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Everything posted by cursed

  1. For the past two years, I have never been happy. In fact, I forgot how it was to be happy. Every single day, hour, minute and seconds, all I think about is my hair. Yes I think about my hair in the middle of the night, when I wake up, when I take a shower, when I dress up to go to work, when I walk to my car, when I drive, all day at the office, going home at night till i go to bed. I don't know how to be happy anymore. I'm always very scared to see my hair going. I hide it from everyone to this day. I never talked to anyone about this. I know I will be ridiculed and people will talk about me and my bald head if and when I decide to reveal my bald temples to the world! This life we live in is shit. It's only fOr people with good genes and full head Of hair! Sorry about the overly negative posts! It's because of my raging anger from within that I never let out. I need something like this forum to vent out my frustrations. It's so unfair ...it really is that I even contemplates suicide. I always told my self that if there were two bottons in front of me, one says to switch off my life and the other one is t stay alive, I wot think twice of hitting the off botton. I will even prEss it a million times to make me die quicker!
  2. I'm in the exact situation as you are both. I'm 35 y/o male with receding hair at the temples. I just don't get why God made us like this. There are more people out there who are way older than me but they are blessed with full head of hair. Those who are of the same age as I am are not balding. I envy those people so much because they can enjoy their lives without experiencing this hair loss shit! Why is it that we are cursed to be like this?! All our lives we got used to having full head of hair thinking it would stay. I never appreciated my full head of hair as of 2 years ago until I started to lose it. For me, having hair is normal and losing hair is not! Why the hell do people like us have to go through this? I never ever laughed at a bald guy and never made fun them. I pity why they have to be like that when others don't. For the
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