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Everything posted by bensd85

  1. Hi RCWest, This is off-topic, but I was just looking through your signature and am curious about your hair loss routine. So, you take spiro orally? Do you experience side effects? I would think that with all those pills, your sex drive must not be that great. Do you take anything to offset the effect of those meds on your sex drive? Thanks, Ben
  2. Hmm. Thanks for the feedback, guys. That's as I feared. Weighing hair loss versus erectile dysfunction is definitely not a fun choice . . .
  3. Hello! This is my first post to the forum, but I've spent a good 15-20 hours reading and researching other's posts, and you seem to be a very well-informed group when it comes to hair loss. Basically, I've been trying to refine and improve my hair loss regimen over the past year or so, and am hoping to get some feedback. Some background on me: I am 26 and my hairline has been receding since I was about 19 and am approximately a Norwood 2. Over the past year, I have been using Rogaine foam, Procerin (which includes saw palmetto and a number of other vitamins/nutrients) and Propecia. Over that time, I have not lost any hair and have experienced some mild re-growth on my hairline. However, I have recently decided to stop taking Propecia due to the side effects. I initially started taking 1 mg of Propecia every day and experience a significant decline in sex drive/ performance. So, I decreased the dosage to 1 mg 3 times a week and the side effects seemed to decrease (but not go away entirely). However, the past two weekends I have had opportunities to have sex with very attractive girls and could not get an erection. It is clear to me that the cause is Propecia and so I have decided to stop with it. I am otherwise a very healthy and active 26-year old. Here is my new regimen: Rogaine Foam 2 x per day Procerin pill 1 x per day 5000 mcg of Biotin 1 x per day 2% Nizoral 2 x per week 500 mg of Evening Primrose Oil 2 x per day Spiro Cream 1 x per day Basically, I am just trying to see if there is anything obvious that I am missing. My big concern is that now I am off the Propecia, I will lose all the gains I experienced over the past year. It also seems as though it may be a good idea to add a hair loss shampoo on the days I don't use Nizoral. Any feedback is much appreciated! - Ben
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