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Posts posted by SADbutTRUE

  1. have you thought of maybe styling your hair different, maybe a cearser type cut, maybe some concelear in the crown and you can buy yourself some time, before you go for your next procedure. meds can buy you some time as well, good luck

  2. welcome to the forums, i can relate to the bigforehead, it stinks, 6 months is still early , most of the grafts should have sprouted, in the next few months , these thin hairs should grow thicker and longer and give more coverage, how many grafts did you have ? i dont know if all the grafts grew , but you still have time to see improvement,maybe if you style your hair different it will help hide this area for you untill a few months pass and you can judge the results again, goodluck

  3. hello all, ive been researching HTs for a long time and im woking my way to have one myself,at a snails pace,lol, ive noticed only one case during my research where a patient had necrosis of the scalp, my question to any patient rep or patient ,what causes this very rare occurance to happen and what types of steps can be done to resolve it. thanks for reading.

  4. any pic to show current status of your hair or ur before, and afters from smg, , maybe guys can offer suggestions to help improve the situation, if you dont , i respect that, you been through alot. stay strong and thanks again for sharing, if your all striped out , have you thought about fue or beard hair.i know you showed pics before but i dont remember them, . have a happy holidays.

  5. thanks for sharing your story, try to stay strong and positive, how is your hair with the results from smg, can you use concelears ,maybe this will help add thickness to the thin areas, sorry evertything diddnt turn out the way you wanted, how do you wear your hair now ? , what are your plans going forward in regaining more hair or are you done, maybe trying a different hair style will make the hair look better, thats a long road 5 yrs,

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