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Posts posted by davethehairbot

  1. At about the three week mark. Interestingly, it looks like quite a lot of the grafts did not fall out and are growing. I tried to lightly tug at some but they did not pull out. The donor area is still a tad bit red but some hair seems to be growing over it, not much tightness from what I can tell. Feller did say I have very good laxity, and that he could pull my scalp over my forehead if he wanted to :D


    Waiting continues....



  2. Hey everybody!


    So, I pulled the trigger (again) after some initial concerns with a failed hair transplant with another clinic. After doing extensive research around the internet, I decided to go with Feller for several different reasons.


    I'd just like to say that Dr. Feller was awesome. He was confident, upbeat, focused and funny. His staff was also stellar and they did everything in their power to make me feel comfortable. The whole procedure went by very fluidly, and I had minimal amounts of pain (besides those injections into the scalp) and a tad bit of restlessness from the adrenaline. Interestingly, the whole surgery only took the morning and was about 4 to 5 hours. This was much, much quicker than the earlier surgery I had, which took the whole day and was about 9-10 hours.


    Overall, I think (I hope) the surgery was an initial success. From my layman's observation, Dr. Feller did some clean work on my hair line. He quoted me at 1200 but was also kind enough to add an additional 200 grafts above my initial quote, free a charge. Below are some iphone pictures I took immediately after my procedure. Hopefully, I'll be able to get my hands on the pictures Dr. Feller took and I will also post them up.


    So far so good!:cool:




  3. Hey guys!


    So I just want to share my experience with this clinic, overall, experience was alright but the results have not been the best. Overall, the clinic at NYC's NuHart offices were clean, the staff friendly and extremely accomodating, the doctor himself seemed to be knowledgeable. Unfortunately, despite all these positive attributes from my visit, the results of my hair transplant speak for themselves. I felt the doctor erred on the side of conservatism when consulting with me (I'm 27 years old) but the grafts were far too few, and I even feel like I lost quite a lot of my natural hair through shock loss. Although, this may be MPB, but I have been on propecia for over a year (since beginning my first HT). The Pre, Post and current state is enclosed.


    I'm currently OMW to getting another transplant, an estimated 1200 (Although, I will speak to the doctor the day of my procedure to possibly get more grafts for added density) with Dr. Feller a week from today.


    Wish me luck!




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