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Posts posted by BrianR

  1. I keep the form in my wine cooler and then hold the canister in my hand (while it cools my hand it warms the foam a little) it gives you plenty of time to apply before it dissolves to a liquid..

    Good luck, I hope im doing the right thing too haha.. But the foam is a pretty good hair thickener so I like it.

  2. I've read about the foam and it does sound more easily usable, but from what I've read tpday it sounds like the foam isn't as effective at actually reaching the scalp through your hair, and skin absorption. I'll do more research but I'm wondering if it's all that useful.... I have long hair too so it'll be tough getting through the thicker hair to the thinning parts.

    Well I got this advice from someone on this form and it sounded good and now I do the same thing so ill share it with you .....He said he used the foam in the morning and Rogaine 5% Topical at night before bed....I think it was David-TakingThePlunge?

  3. Looks excellent, I think the shape of his head and the fact he has great hair helped a lot...

    Has the topic of head shape ever came up? I have a horrible shape head for being bald, Kinda pointy and narrow....But a good shape head for a HT...If my head looked a little good bald I wouldn't have got a HT....Luckily my crappie shaped head is a good HT candidate.

  4. I think getting a hair transplant is like getting a tattoo. Some guys can handle the pain, some guys can't. Luckily I handled it ok considering I had a full sleeve so I am pretty sure I can handle a transplant. Most of the results I read about talk about the pain being a non-issue or minimal.


    Did you ask why sutures were not used?

    I love that small amount of pain for a huge amount of gain...

    Now the dentist that's another story all together, They scare the shit out of me! haha

  5. I got a HT by Dr. Joseph Williams (Recommended by this site) and he gave me about 8 shots of PRP right after my HT...

    He never clamed it would grow hair, he did say it would speed up the healing process and he didn't charge for it....

    I can honestly say I have no clue if it helped, But my HT is turning out pretty good at 10 months

  6. Wow very cool a thread about sharing feelings...

    I have a father and brother that always had amazing hair, I too had the BEST hair ever (I mean I got layed all the time and im pretty sure it was my long hair (Drummer, motorcycle and long hair) It was perfect and I don't think I was a jerk at all.....1 day BAM about 23yrs old, I noticed my scalp (I had good hair for my age just couldn't handle seeing any scalp.)

    I had hair almost to my ass (really, haha it was the 70s) It killed me but I got a short hair cut to hide my thinning hair (And it looked really thick short) Then BAM again, it started looking thin short haha WTF I spent Hours in front of the mirror getting ready to go out (Fucking ton of hair spray) and then if the wind blew I had to turn my head to compensate so my hair stayed good.....AT about 28? I never went anywhere without a hat, I wouldn't go to weddings or nice restaurants, swimming, riding roller coasters, family parties, ect I planed everything around my hair! Im 56years old now and im still controlled by my hair (that's why Im here) Its so sad and weird how insane we are...

    My dad is dead now and hair dosnt matter to him anymore....

    Maybe we don't need a cure for baldness, maybe we need a cure from ourselves?

    We are, are own worst enemies.

    I talk a lot of shit, but im so vain when it comes to hair...

    The only thing I hate more then going bald is writing...haha im sure you can tell from my pinmenship...


    That felt good haha thanks

  7. Wow very cool a thread about sharing feelings...

    I have a father and brother that always had amazing hair, I too had the BEST hair ever (I mean I got layed all the time and im pretty sure it was my long hair (Drummer, motorcycle and long hair) It was perfect and I don't think I was a jerk at all.....1 day BAM about 23yrs old, I noticed my scalp (I had good hair for my age just couldn't handle seeing any scalp.)

    I had hair almost to my ass (really, haha it was the 70s) It killed me but I got a short hair cut to hide my thinning hair (And it looked really thick short) Then BAM again, it started looking thin short haha WTF I spent Hours in front of the mirror getting ready to go out (Fucking ton of hair spray) and then if the wind blew I had to turn my head to compensate so my hair stayed good.....AT about 28? I never went anywhere without a hat, I wouldn't go to weddings or nice restaurants, swimming, riding roller coasters, family parties, ect I planed everything around my hair! Im 56years old now and im still controlled by my hair (that's why Im here) Its so sad and weird how insane we are...

    My dad is dead now and hair dosnt matter to him anymore....

    Maybe we don't need a cure for baldness, maybe we need a cure from ourselves?

    We are, are own worst enemies.

    I talk a lot of shit, but im so vain when it comes to hair...

    The only thing I hate more then going bald is writing...haha im sure you can tell from my pinmenship...

  8. Nice scoot! I have a '56 pre-unit project that I'm "working" on.


    Cool do you have any pics? Even if its in pieces....

    I could talk bikes 24 hours a day, the 66 triumph is a connection back to my 1st bike...My favorite bike was my 57 panhead

    My favorite things, Bikes, working on Bikes, Boobs And Drums< You can pic any order ill be happy. haha

  9. I get what you're saying. The hair was taken from the very healthy hairs in back and now look a bit out of place up front where it would naturally be a little "faded in". The contrast of these healthy new hairs to your face is a bit too hard. Right?

    You could try going to a professional hair salon and asking them to do a super minimal dyeing of some of the front hairs to make them seem a bit more subtle. Might work.

    Also I have heard people saying that after a little time the transplanted hairs do seem to start looking more natural up front. Softer etc.

    Another option is when you go for your 2nd procedure, you could ask the Doc to try to find some white hairs in back (if there are any) and blend them in a bit. Good luck.


    Exactly! Thanks........

  10. Your hairline looks low in the photos. Mine is pretty low in the front but I kept decent recessed corners. I hope this helps me match my age when I am older. I actually wish my hairline was higher but that is where mother nature put it, and I didn't want to wait another 5 years for it to creep back to get an HT. I think you should be really happy. If you were bald it would match your face maybe, but you didn;t want to be bald, and now you are not. Count you blessings. I think you look great.


    PS: Getting a bit of a tan and dressing nice will make you look younger. You are my dad's age and I think what ages him most is his off brand jeans and shoes. He has the money for nicer things, but doesn't study that kind of stuff. There are things besides hair that make you look and feel you. You look like you are in pretty good shape. Maybe you try some new fashion, just dont try too hard. :)


    Being bald was horrible for me, I have a very high forhead and a pointy head (Not a good bald head at all) Like I say Im REALLY happy with the HT, I was just asking if I could age my hair a little bit...

    I get the feeling everyone thinks Im bitching about having hair, Im really not....My dad and brother both have full heads of hair, wanna talk about feeling like shit, try hanging around those two and listing to all their BS. haha

    Im sorry if I gave everyone the impression Im not happy having hair...

  11. Well despite the slight technical difficulty of your beard not quite matching, you look pretty damned good. I think your hairline is lower than mine - and I've had TWO HT's equalling over 3,300 grafts total, and I'm only 29! If I were you, I'd find a way to enjoy this blessing :) Congrats on a great result!


    Well being 29 again would make me happy.. Haha... I'm not complaining, but was just wondering if there was a way to make my hair look aged to match the rest of me....

  12. Could it be you had your hair line lowered too much. that it wasn't age appropriate? Why don't you shave your facial hair?


    I have a long forehead I could still lower my hair line 10 more inches haha..

    Im kidding, but I do have a high forehead and as for shaving off the facial hair, I shaved it last night (Good idea thanks?) I was actually thinking my face looks a little older then my hair..(I kinda think it looks like I color my hair to get it so perfect)<In my case perfect isn't good.....

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