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Posts posted by Gandolf

  1. Kcchiefsfan1982,


    You need to do a LOT more research before having a hair transplant. Just the fact that you mentioned Bosley means that you have barely done any research online at all (their repuation is HORRIBLE). As someone before me already said, thank your lucky stars that you came here before taking the plunge on this.


    Several points:


    1)I am not a doctor nor an "expert" but I think you will need more than the 800-1000 grafts that you were quoted to get a good result. Sure, it can be done with less, but it will look sparse and not natural if you don't use enough. I would get a 2nd and 3rd opinion before going through with such a low graft count


    2)You're crazy if you base your decision on where to have a HT by the city you live in. HT is not like other forms of plastic surgery like getting a boob job or a facelift. Those procedures are much more straightforward and there are literally 1,000s of good surgeons out there turning out good results and one is available probably in any major city. HTs, on the other hand, are much more of an art, and there are less highly skilled doctors out there turning out truly good work on a consistent basis. In my opinion, there is a very significant drop in quality even when comparing the absolute best 2-3 doctors to, say, the 10th best doctor out there. Once you move outside of the several dozen that are recommended on this site, your odds increase EXPONENTIALLY of getting a bad result.

  2. This patient's hair looks almost just like mine, especially from the back. I hope I get as great a result when I have my procedure with Dr. Rahal. To everyone making a big deal about the placement of the hairline, it doesn't look to me like it was even lowered very much in the center, just in the corners. And 2084 grafts is just a fraction of his lifetime donor supply so I fail to understand all of the fear mongering here.

  3. Hi all, thought I would update on my progress so far. Im four months and a week out from my op now. There is some good growth on my left side with more new shoots popping through. The shape of the hairline is great on this side too. The right side is a fair bit weaker which is a little disappointing as the hairline was not lowered on this side, the idea was just to fill it in here and create a natural hairline. I know its still very early days yet so we'll see what the next few months brings.


    Ive noticed probably about ten or so dried plugs drop out long after the shedding phase which im not sure are failed grafts. The odd transplanted hairs have shed (after regrowing following the shedding phase) but im told this is normal and can happen. I'll let the photographs do the rest of the talking.

    That looks pretty darn good for just a little over 4 months. I think you are going to be pleased once this is all grown in. Thanks for your detailed write ups and good luck.
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