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Posts posted by SADbutTRUE

  1. hello multiplier, hang in there ,and try to stay positive , SMG is a top outfit, and they will be there to help you, you had in total 2000 grafts done, im sure having the scars taken out from the first surgery has made your graft amount smaller. gets on meds and hopefully they will stop or slow down any more hairloss. and you have more grafts in reserve, im sure 2 to 3000 grafts in the front half will improve your situation greatly. one question for you , do you feel that you had good growth from your procedure at smg ?. i know its a long wait to see the results , but time will pass , as it always does. good luck

  2. whats up , welcome to the forum, i joined recently as well , and ive been a loooooooong time lurker, this is a good place to share your opinions on every thing hair related,every1 here is dealing with the same issue, hair loss, trying to stop it and trying to get some back.so your not alone, did you share your thoughts with your gf, or any family members? as far as ht. hairloss , dont hide your thoughts from your loved ones , having support will make the journey easier for you or any 1 else. every journey starts with a step, sounds corny but true, research , and talk to other ht vets here, once your ready you will be able to take the next step, good luck .

  3. thats what is so promising about temporary smp, for guys with advanced hair loss , depleted donars, n new guys, you can fill front half with grafts , and have a combo of grafts and smp to the crown. since there is only a finite amount of grafts available .your case looks amazing, and i know jotronic and spex had temporary smp work done as well.so its good to know that there is another option on the table.

  4. congrats , what a tranfrormation, u look great, i cant believe you went to a nw5 diffused in 6 months thats such a short period of time, , and have over 8000 grafts implanted, and still have 8000 grafts in reserve, that amazes me,im happy for ya, the combo of meds and hts truly made a difference for you, did you fear you would lose more hair when u started meds ,since you were losing hair at such a fast pace.congrats to hasson and wong as well.i just looked at the after picture and i still cant believe it ,WOW.

  5. hello all tommorow is the 1st day of my journey in the epic battle to get my hair back, well not really epic but anyway , i get my propecia pils and rogaine foam, then a yr from now my HT, but the question i have for you guys is that im shedding hair pretty bad now, and im worried that if i take the pill, i would lose double the amount im losing already, should i wait untill the shedding phase slows down and then start taking the pill, or start right away, im a little nervous about this , any advice ? im leaning to take the pill and ride it out, but to guys who have been on propecia , has it made thinning hair stronger, and give better coverage over time, i dont expect growth but just want to keep what i have and stregthen existing hair and thinning hair. :D

  6. welcome to the site , RELAX RELAX and RELAX , U are going to be fine , first off you have a great head of hair , how many hairs fall in the sink when u comb your hair , its normal to shed between 50 to 100 hairs a day, , if your losing more then that a day on a regular basis , get on propicea or proscar ,as they are suppose to help you keep the hair you have and rogaine foam, as well ,if you have any side effects you can always stop using it, so no harm done,

  7. good luck on your research and good luck on ur upcomming procedure, dr,nusbaum is the only one of that list im not familiar with, the other three ive heard about, and have heard good things about, you diddnt mention wether you were planning on fue or strip and how many grafts you are looking for, also what nw level are you. how long have you been researching hts.? theres alot of info. here, and you can learn alot, sorrry for all the questions, i would also add hasson and wong , one of the best strip clinics in the game, they are known for large sessions, i believe they have the most cases on the web, dr rahal ,he does large cases for strip and also does fue, he also has alot of cases shown , and shapiromedical group, the are a litte more conserative then the other two in graft count but always show good result after good result,they do strip as well as fue , you add these 3 with ur original 4, and you have a great line up to chose from, research and heres to a hairy future

  8. first of congrats on getting married, thats a huge step in life , if your getting married in 6 months you dont have enough time for the transplanted hair to grow in fully , that takes a year,so dont panic or rush into anything, ur hair looks really good, if ur concerend about your hairline , you can wear your hair forward untill you decide what step is best for you, this site has tons of information that will help you decide on what ht surgen you want to go to ,research research and then some more research ,gets on meds, and once you picked out your top three docs go for consults meet former patients and talk to some on here . good luck in ur journey to more hair .

  9. hang in there , there are plenty of options ,so try to relax.and talk to someone you can trust and even on these forums, its a place where you have allkinds of people looking for answers regarding hairloss, ht, or scar repair. so your not alone .it will get it off your chest ang lift ur spirit , , did you have a large procedure or small one, acell is being used by some clinics, but ive read some cases where acell made the scar strech even more,dont remember the names but maybe some1 else does, try to stay positive

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