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Posts posted by NoTakeBacks

  1. May Odin smile upon your follicles during and after their journey.


    I read over your previous thread, so I had to reply to this one and congratulate you. Great transformation after Pass 1! It will definitely be amazing after numero dos. Plus, you seem like a good dude (and dad) from your posts/pics, so I wish you all the best!


    PS: Hey Vegeta! What's the scouter say about his graft count?


  2. Agreed on all points made so far. If you're dead set on FUE, I'd take the time to look at FUE all over the globe as it's still not ultra mainstream just yet. I agree with Rahal giving good FUE results and he's only a hop away in Canada. The real heavy hitters are across the pond in Europe though.


    Since you seem like you're set on FUE, and want to shave down your sides, I would say stick to your guns and don't be swayed from it, even if that means travelling. Hair Transplants while not major surgery, are still surgery nonetheless, and bring a lifelong commitment with them. Just make sure you understand that before jumping right in. I decided on FUT based off of months of research, a long term game plan, pricing, prior knowledge as to how I scar, and the fact I haven't shaved down below an #8 guard in 5 years. So if you do the same, and feel the same about FUE, stick with it and do it right.


    With that said, Feller, Wesley, True & Dorin would be my NY choices in that order. Beehner is good too, just a little too conservative for my taste.

  3. 3. Is Dr. Feller really one of the best in New York? I'm trying to avoid Bosley as much as possible according to most of the posts on here.


    I'd certainly say so. IMO he's one of the top docs all around, and he's pretty funny and laid back to boot. His consultations are real casual, and he certainly doesn't put on any airs. As a result, some people (especially those who have a set idea as to what all docs should act like) might consider him aloof/arrogant, as I've heard that criticism before. I dunno, I got along swimmingly so it must be my personality. In regards to graft amount and his probable recommended technique, I'd bet with mickey being right. But that's what consults are for and ultimately it's your decision.


    Anyway, NY in general is home to a strong group of talented HT doctors, so there's no reason to even remotely consider Bosley when looking in that area. However, remember not to limit yourself based solely on location, especially when considering FUE. I have to agree that the most impressive results are happening overseas in that regard.



  4. Like Spanker said, successfully transplanted hairs will have the same susceptibility to thinning as their former neighbors on the back and sides.(Which is greatly reduced if not eliminated due to their DHT resistant nature See Blake's post for details) It's important to remember that by thinning, we're referring to hair shaft diameter. Most elder gents will have some overall thinning/reduction in hair shaft diameter as they age. Note, this won't be isolated to just the grafts. If it occurs, it will effect the grafts, crown, sides and back; it'll be an overall thinning. Some are effected by this more than others, just like each individual is effected by MPB differently.


    Obviously some guys will die with a thick dense head of hair, but the majority of men who reach 65+ will experience some generalized thinning (overall wispier hair). It's just a fact of aging and genetics.If your grafts have stuck around for 1-5 years post op, there's no reason to suspect they'll just spontaneously die and fall out in the next 20.


    My $.02.

  5. I was prescribed Vicodin, which I filled the day before. You could add Acetaminophen or Aspirin to the mix, as your body processes them differently than Ibuprofen(Liver vs Kidney). 800mg of Ibuprofen is one of the heaviest duty OTC you can rock though. You can try Naproxen (Aleve) but I don't know if it can match 800mg. Maybe get aspirin with a slight muscle relaxant. And as always don't drink, as your liver and kidneys are gonna be taxed enough if you decided to mix and match OTC pain killers.

  6. Yea I have to say that in looking at your pre ops I think doc did a stellar job for you. I think this was perhaps a case of unrealistic expectations. You've gone for virtually a NW5 to having excellent coverage.


    Agreed. For only 1700 grafts that is some pretty good coverage considering the area and degree of baldness. Personally, from where you came from, I think you look respectable Pulpedfiction. With that said I'm happy you and the Doc worked things out and went through a second procedure to add some density.


    Just joined this board and this is the first thread I've read. I must say I'm confused. Why would someone who's hair is so important to them put themselves through all of this when you could just get hair replacement and look exactly how you want for the rest of your life?

    Unless you cant afford it? (pretty cheap though if you order in bulk from overseas).


    Do you at least use Caboki/Topik microfibre to thicken up?


    Not to speak for Pulpedfiction, but he did state that non-permanent solutions weren't his bag, and that he did try Toppik. So with that said, I doubt if one were not keen on applying concealer everyday, one would not want to be handcuffed to periodically purchasing a "hair replacement system" and having to get one applied for the rest of their life. At least I wouldn't.


    I would rather spend a few uncomfortable hours, and then months of anxiety/babying of lil' follicles, to end up with my own hair. Hair that will grow and change with me. Hair that is not foreign or synthetic. Certainly not hair that's glued to my head. Even though both are a means to the same end, I would not only feel like a sham, but also squicked out that there's some inanimate netted object glued to my head...

  7. I recently dropped Saw Palmetto from my regimen actually, and replaced it with Nettle Root...


    Hmmm, do you have any reasoning behind picking up Nettle Root JD? I used to take it with Vitamin C & Echinachea when I was feeling rundown, but I never did any research into using it as a daily supplement. What's your take/research on it?


    I considered trying Saw Palmetto, but the lack of medical findings are kinda meh. So I'm stalled out on the SP front, and just take MSM, Biotin, Fish Oil, E, D2 and a general non-synthetically derived Multivitamin.

  8. Not an expert or vet, but looking at 2010/1, seems like you've always had fine caliber hair. The density does seem higher back then, but it's hard to tell due to your fine caliber and low res pics. I wouldn't say you're experiencing alarming recession and miniaturization, as the temples and whatnot show typical maturation. However, I would keep an eye on your forelock and frontal third to see if the miniaturization progresses (hair shafts get thinner), as you are only 18. There's always Minoxidil and Finasteride at this stage. Also due to your fine hair, I think a shorter cut suits you best.


    Does your family have any history of MPB?

  9. I like the hairline design! That and your hair texture should make for some great results in the end. It's always hard to gauge actual growth vs expected vs other patients; just good ole human nature to reach for the stars. I echoed similar thoughts on my 4 month post, where I realized I was subconsciously measuring the transplant growth rate to my normal hair growth, despite knowing about Telogen etc. Silly brain.


    Best on sprouting!

  10. Thanks for the replies guys! Feedback is always great cause no matter how much I try and step away to objectively judge, it's just not comparable to outside opinions.


    I'm really excited to hear that around 5 months is when a lot of people's growth kicked into overdrive. Right now it's hard to see the forest from the trees. I'm just waiting patiently till the day I can attempt to style it like I used to.


    Anyway, here's one more pic with hair dry and down after a day of hat wearing. Once again fluorescent lighting, no flash, hair looking crazy as I tried to finagle it so the recipient can be seen.



  11. H'okay, I'm back for my 4 month update. While the months themselves have gone by quickly, the realization of how long a hair transplant actually takes to come to fruition has finally dawned on me. You can read it on paper and be all, "Pffft...9 months to a year? Whatever." But actually living it is a different story. No matter how much preparation and research I'd done, I still get the feeling like an antsy kid waiting to open presents.


    Another thing I never realized until now, was how many haircuts I would've received, and how fast my hair normally grows. However, thanks to this hair transplant things were put into perspective. Despite reading about transplant timelines, and knowing about the phases of the hair cycle, I must have been subconsciously thinking "Okay...in 4 months my hair should be like x, based on past experience!" Except that's comparing apples to oranges and whatnot. So, while I rationally knew the hairs would be in Telogen for awhile, emotionally I was expecting normal growth rate.Thankfully, I'm a pretty cool cucumber. Now for more waiting!


    And of course, the pics!


    Frontal and profile of hair, greasy from Minoxidil application, shot under fluorescent lighting but no flash.




    I know it's too early, but I most definitely will want subtle temple points restored and a possible .5cm to 1 cm lowering, while maintaining a mature hairline.



  12. For me, the way I see myself in my head is the way I'm supposed to look. I considered MPB to be a crime by nature against my inner self, forcing me to be treated crappier by people and be instantly placed on "ignore" by a lot of women without even getting a chance. Getting an HT only restored me to what I'm supposed to be. I don't know if there's a God or not (not religious but not really an atheist either) and I really do not care, at least in this respect; when it comes to me looking how I want and living how I want, the only will that matters is my will. Not genetics, not any God, not nature, just mine. So if I look in the mirror and I'm happy with what I see, then that's how I'm supposed to look. Same for you.


    Additionally, as for your concern about "deceiving people," you aren't really deceiving them, are you? Because an HT is permanent. You're not going to go home and take it off like a toupee, or wash it out like concealer. You're not going to "trick" a girl into coming home with you or dating you, and then subject her to your embarrassing secret of thinly-disguised baldness (like women do with fake hair and makeup all the time, by the way). Maybe this guy with hair didn't used to be you (just like the guy who went bald wasn't the same you that had great hair a few years before, but became the new you)... But it is now. This is the real you now, and there's no going back. And you should be happy about that, because you made yourself.



    Never feel guilty about having upgraded yourself in some way that masks some meaningless and superficial aspect of yourself - an upgrade that simply removes you from the radar of the shallow, socially aggressive troglodytes that surround you - and preventing them from degrading and ridiculing you. Should you have to put up with your value as a person and self worth being lowered because of a simple aesthetic detail that has nothing to do with your abilities or true self? Of course not. Will you be? Yep. Just like the smart, pretty, compassionate but chunky girls that cry themselves to sleep every night as the world chips away at them and makes them live as self-hating invalids. So always remember that society wronged you first, and you're only reacting and taking the logical course of action. If baldness weren't a negative stigma in society, no one would bother with hair transplants or other crap, would they? But society demands it and punishes those who don't acquiesce. So it will get a convincing facsimile of what it demands - and those who would judge deserve to be deceived.


    And furthermore, I have absolutely no qualms about deceiving our shallow, demanding, abusive, materialistic society. Women wear makeup and wigs and slimming under-garments - all shallow lies to boost their attractiveness. Attractiveness is a currency, and I'm not forfeiting it just because society or some idiotic, low-brow, surrenderist loser moral system says I shouldn't be able to exceed my born "place" in life or that I should just take it up the ass from genetics or arbitrary unfortunate circumstance or whatever. I mean what? Like some people get born pretty and then walk around their whole lives and get compliments and preferential treatment and get paid better (yes, all true - there are decades of study in this field) as if they achieved something? And those of us who aren't so lucky are just supposed to accept some shitty supporting role in life as invisible second-class citizens and live in their shadow begging for handouts just because of a random roll of the genetic dice? Fµ?|< that. As long as you're not harming someone else, you have the right to have anything in life that you can build or take. That's capitalism. That's freedom. Love it. Live it. Never look back.


    I see balding guys take crap time and time again, whether being automatically discounted as potential partners by judgmental women or just the occasional smart-ass comment that I know digs at them even though they try to hide it. As I stand there with my permanent "fake" hair as a contrived piece of my social armor and camouflage, there is never one second where I think to myself, "Gee, I sure do feel guilty since I know that I really actually belong over there getting degraded and ridiculed at with the bald guys who haven't made an effort at self improvement, and here I am over here, irresponsibly avoiding the righteous punishment that I justly deserve for... uh... getting born, I guess." The drunk retards in those YouTube Epic Fail videos should be ridiculed - for their idiotic choices. You and I should not suffer ridicule for the way we were born. And the only way to avoid it, sadly, is to take charge and modify the way we appear to have been born in order to fool society's sensors.


    Life isn't a ball game or a boxing match with rules. People like to try to make social rules that benefit themselves and people like them, but those aren't real rules. Consequently, there is no such thing as cheating in real life. You are what you make yourself, and that is final.


    Remember that. And believe it. Because it is absolutely true.




    ....It's like a lose-lose situation, a catch-22 that victimizes anyone without perfect genetics, like in that movie Gattaca.


    In light of your recent post in this thread, I can finally relevantly thank and comment the above quote! Thanks for taking the time to write all that out. I have the same outlook and notions, but never took the time to put all that into words. Hell, the reason I choose this handle stems straight from the same school of thought expressed in your post.


    Basically, this is how I am supposed to look; this is how I DID look. Screw you nature/genetics...THERE ARE NO TAKE BACKS. I'm reclaiming what is mine. You had no right to give me something so awesome and cruelly decide to take it away. I won't go down without a fight, mark my word.


    Plus same thing about society, et al. Tons of people in their everyday life, use shit that's more fake when compared to the logistics of a hair transplant. It is our hair. They're just being relocated where something once was. There's a reason why this is called the Hair Restoration Network.


    Bonus points for Gattaca reference.

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