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    United States
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Hair Loss Overview

  • Describe Your Hair Loss Pattern
    Thinning on Top only (Genetic Baldness)
    Thinning or Bald Spot in the Crown/Vertex
  • How long have you been losing your hair?
    In the last 5 years
  • What Best Describes Your Goals?
    Maintain Existing Hair
    Maintain and Regrow Hair
    Considering Surgical Hair Restoration
    Considering Non-Surgical Treatments
    I'm here for support

Hair Loss Treatments

  • Have you ever had a hair transplant?
  • Current Non-Surgical Treatment Regime
    Rogaine Foam
    Nizoral Shampoo

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  1. Just curious, what happened to Chad at Rahal? He was the main rep, right?
  2. Curious, would you all say his scar is good? And OP hope you get the result you are looking for. I think you did the right thing coming here for advice. But am curious what others think about the scar...
  3. Dr Feller posted a video in another thread here saying that if you have a loose scap (low collagen content_ that you may be more prone to scar stretching. Has anyone here had an HT, with a loose scalp that can comment how their scar healed? I know everyone is an individual case but how much more likely is your scar to stretch if you have high scalp laxity?
  4. Nevermind, sorry I didn't notice the thread that was a bit more down the first page that answered that question. Appears that most agree to wait at least 6 months
  5. So, what is the consensus as to how long until it is ok to be out in the direct sun after HT? Do you need to wait a year until you have a day at the beach?
  6. Hey KO, thanks for thinking of me and mentioning that! I have certainly considered RU and almost pulled the trigger on it. But then, with the reliability of getting it and hearing of some users reporting heart issues, I just didn't think there was enough info out there to make a decision. But I sure like the idea of a topical anti androgen that works locally, rather than be absorbed systemically.. Just makes so much more sense. But, I also wonder why in the world RU was abandoned in testing, I believe in phase two? Far as CB, I don't know too much about it and the mechanism by which it works but aren't people having a hard time finding a good vehicle for it? Or what is the issue with it? From my limited-knowledge point of view I just wish there was a safe, effective anti-androgen that works as an antagonist (or whatever) and basically competes with DHT at the receptor locally and not throughout the body. But I am not going to pretend I am knowledgeable enough to even really have a firm grasp on what I am saying and am just speaking generally..
  7. Thanks everyone for your take on this! This place is awesome! It's just that, for me, I have never had anything like this done before and I certainly have not spent this type of money on any one thing before. I just really feel like I would feel so much better if the doctor could assess me in person before committing to a particular approach. I'd really like to know the total amount of donor I will have available and hair to graft ratio, all that, the best that they can tell beforehand. It's not that I don't trust an experienced and talented surgeons recommendations from pictures but I would just be a nervous wreck going into it without meeting with him first and letting him evaluate me completely, give me some time to ask some questions directly and see what else the in person meeting might bring about. Yeah, it might cost me $800 or so to go do this from where I am but I think I might rather do that, even if it meant that that money, from the HT fund was spent and I needed to wait another month or two to save it back up, I just think it might be worthwhile. How many people go travel all around and meet with more than one surgeon before making a decision? Also, would it bother you if you spoke with a clinic and after the online consultation, you then offered to fly to meet for an in person consult, and then were told that it is not necessary, would that concern you?
  8. Are we saying that in general a person who is NW5/6, without much (quality) native hair to speak of left, is a lost cause then? Even if donor was pretty good? In the scenario that they could not/ would not take finasteride for the rest of their life? See, this is why I need to have an in person consult. I would really like to know (an approximation) of my total donor supply and hair to graft ratio beforehand.
  9. Just wondering how many of you recommend going in for a personal consultation before the final decision? The obvious answer to me if yes. I feel like it would make me more comfortable to be seen by the actual surgeon performing this life changing, costly procedure. Even though they offer online consults, I really would feel better and less nervous if I had had a chance to meet with the doctor personally, ask more questions, have him examine me hands-on and for him to get a better idea about both my balding, and donor situation. Sure, from where I am, it might set me back ~$800 to do so, just for an evaluation, but would it be worthwhile to do so?
  10. Please continue to post updates. I'm interested to see when it starts coming in for you..
  11. This is great. The video responses are a really good idea. You can say so much more... and I don't have to read ... and it probably takes less time than to type once you get the swing of it, if from a cell phone. Most importantly, we like it. So, the 1,000 grafts in '91 basically did not do much. Obviously the 2,200 grafts 10 years later went well. But I was wondering how many grafts the third procedure? Would you say it filled in the front 2/3 well? It's hard to tell in the video the size of the area that wasn't touched. Have you any idea of the density cm2 in the hairline and behind? I was wondering why you did not have a larger session than 2,200 grafts. Or was donor properties an issue? I know I am asking a lot of questions, I don't know what's come over me. Andrea come through here a bit the day before. Hope you fared out well. oh, is that a reference to Anchorman there at the end?
  12. Thank you for personally replying Dr Feller. I don't mean to pry, but then again how often is it that the opportunity presents itself to ask a hair transplant surgeon about his own procedures, especially a reputable one such as yourself. I can't help myself but to ask... What type of procedures were they? The new-standard methods of hair restoration have obviously changed over that time period. But what were the procedures that you had? What were the sizes of the sessions as far as amount of grafts and how distributed? What density did it leave you with in these areas? In your reply, you mentioned that you have absolutely no native hair on the top. I fear that is where I am headed as well. By that, what NW were you naturally destined to be if you did nothing? NW6/7? When you leaned in on one of the videos it appears that the crown area was not addressed all too much. Had you exhausted the available donor or just moved on... It took me a little bit of courage to ask that stuff. From the perspective of someone on information overload and trying to do his due diligence of research before making such an important life changing decision, the feedback of every hair transplant patient is valuable, much more so coming from a reputable doctor.
  13. Awesome that Dr Feller posted a video response! Although I am certainly not qualified to judge my donor characteristics myself with any certainty, I do believe that my scalp laxity is pretty loose. I can move my scalp all around while keeping my fingers on the same part of the skin. So here I am being happy about that, thinking it will help with the amount of grafts I can obtain in a procedure and maybe also be a plus in other areas. Now i'm a little bummed that having "good" scalp laxity might mean that the scar may not heal as well. But, I am sure it is still more advantageous to have higher scalp laxity than not obviously. Anyway, Dr Feller mentioned in another video, on his way to work (cool idea), about the time when he was in the 7-11 and noticed himself in the camera monitor with hair loss. Strictly out of curiosity, does anyone know if he underwent a procedure at any point?
  14. Maines, Get your own thread, stop hijacking mine! Just kidding man, jk. I'm still working on figuring all this out myself, but the members here on this forum have been such a great help. Anyway, what I believe they will tell you is that you are right about the transplanted hairs not falling out even if you do not take fin. They are taken from the donor area and those hair follicles from the donor area are not subject to DHT. However, as your hair loss progresses, you will still continue to lose hair around the transplanted hairs if you do not do anything to address the underlying causes of baldness. You said your hair loss is 'very slow' so in that case I would think it would be very hard to guesstimate how far your hair loss will progress. I'd rather have slow hair loss than quick diffuse loss, but at least with my situation I know where I'm headed roughly because it happens at one time, although as KO pointed out earlier in this thread, the pattern may not be as predictable as I think. But, in your case it must be even harder to predict if it is very slow and receding. You should definitely put some pictures up and let the more informed guys here give you some recommendations. Please, don't be one of those guys that make me sick and has basically zero hair loss but thinks needs a hair transplant. Gillenator, yeah my uncle (mother's brother) has the most hairloss of anyone in my family. In fact, it seems like him and my mother are the only ones who really experienced obvious hair loss on either side of my family. When i'm around him lately I've been finding myself trying to get a real close look at his pattern and trying to be all sly about it, lol. He buzz's it so it's hard to tell but he has lost most all of the top and his back is lower than mine so I am becoming worried about that. But, I like the idea of a examining the scalp for signs of miniaturization, maybe that will help me determine if the back and sides are more likely to drop down.
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