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Posts posted by newguyintown

  1. I don't really mind the ugly duckling phase, currently am more worried about the present 'hairstyle' and not really sure how to handle it. Am off from work for 8 more days. I wear suits to work and haven't found any headgear which goes with it. Any suggestions guys?



  2. Ok so here it goes...


    HT was never really on my mind. I just kept thinking that may be I will get it done if one day I am totally bald. In April of this year I started contemplating it seriously since I realised extent of my baldness. At the same time I started looking for various resources to do my research before taking the plunge and came across this wonderful website/forum. So after reading up a lot of articles and various threads, I made up my mind and wanted to get an HT done. I started reading up on doctors in India and had shortlisted a few and sent them emails with my pictures and asking for their opinion.


    I finally chose Dr. Radha (and I am SO SO happy that I did) and tried to schedule an appointment with her during last week of June but couldn't because of work. Finally had it scheduled and reached Vizag a day before the surgery. (May I suggest you guys to check out Fortune Inn Sree Kanya for your stay, a very nice hotel for a very decent cost)


    As per the plan I met Dr. Radha a day before the surgery for a proper consultation during which we discussed the strategy (recipient area, number of grafts etc) for the surgery and what should I expect. Dr. Radha was very helpful and explained clearly about how much grafts should we be targeting and how can we use them (by marking lines on my head) during the discussion. Dr. suggested to have density instead of lowering the hairline and I agreed; so the plan was to get anything between 3500-4000 grafts and use them to increase the density in the front and at the crown. I was given some kind of shampoo to wash my head that night and next morning before the surgery and some pre-surgery instructions like not to have any tea/coffee etc.


    Next morning I reached the clinic at 8.30AM and was made to change in the clinic clothes and was given some antibiotics and valium to relax. Later had my pics taken (attached) before the surgery and then had the tentative markings on the head for the recipient area. Doctor also gave me a rough estimate about the number of grafts which we will be able to get from the donor area (and she was spot on!). We moved to the OT next where the first session was the extraction of the donor strip. I lied face down which took about two hours approximately. There wasn't much pain and whenever there was going to be an injection I was always told by the doctor that there is going to be a small prick. I loved that part, all the transparency, keeping you informed at all times. the most difficult part for me during that session was lying face down :D, felt a little suffocated but the doctor gave me a break whenever I wanted it.


    After a small lunch break (during which delicious lunch was served!), we resumed and the separation of grafts according to the number of hairs was still being done by the doctor's assistants. Starting with the front, the grafts were planted as per the earlier plan and then we moved to the crown area. I am not sure if I was very fidgety but I was given valium which put me into a half awake/half sleepy state.


    Unfortunately the density in my donor area was just about average and we were able to get only 3090 drafts )(doctor predicted 3000 before the surgery so a small part of crown which was also in the plan was left untouched. We finished at around 6/6.30 after which the doctor met me again and explained how it went, told me the number of each type of grafts and the total number of hairs (I didn't quite note it down) and gave some of the post surgery instructions. Went straight to the hotel after that, ordered room service and went to sleep without any pain though I was given pills to have should there be any pain.


    Next morning went for the hairwash and was told how to wash it properly for the next 2 weeks atleast. Was also given antibiotics and painkiller for the next 4 days. I quickly asked some of the questions I had (I made them work on a Sunday :( !) and left to check out and catch the flight.


    All in all, I LOVED how Dr. Radha (and her staff too) took care of me and was there almost the entire time of the surgery. In fact whenever she went out of the OT, she mentioned that she is going and will be back in a few minutes. I really really wish I could goto her for any medical issue that I may have. She wasn't even worried about the payment, I made a calculation error and was a little embarassed when I realised had given her 10 grands less (she charged only for 3000 grafts). Fortunately realised that in time and quickly got the rest of the money from the ATM near her clinic.


    And the let the ugly phase begin! :D










  3. Hey guys!


    I finally got my HT done with Dr Radha in Vizag. I really have no words about how great she is, I wish I could go to her for all my medical troubles! :)


    Just wanted to start this thread and will post details (elaborate details :D) and my overall experience once I am home and also have pics from Dr Radha.



  4. Thank you Spanker and Blake,


    This is why this forum is an excellent place for everyone interested in all things 'hair' :)



    When you guys say reinforcing the hairline, do you mean increasing the density of existing hairline?


    The loss in crown is fairly recent and I am hoping I'd be able to maintain (if not regain) the existing hair there and beef up the density just a tad bit with HT. I am definitely looking to lower the hairline, guess that will all depend on the donor hair, physiology etc.


    Yes, I am considering Dr Radha and am already in touch with her (with a few other too, but she has some excellent reports here), hopefully will have a in-person consult soon followed up with the HT.


    Thanks again guys.

  5. Thanks Blake! That was really helpful.


    Guess need to ask a few people about how long did it take them to get back to work after their HTs.


    I am currently using 5% minoxidil for the last 3 weeks now. I used minoxidil and propecia for around 1.5 month and then stopped them (just got careless).


    I am looking to have a lowered hairline along with restoring density in the crown area. My guess is I need 3000-3500 grafts to achieve that.

  6. Hi guys,


    I am going to go for FUT method for getting a HT done and had a couple of queries about the method:


    1. Are the stitches 'absorbable' ? If not, how long will need to wait to get them removed? (I will be visiting the doctor's clinic/city only to get my HT done and don't want to spend a long time there)


    2. I have seen people (here on the forum) not clipping their hair and having a funny hairstyle with small hair in the recipient area and hair on the sides and back are relatively bigger. Is it not recommended to clip your hair immediately after the HT ? If not, how long do I need to wait before I can clip my hair?


    I work in a business consulting firm and it would be really really weird to carry that 'funny' looking hairstyle.


    Also I would like to see your comments on the number of grafts required by me to have a natural looking 'normal' hairline, please refer my pics here:





  7. Thank you Hariri.


    I've been reading up a LOT and have been led to believe that FUE is a good option only for people who need a small HT done. So I guess I am going to go with FUT with say around 3000/3500 grafts to have a good coverage both at the front and top. Would that be sufficient?


    Also I am already in contact with Dr Radha and looking to book an appointment with her after having some of my queries answered.


    Thanks again!

  8. Thank you Hariri and David for your replies.


    I am also leaning towards choosing Dr Radha as there are nothing but good things to read about her here.


    One thing I have still not been able to make up mind is whether to go for FUT or FUE. I really can't decide at all. Can you guys help?


    Does FUT really leave a big scar? And is it true that FUE has relatively very lower yields than FUT ?

  9. Hey guys,


    I am a 29 year old guy from India and have been losing hair for quite some time now. As is the norm I was first in denial and then put it on back-burner (was kinda careless).


    I have now lost quite a bit of hair (think am a Norwood III Vertex) and was looking to get an HT done in India. I have read a lot of posts on this forum about several doctors in India including Radha, Dr Madhu and Dr Mahadevia. I have also researched elsewhere on the Internet about other doctors and clinics.


    Dr Radha seems to have an excellent reputation here but so far she (or anyone else from her clinic) has responded to my repeated attempts.


    I also contacted Dr Mahadevia who was very prompt in replying back and has been fairly satisfactory as well. However looking up his name on this forum produces mixed results and I am not really able to make up my mind about him. Even though it seems like a lot of posts about him are quite dated and I haven't seen any recent posts about him.


    Also I am not really sure if I should go in for FUE or FUT, looking at my pics can you guys comment, what should I go for?


    What do you guys suggest? Any other comments about the method of HT or number of grafts are welcome!


    Thanks y'all.





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