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Posts posted by BrianR

  1. 1more thing, I think a lot of HT doc's are to mechanical and not artistic enough... A couple hairs ever 1/8th in apart dosnt look natural, leave a residing hair line and fill the center... Its art, look at the face, not everyone is a good candidate either and need to be told, and some people look good bald.... It is art...maybe docs shuld hire a specialist to do a real good Drawing that will give a natural look?

  2. I get it, your smart, your never gonna have a great head of hair but your hair looks really good (as apposed to trying to look 16) great job, and when more comes in and it gets healthier, I think you will have a natural look.... I wish I would have thought out my hair more age appropriate....

  3. My dad and brother both have great hair....But mine started thinning at about 20, very slowly....I wore a hat all the time and hated my dad and brother and for that matter everyone else making hair jokes....it really made me miss out on a lot of life, I wouldn't go anywhere that I couldn't wear a hat...I remember it being hot and wanting to go swimming But NO!!!!LOL People are really rude and mean to most balding people....

  4. WOW!!!!!! Lol the results are AMAZING!!! Now to be honest Ive never used any other concealers before so I have nothing to compare it to...I just shook some fibond on real quick and didn't really spend anytime trying to do it right, Im kinda in a hurry and have to go to work.....Tomorrow ill do it right and post pic....Someone said this stuff is addicting before, well their right lol Im already addicted ....big deal thow, woman put on make-up before they go out, I guess? Any way Thanks and Im really impressed.....can you use hairspray after?

  5. what about without the finasteride? I had prostate cancer and im kinda nervous abut taking it, My Prostate Cancer doc still hasn't got back to me on if I can take it...But what ive read here kinda scares me even without my issue.....So Future HT Doc do you use finasteride and whats yur opinion? You have a great site here and you seem to put a lot of your own time into the site and people, I for 1 salute you!!! Nice job

  6. 2 years, really? It looks really good and I just had a HT 4 months ago. I had a strip cut out with about 3000 grafts.... Are you saying it will take 2 years to get my best results? I'm doing pretty good right now, nothing to brag about, but it's actually fun seeing more hair every week. Lol sometimes I put on reading classes and look close up in the mirror to check out new growth.....

  7. I'm scared to take propecia (finasteride)........ I just don't trust it... Plus I had prostate cancer and had my prostate removed (all is good) but I'm not sure how it would work....

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