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Everything posted by hairlessdog1

  1. consider the amount of time you were there when did the actual surgery start how many minutes were spent inserting grafts reasonably estimate the time to lift a graft with tweezers and insert it - approx 5 seconds in skilled hands multiply the number of grafts x 5 seconds = take that number and divide by how many techs were inserting in other words - 1000 grafts x 5 seconds each = 5000 seconds or approximately 8.5 hours divided by 2 techs = 4.25 hours minimum the more techs doing full time insertions, the less time to entertain anything faster than 5 seconds per graft insertion is simply not reasonable. This doesnt count paperwork, pre op shaving, marking, anasthesia, vallium wait time, incision, strip removal, graft recovery, sutures or post op wait time for anasthesia and drugs to wear off. Do the math.
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