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Posts posted by NoTakeBacks

  1. do you guys think sleeping on my face is whats causing this?


    Most likely. During the day our head is upright, and our body gets help from gravity. The excess fluids then get distributed through your system, and with time will eventually be excreted or absorbed. However we sleep for nearly as many hours as we're awake; so if you're not allowing your body to easily redistribute those fluids while asleep, it'll take more time.


    I too slept sitting up and had very minimal swelling that was gone by day 3.

  2. To my knowledge (and little experience) it's pretty typical to shave down the area and transplant the entire third. At that point they can place the grafts and blend em with the existing native hairs just in case they do recover. But they also will not drop em right on top of any existing hair to avoid transection. The only reason I could see completely going around a section of hair is if the Dr. determines it's dense enough as is/too risky to chance transection.



    Can't speak for longjonsilver, but in my case Dr. Feller transplanted across the entire frontal third. You can view my photo album if you want, as I too had miniaturization.

  3. Yup. The only real pain I felt was IMMEDIATELY post-op after the shots wore off. The recipient area basically felt like I had golfers sunburn. Afterwards, the donor area felt sore for the next few days. I did have to take a Vicodin during the first day after the Op. But on the second day I didn't even bother. I do have a relatively high pain threshold though.


    As for the surgery itself...hell I've had worse pain during a routine dental filling. Just make it past the numbing injections and you're fine. (Warranted your doc is good)

  4. 21, it's good to hear about the progress! That is a good sign. Seconding what Bobiliero has said; continue what you're doing and keep working out. Also make sure you're getting enough Zinc and D3 in your diet, and no worries Whey protein will not exacerbate ED. But I'd recommend natural cold-processed Whey,with none of that weird additive shit like "mass builders."

  5. Ok all! So rationally I'm prepared with the knowledge and expectation of the eventual mass shed. However, being a naturally curious guy, I'm wondering if the small bumps and recipient holes I'm experiencing in a small scale are what to expect in the immediate aftermath of shed grafts. Below is a pic of my cute follicles, and the shedding new hairline. Any comments from vets/the experienced would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  6. Oh hey I remember seeing your other thread GMSH. Actually you have a stronger forelock and better frontal density than I had pre-op. From my research, the wise words of others on this forum, and the advice of Doc's, I would recommend FUT if anything at all. The reason being you are young like myself, and it's in our best interest to preserve the donor area as much as possible.


    If you do get a sub 2000 transplant, I'd warrant you could be out and about quite quickly, as you have some decent native hair to cover with. Or if your job allows it, wear a hat! That's the main reason I was able to go to work the next day. First, I specifically grew my hair for 3 months prior to the surgery, and then wore a hat. The hair in my donor area completely covered the incision, including staples. The hat was more for protecting (and hiding) the recipient area. No one suspected or questioned a thing.: cool:

  7. Not exactly what you're asking for, but I figure I'd share my experience.


    Attended consultation. Booked the procedure after 1 week of deliberation (5 months out being earliest possible). Told boss I needed to take that day off. Got said day off. Had procedure 5 months later as planned. Went to work the next day.


    lol but that's just me.

  8. If you're that worried about the FUT scarring, I'd consult with a reputable Doc that performs both procedures. That way s/he can recommend the course of action they think will work best. Depending on your density/coarseness; FUT shouldn't be a major concern if you go to a talented Doctor. Hell I have my hair slightly longer than I usually wear it (usually get it cut via scissor the tightest a stylist can perform) and my staples aren't visible.


    If you have a decent donor area and want to preserve more for possible future HT, then FUT might be worth looking into.

  9. Up until my hair receding and finding these forums, I never thought/imagined people went to get eyebrow transplants. I can understand in extreme situations, but OP your eyebrows look fine. If you're a male, I don't see the point at all, and if you're female it's common practice to use makeup to contour the eyebrows anyway. Hell even if you are a guy, have you tried an eyebrow pencil etc to add perceived density? Dudes use charcoal etc all the time in facial hair and whatnot to make it stand out more.

  10. Thanks for all the replies guys! So far so good. Today is Post-Op Day 1. First night wasn't too bad, just popped a Vic and got around 6 hours of sleep. Luckily I haven't been experiencing any real swelling at all. Right around the recipient area is slightly puffy, rest of my face and forehead look normal.


    Work was pretty smooth sailing. I actually felt pretty good, and lasted a few hours before I popped a Vicodin. One pill lasted the entire day. Had a baseball cap, not gangsta, but not tight fitting either. Luckily I've been growing out my hair, so it's a perfect excuse to wear a hat. Too lazy, gotta get thru that awkward stage between short and long etc. No questions were asked. You can't even see the staples sans hat, let alone with the hat on.


    Yeah I've been using the cup method as described with a little bit of soap. Overall I'm really pleased so far. I'll post a selfshot sometime soon.

  11. Excellent Icecreamman! I'm pretty much a year behind you, as I just got my FUT done by Feller. I had the same fear of the elements, and roughly the same amount transplanted. Though you do have slightly thicker hair, and my recession was more diffuse, it's great to see someone comparable. Keep on enjoying the hairline, I'll be joining you in 8 months to a year. ;P

  12. Hi all!


    Long time lurker, first time poster. Yes, I'm yet another HT noob! Bravely going where many of you have gone before me. I've readied myself reading spex's prep guide, and have done months/years of research. However I come to you all seeking your wisdom and personal experience. Cut to the chase: I have some specifics I hope y'all can help me with! :cool:


    1) The morning of your HT, what type of soap/shampoo did you use to wash your hair/scalp? Have any recommendations? I figure nothing fancy or with conditioner right?


    2) HATS! Any specific type of hats you found to work well, AND look stylish? Are there hats to avoid? Also, other methods of covering/protecting the recipient area? (Not concealers, more like is it okay to wear something under a hat to protect from snags etc)


    3) The day after: How crazy am I to be going into work? (I sit at a desk.)


    Any other tips and tricks are appreciated. Post-op routines, whatev.


    Thank you guys in advance! You've already helped me a lot for which I'm eternally grateful. Spex you're awesome.

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