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Posts posted by newbie33

  1. Basically I'm disappointed by his site because I think it's demonstrably incorrect in some places, and fairly leading in others. I'm disappointed because I think he has some very good results and when I consulted with him, he didn't say these things. Anyway...


    Follicular damage and quality of units - "more than 30%... may be" in strip. "No damage" in fue. So the question is: which procedure causes damages/transects more grafts? (I think it's fairly accepted FUE would be the answer). Or, put it another way, from the possible/attempted number of grafts taken during a procedure, what is the percentage which remain viable for implantation and growth?


    Scarring - is it true that FUE gives 'no kind of scars whatsoever'? (Again, I don't think Lorenzo would say it's scar free).


    Strip graft limit in one session - is it an absolute maximum of 3500? (We can pretty much google plenty of results over 4000)


    I'd also ask about comparing strip, where techs naturally do some of the work, versus fue, where the site says a doctors does all extracting and implanting, as I think that isn't the case with Lorenzo now.


    And while there's mention of scar tissue limiting possible future number of grafts for removal in strip, there's no equivalent mention of the possibility in FUE. Is that a possibility?


    Also, I'd want clarity if there is possible nerve damage with FUE. (My guess is no - which is what the site says).


    And a question for you, Dr Feller: on the average man, how many viable grafts are able to be removed without being noticed (i.e. to the naked eye, with hair covering the scar, so no one is any the wiser of a procedure) with strip, and how many with FUE?


    I ask that because you say that fue scarring can limit further procedures, but Lorenzo seems to manage to get 5000-6000 over a few passes pretty regularly.

  2. Somewhere near the beginning of this thread I said this type of debate makes me less likely to have any sort of transplant. I said this because to a large extent we laymen rely on 'expert' advice, and what I've read or been told by various reputable doctors seems contradictory.


    I think we'd nearly all agree Lorenzo is in the top tier of FUE surgeons. Yet his website directly contradicts a fair bit of what Dr Feller says. I think it isn't entirely consistent with what he'd tell me himself if I asked him.


    Here's Lorenzo's website comparing strip versus fue: differences_fue-strip (or if the link gets blocked, look on site under the 'Technique' tab and then 'Differences FUE-Strip').

  3. Thanks B7ryn. I'm trying to convince myself I can do it without anyone noticing (or my work colleagues anyway), but I'm sure that's not the case, even if they didn't say anything.


    Not sure why I want to remain secretive about it. Not to show vanity, perhaps, or admit the 'weakness' in the first place of receding. Hey ho.


    Good luck with your hair growth!

  4. Gazza, Feriduni (Bijan is his first name) is based in Belgium. For what it's worth he's on my shortlist of doctors. He does FUT and FUE. He's a nice guy and seems to stand by his results if things go wrong. He does - for my money - the most natural looking hairlines.


    You can send pictures online to all the best doctors and get their opinions about what they might be able to do for you. Most do free consultations in person, too, and some travel to the UK annually.

  5. If you can't see reviews of the surgeon, it's pretty questionable if you should be using him. This is elective surgery - you can take your time and research it properly to find a surgeon who can match your expectations.


    There are a couple of UK recommended surgeons on this site. But I think if you research you'll see that you might want to leave the UK.

  6. I just took a look at their website. I can't see it mentions a single surgeon by name - and looks like the limited results on there are from different doctors. Who is going to perform your surgery?


    You've got to make your own mind up - but based on the lack of information I wouldn't even be tempted to use them if they offered me something for free.

  7. What's your family history of baldness? I'm no doctor, but it looks like you'd be heading for a fairly high Norwood from a young age. So you need to do a lot of research and do a lot of thinking and planning before contemplating a HT i.e. you're likely to always be chasing your tail.


    You don't say what your expectation is, but I'd wager 750 grafts won't meet it. Don't jump into anything - the chances are you will regret it if you do. Take a look at this and other sites. Email doctors (not ones in Australia - try some of the recommended ones on here). Get opinions from the top doctors like H&W, Feriduni, Lorenzo, Konior, Rahal etc. (there's a mix of strip and FUE there).


    And good luck.

  8. I've no dog in this particular fight, other than I've been considering a HT and therefore researching for nearly three years. I thought my mind was settled a few times about types of procedures and surgeons but I continue researching because I want to get the best result I can and be as sure I can be before there's no going back - like most people on here.


    The irony of debates like this one is that it doesn't persuade me one way or the other for strip or FUE; for one surgeon over another. It makes me (again) question having any sort of HT.

  9. Thanks Dave.


    Yes, he's back in Madrid now, so some of his techs are helping - I think doing extractions only Correct me if I'm wrong, anyone?


    I've consulted with him and am seriously torn between him and Feriduni. I've not really seen anyone in the flesh after their procedures, though, just pics. That's what's putting me off having it done at all. I know the camera can lie.

  10. Joey, do you know why Super Millions worked better than Toppik for short hair?


    I'm thinking about getting a HT and in all likelihood would want to use concealers asap afterwards, but am a bit worried that they just won't work on such short hair, or so little hair if I shed badly.

  11. I agree with the posters above. Difficult to see how this can be considered a good result - or any of those posted on his website - by today's high standards.


    With the results listed on the site, and the fact that nowhere in the doctor's bio does he even mention skills in hair transplanting (extract below), I wonder what on Earth made these guys go to him. They must not have done any research.




    Board Certified Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon


    Past President of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, and located at the Quatela Center for Plastic Surgery in Rochester, NY, Dr. Vito Quatela specializes exclusively in facial plastic surgery such as rhinoplasty, otoplasty, brow lift, and facelift. Dr. Quatela, a recognized leader in the field of aesthetic surgery, is Board Certified by the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (ABO).

  12. Speaking as someone who is 35 I can tell you it's fairly likely you will care when you're 35. And 45. And 55. The point the others are making above is if you get bad advice or a bad procedure now, you're potentially going to have fucked your options in future.


    Don't jump into any procedure. Seriously, the more you research and the more you know, the longer you'll take to make a decision. I think I've been toying with the idea for abut two years and I could well have had one after a month of looking had circumstances been different. And I'd have likely made a pretty crappy decision at the one-month mark.


    The advice you've been given is sound. Take meds. Research. See where that leaves you in a year. Or just give it a few months. But don't do something rash.

  13. Very interesting. I basically had exactly the same top 5 list. Now I've narrowed it down to 4 - with one I need to research a lot more. But I think in my heart (if not head) I've got it down to Lorenzo and Erodogan - and then, as you say, it comes down to cost and availability. I suppose my preference is Lorenzo, but I'm struggling to justify to my inner bank manager the significant cost difference between him and Erodogan.


    Keen to follow your journey anyway. Sure you'll get a good a result as possible from any of the short list, really.

  14. And thank you Gill - and to the many others I've read on here, or, more unfortunately, been able to see their poor results. Let another man's shipwreck be your sea mark, and all that.


    Always thought Danson wore a full hairpiece in Cheers. But looking at his latest hairline pics it appears not - seems to have a naturally low hairline which is now starting to thin. Bloody good hairpiece and haircut to match all of that together, though.

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