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Posts posted by reverse

  1. For some reason, admittedly stupid in hindsight, I think I felt that opting to go for it and get a HT would not require me to commit to take finasteride long-term. Like it was a stand-alone solution.


    Now, I can see the logic in taking it. You can reduce the size of the session and maybe avoid having to come back for another round after the hair loss progresses. But, me being a diffuse thinner, since it all just kind of goes at once I feel like I can more or less tell what the total area is of my head that I will be affected. I mean, the extent of the pattern that I will be affected by MPB. Maybe this is not true.


    But say you have 6,000 grafts to work with of available donor. Average quality. And someone like me, who is losing the whole MPB area diffusely, and it's something around 200cm2 in total area. Could you plan out to transplant 40 fu's/cm2 to the first 100cm2 of balding area, and then 20 fu's/cm2 to the back 100cm2 of balding area? Or a blend of that?


    Obviously, this will leave the crown area a bit thin, but not bare bald and concealer may help there and maybe even scrounge some more grafts later to fill in. But, is 40 fu's/cm2 dense enough to provide nice coverage for the frontal and not be overly see through?


    Is this something that people will do?


    Maybe I am expecting too much out of those 6,000 supposedly available donor grafts.

  2. You might be a NW5 now but could be a NW7 in 5 years...or maybe 15 years if you take Fin(?)


    That is a question that I had.. Because I am balding in this lovely diffuse pattern and it has progressed a bit, am I able to tell the extent of the area that will be affected by/ succumb to MPB? Or later could my sides/back drop more? Even though right now you can pretty much clearly see the line that separates the thinning areas from the areas left intact.



    The USA is expensive as far as FUE goes, but in the case of Europe I do not believe the costs of say Dr Bisanga are a great deal more than for FUT.

    Yeah, I really wish that FUE was not SO much more expensive.



    You could get yourself a hairline with 3000 grafts, maintain the rest with fin/min, then maybe go in for a further 2500-3000 a couple of years later.

    I just can't deal with the current density on the top. Even if fin did maintain it, It's unacceptable the way it is right now. Do you think it would look strange to have good coverage only in the front and then a bald middle and top? Assuming that's what you mean.


    Thanks for your help and sorry for the question overload! :eek:

  3. You need something like 33-50% original density for it to look good.


    The usual estimate is to put a grid over your thin area, measure the number of sq cm and multiply by 40. That should give you a good idea of what you might need for a reasonably dense outcome.


    Well, I kinda-sorta did my best to just quickly get a rough idea of the apparent total area that I am being affected by MPB. It seems to be ~19"x11". This is approximately 200 cm2.


    So according to that basic guideline, 200cm2 x 40 = 8,000 grafts. Then that would provide 40cm2 which would be good coverage? (Assuming it was placed evenly) But I don't see how in the world I'm going to get that many grafts.


    A couple posts in this thread suggested 5-6,000 grafts. In that case I suppose that the frontal 1/2 would be more dense (say 40cm2), and the back less dense (say 20cm2). Is that how it would work? Or some variation of that?


    Again, I know there is more to consider than just the number of grafts but I am trying to just come to some basic idea..


    I am also speaking as if the total area on top has no native hair with these numbers. As in if I lost all of it and was bare on top.

  4. Much appreciated help!


    One thing I don't think I am understanding for some reason is the coverage achieved to the recipient area from the donor area. If I am bound to lose hair on the entire MPB area from front to crown like it looks like, then how can I get enough density to cover with, say- 5,000 grafts.


    That would only break down to 25 fu's per cm2? And that is still very sparse coverage right?


    Where would you say I am currently? About 20-25 cm2?


    About the finasteride, I'm going to ask about that and how it is expected to work with diffuse loss in a separate thread if that's ok... right now just trying to understand what I am looking at as far as the procedure itself. But, yes I do want to ask about that as well and I will...

  5. Thanks guys, it's very reassuring to hear that I am not beyond help. I mean it might look like there's some hair there but with the diffuse loss I think I would lose all that area and as of now it's not even something you can go out in public with at that length. But it's the right length for using toppik but even that isn't really working well because it's so diffuse.


    But that is very encouraging to hear that I seem to be a candidate.


    u are deff a candidate, and you are an early norwood 6, id say about 5-6 k grafts ,, that is if all your existing hair falls out

    The graft count is something I was wondering and was concerned about. Because if I'm a NW6 (and that's pretty much the entire MPB area right?), then that's the 200cm2 that they say is the area of MPB. So 5,000 grafts would be only 25cm2 if it's placed evenly, which I understand is still see through looking right? I know, it's not ALL about the hairs per cm2 but I'm just speaking generally... So, that's what I was worried about if getting enough grafts for some sort of coverage...



    Donor definitely looks good champ.

    Happy to hear you say that :) I thought already that I had at least average amount of donor.


    I notice you're not on finasteride. It really is the best preventative measure out there and it would really be advisable to try it if you haven't already. Even if it is one or 2mg a week.


    You're definately a candidate based on a dense looking donor.


    You could go for something conservative like this guy:




    or go all out with a megasession, aiming for 5-6,000 grafts in one hit.


    Or how about a 2-pronged attack of 6,000 FUE spread over 2 procedures, 12 months apart.

    I really would like to avoid taking finasteride if possible. If not for the sides, just for fact that it is a life long commitment. And if/when I did stop, then losing the hair finasteride maintained would have to be made up for with another HT anyway right?


    Whether I will do all in one session or in multiple is I guess something I really need to think about... . Hopefully whatever doc I consult with will be able to guide me there. I like the idea of 2 FUE's but I think that would be considerably more expensive right? I do like the idea of no scar but I would have to figure out what makes the most sense there. Thanks for the good suggestion though.

    I would definitely be satisfied with a result as good as that link you provided. And that is only 3000 grafts?? That just doesn't seem right? Maybe I am in a little worse position though than him but that is encouraging to see and I am happy for him!


    I think I need to think about those options and try and figure what would be the best course for me.


    Thank you all for your help and looking forward to more suggestions!

  6. Right off the bat, I know I'm in a tough situation with the type of diffuse and progression of hair loss but this is causing me so much psychological stress and I can't stand how "aware" of it I always am and how withdrawn it has made me. I really just need to ask you well informed and helpful people what can be done and what I should do.


    Here are some pictures and I look forward to your opinions and suggestions. I have had this in the back of my mind and am willing to part with the $ in order to get some sense of normalcy back.


    My worst fear is that I would get a HT and then still be in the same or worse position. Because the position I am in now is not acceptable. Even if it were to stay exactly the same as it is now, I would shave it (which I can hardly bear the thought of). And if after the HT I was in the same position I am now it would be a never-ending nightmare as I would still want to shave it but then the scar would be visible for the world to see.


    I am serious about having this done and it is something I must do if I can. I would do anything to just get this behind me, if I can be confident it will work out. I can only imagine getting back to normal life...


    Here's some pictures for your enjoyment:














    ****And just for good measure, here is one at its worst. This is after no shower so it's oily and after sleeping and basically just laying around on it in bad lighting (prepare yourself):





    There's more pictures to be found here


    Please let me know how many grafts it might take to achieve at least some decent density. I don't have to have a great hairline and am not looking for perfect hair, I just want decent coverage that's not totally see through and contrasting to the sides like it is, even if I don't have the hairline of a young person. I don't need that and can definitely live with a mature hairline or even the looks of a receded one. Just need coverage up top mostly.

  7. @1978 - The Dr. Konior in Illinois? Have you had a procedure with him?


    @Othersyde - No man i'm not on finasteride at all. I'm not because I took it previously and stopped because of sides. Problem is, the sides are still the same. I have been off of it for a year! So, either all that PFS persistent effects are true, or it's something else. And considering how psychologically damaging balding like this, in this diffuse pattern is, I am seriously considering taking it again. I have heard it works well for diffuse thinners like me also.


    I would like to discuss that with a HT doc if I can settle on one to consult with.


    Thanks so much for your reply!!

  8. I have been considering a transplant procedure. I have diffuse hair loss as you can see below.


    Complete album at wheredahair.imgur.com

    Whole album + other stuff


    Top <--Large



















    I know that this question is probably asked all night here, but I am trying to decide upon a doctor. I know there a probably a lot of doctors that are very good and reputable, but if it were to be narrowed down the top 5....?

    Ron Shapiro, Minneapolis

    Rahal, Canada

    Hasson and Wong, Vancouver, Canada

    Bernstein, NYC

    Feller, NY

    True and Dorin, NYC


    See, a lot of people have a lot of good things to say about Rahal and Shapiro, but going to NYC would be easy and there are 3 doctors to choose one to see... It's a tough call.


    I guess I have the money. Barely. But there goes getting my PPL (pilot's license), or just having some security money. But, honestly to regain confidence in myself and possibly be a little more outgoing and participating in life more, it's a justified move.


    If you are feeling particularly helpful today, please reply here or PM me privately with any insight about choosing a doctor to consult with.

  9. Hey thanks!


    Only thing is, I am under the impression that Saw Palmetto works roughly in the same manner as fin - by inhibiting 5ar1 enzyme thereby reducing T->DHT.


    Being as how DHT plays such a major role in sexual health, why would it be any different (side effect wise) from fin. Some people also seem to report sexual side effects from Saw Palmetto correct?


    What about RU, RUM, CB, PSI or whatever all these people are talking about? As they are topicals (to the best of my knowledge), is there less risk of side effects? Or does it absorb systemically into your bloodstream and body and still have side potentials?


    I'm so freaking confused by all of this. I was determined to do all I could about halting or regrowing my hair loss and researching it. now my head feels like it's going to explode with all these other treatments people are mixing themselves and then everyone arguing about the results... But, some very educated talking people have faith in them

  10. I have been aggressively diffusing, the whole top of my head. It is now really getting to the point that it bothers me. It's killing my self-confidence and all I try and do is hide it. So maybe I am obsessing but it's just the way it is. I'd rather do something about it than keep taking pictures of the top of my head and comparing and observing people's hair everywhere I go. But it sucks to realize 9/10 people, even twice my age have SO MUCH more density.


    I was taking 1mg fin on and off (mostly on) for about 2 years. It was really helping my hair but I had sides like a lot of people. I know that's always debated, but i'm not looking to get into that here. So, I stopped taking it. That's another story.. Now just Minox foam twice day, most days.


    Anyway what I would truly just freaking love to know more than anything is if there are alternative products that work, just locally on my scalp. I know, it's probably a common question but everything I have read through on the forums doesn't really point to a clear answer, so i'm asking based on my understanding:


    Works because Inhibits 5ar2 enzyme that converts T to DHT. That's great for my hair follicles but doesn't DHT play a major role in what it means to be a male? Suppressing it drastically doesn't seem like a good idea. Anyway fin does that and that means that it helps to prevent the miniaturization process and so forth. If i'm getting this wrong then let me know.


    So, I want to prevent DHT from binding to AR at my follice, not reduce it's existence in my overall body.


    Do any of these products:

    RU, CB, ASC, Equol, BIM, AHKl, the new Loreal Stuff, etc..

    ...offer an alternative? My understanding is that those products are Anti-Androgens and rather than inhibiting 5ar2 creating DHT, they rather block, or compete with DHT from binding to AR. Therefore, DHT would still be present in my system, as it is intended to be.

    Result would be the same as fin? What's the difference if there is less DHT in my scalp or less binding to AR's at the hair follicle in regard to hair loss?


    So, if I am desperate, which I clearly am, could I get benefit from these products without the risk of sides? Are there other diffusers that have had success with them (without fin)? Or, will there be some adverse systemic effect throughout my body? Do people get sides from these topicals? I just think of it as I am wearing a nicotine patch on my arm right now, and that is clearly a systemic effect.


    I just wanted to get some feedback if there have been those that have had results, without sides.. Seems like such a simple question, I have no idea how I just wrote 5 paragraphs to ask it. But, remember it's pretty aggressive diffuse thinning.


    Thanks guys. There's a lot to learn to be on level with all you guys. Coming in at square one is intimidating. I have a full-time job, trying to keep a family together, a 1 year old child, significant other who works the opposite shift as me; it's really hard to find the time to sit down -uninterrupted-. Much less actually absorb what I'm reading without going on information overload.

  11. There are some that claim that they suffer from permanent sexual side effects even after stopping Propecia. These cases may or may not be psychosomatic - impossible to know for sure. But it is a loud minority that has transformed into a large amount of fear-mongering in certain media outlets (CNN, Men's Health, etc.).

    I know it seems like an unrealistic claim. I also know that it can be psychosomatic in nature. But, other things present in my case seem to validate it as a physical issue. The decrease in semen upon ejaculating couldn't be in my head right. Things like that....


    I personally felt some slight pain in the testicular region for a couple of weeks when I started it but it went away and I've been on it for over 6 years now with no noticeable sides. It's been a life (hair) saver. No doubt I'd be a NW6 by now. But everyone is different and it might not be same experience for you.

    I definitely remember the uncomfortable feeling in the testicle area. That does seem to be one thing that subsided.


    I would talk to a doctor about Propecia and your prior experience on it. Check out the doctor's recommended on this site for a consultation. Dr. Glenn Charles, Dr. Nusbam, Dr. Paul Rose, Dr. Meija are all in the Florida area.

    Yeah, I've been having trouble choosing a type of doctor and specific doctor. I wish someone had a recommendation. I would just like someone who is aware to this issue and has an open mind and doesn't dismiss me right off the bat. I will definitely look into the doctors you mentioned though. Hope they are somewhat close by to me.


    If you start to consider hair transplantation then you should also look into the clinics that specialize in mega-sessions such as Dr. Rahal and Hasson&Wong up in the Canada. Don't let the distance deter you from looking into them. They are both on a role with patients with extensive loss such as yourself. I'm also partial to Shapiro Medical up in Minnesota. They've definitely turned my situation around for the better.

    I would definitely consider a HT. Don't know how I would pull it off financially but could be done. And yes, I would definitely be willing to travel to work with a good doc with a good track record.


    Just don't jump in the chair without doing your research. Consider checking out Spex's info program (Maximum Hair I think it's called) which would get you up to speed information-wise. Knowledge is power.

    I couldn't find any information on Spex's info program, Maximum hair. What is that? Could you point me in the right direction for more info?


    Thanks so much! You're the man for taking all this time to help me out!!

  12. First off, let me say thank you for taking so much time to help a stranger out!!!! And, sorry for the excessive multi-follow up questions



    Yeah, sorry to get all fatalistic on you bro.

    It's ok man, I'd rather the honest advice and info.


    Sides do come up now and then with Fin but if you are still experiencing them after being off the drug then it could possibly be due to something else. But if you are convinced Fin is not for you then keep up with the Rogaine and Nizoral. They just aren't as effective but you could still see some marginal benefits.

    Like I was saying, I just can't say for sure. But, the timeline screams that it was result of Propecia. I really want to jump back on and see if (hopefully) things at least stay the same. I'm just terrified that going back on will push me over the edge to be useless in the bedroom. I do have a girlfriend and it's becoming an issue and I don't think she quite understands...


    If I were you I would consult with a couple HT surgeons and get a miniaturization test done. You may or may not be a candidate for hair transplantation, but it would be good for you to find out.

    For sure would be good to find out! Do you know of somewhere that I can search for reputable doctors? Or can you (or someone) recommend for Central Florida?


    A buzz cut may not look too bad on you. Have you tried that? You could also look into concealer's like dermmatch, course, toppik, or nanogen. But there is a learning curve in applying them.

    Buzz cut huh? Never went there... Not sure I have the facial figure for it. Does a buzz cut make the thinning less noticeable?


    The best thing you could do now is shave it all off and say to hell with it. But if you are up for a lifelong battle then be prepared. It's a long road.

    I'm up for the fight. And advice like yours, points me in the right direction. I can't thank you enough!


    All of the other products you mentioned will not make up for not taking Finasteride. In fact, they really don't work at all.





    If you are really serious about keeping your hair, try half-doses of Fin for awhile to see if your body can adapt without the sides.


    Ok, here's the deal with that. Honestly, the sides (libido issue) have not gone away. I have been off Propecia for 8 months even. It's possible they have gotten moderately better, but I can't say for sure. If I start Propecia again, do you THINK (best guess) that the low libido I am dealing with now will just stay as is now without getting even worse from re-starting?????


    I mean, if the sides are gonna stay either way, might as well. So long as I don't risk becoming completely useless in that department and get even worse as a result of re-starting Propecia. As of now, it takes some work to get things going and I don't really desire it if it's right in front of me (even to the same girl I've been nuts about since before all this). The best way I can describe it is, you know how (for most men anyway), as soon as you finish (ejaculate), you basically have no interest... that's the libido moment I am stuck in.



    Your thinning looks diffuse which complicates matters as well.


    Could you elaborate? Sorry to sound incompetent...



    You are looking at NW6 within a couple years if you don't give Fin one more shot.



  14. Hello and thank you for taking the time to read my story/ post. I am here to ask for advice, educate myself and certainly hoping to receive some recommendations.


    I am 29 yrs old. It seems I began balding some years ago but much more noticably within the last two years or so. I find myself thinking about it very often (understatement). Sure, I know there are other things in life more important and I shouldn't let it overwhelm me.... nevermind, who am I kidding, I borderline obssess about this all the time. I'm always in the mirror and when I'm not wearing a hat, always look at peoples eyes to look up there and can tell some just don't say anything, but then, there's your a$$hole friends who have to make a comment and I quite dislike that. I am also in sales and it's hurtin my confidence a bit, and other areas of my life.


    I am currently only using Rogaine Foam and Nizoral. No more Propecia for me. I am one of those people who have been severly, negatively affected by it. Please, I don't want to start that arguement/ debate in this thread. I know myself and my body and there has been a major change coinciding with the time I used the drug. But, let's just not go there.


    So anyway, now that I've probably lost half the people who opened this thread, I would just like some info about the other products available and what your experiences are with them. I never knew there were so many until just the last few days!


    So, now I'm lost with all the choices/ options of products!


    It seems some information websites/ forums really push the use of Nizoral. Does this product work as well as those claims? I use it every shower (the whole time), 3-4 times per week. Could it help to fill the void of not using Propecia somewhat?


    Can Rogaine work without Propecia, but with Nizoral?


    Please take a look at the pictures and tell me what you think I could add to my 2-product regimine. Also, do you think it would be more, or less noticable if it was cut shorter? I'm just scared if I do, it will look so much more thin and all that will be seen is scalp.


    Does it look as if I had a sudden Rogaine shed from the pictures dated 7/5 compared to the pictures dated 6/30? Or is it something else or just me...


    Are there other products that have a similar effect of Propecia that don't screw with my body? That I can use in place of it? What about Revivogen, Crinagen, folligen? Can they pick up the slack of not using Propecia? <--Main Question


    Many thanks!





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