 3500 in two days is usually the norm. Ive no idea how Turkish clincs operate but from my experience clinics will rarely go above 3000 in a day but some inevitably will.


    Interestingly.....Dr Feriduni in the past few months did close to 3,300 FUE in one day on a UK patient who documented here recently. I think that came down to his scalp condition allowing for easier extraction or something along those lines.


    I'm assuming a 3500 FUE day would be close to a 12 hour session? Long day regardless!

  10. Unfortunately grass grows much faster than hair! :)


    Taco.....for 4 months you are doing well, the fact that you are happy with the scar so early is a huge success in itself! Regarding your recipient, I think 7 months is when a HT patient will have a good idea on where they stand. There are so many slow growers out there that so much still happens, even after the 6 month mark.

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