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Posts posted by ILikeMyHair

  1. Definitely does look like shock loss. Generally most shocked hair grows back within 4-6 months. In most cases that i have seen its grown back.


    Are you on Propecia?


    May be some of the senior posters could comment but would MSM help bring the shocked hair back?


    Early days for you buddy but try not to stress and see where you are in a few months.


    No I'm not on propecia but why would that matter for the donor hair

  2. Minoxidil is not necessary for transplanted hair, however it will keep the non-transplanted hair longer if you use it, the hair at the donor site won’t be affected by minoxidil, my suspicion is that the clinic wants you to use it to improve any shock loss you may experience at the donor site.


    It’s wise to try and slow down your hair loss, if you can’t tolerate minoxidil have you tried finasteride? It’s more effective, it’s not without side effects however a small percentage of men get side effects so worth trying.


    I have tried finestride. Got sides from that too. I mean minox isn't that bad. Just felt a little light headed. I think if I use a little less next time, it should be fine. Just don't want to use it forever. I was wondering if I need to use it on the donor hair after the shock loss hair come back?

  3. Hi Guys.


    I'm interested in hearing some feedback from people who are using the latest version of H&W's topical finasteride. I read a few of the blog posts on their website and it sounds as if it is very effective - at least as effective as the oral version. They mention that they have 800 patients using it. If any users could comment on their experiences thus far - side effects, effectiveness, ease of application, etc. it would be much appreciated.




    I did use the topical finestride 2.5% version. And at first I had started applying much lower than the recommended amount to see how I would react. Everything seemed fine for the 1st week. Then I started applying the recommended dosage and on the 2nd day of using the recommended dosage I got pretty bad headaches and also my eyes were hurting when using the computer. Had some vision issues not being able to focus properly. Couldn't think properly. Also for some reason, when I was on oral finestride for more than a year, I had started experiencing pain in a lot of my joints and was very prone to injury. The pain slowly went away 5 months after stopping oral fin. When I started this topical solution I started feeling sharp pain in my joints again. I thought about lowering the dosage, but talked to the pharmacist and she suggested I should just stop it as it seems serious. So I stopped using it and decided to go for another hair transplant. Wasted $240 for 3 month supply and only ended up using for 2 weeks.


    Also I wouldn't describe myself as having a normal state of mind. Been pretty anxious and having bad sleep for a few years. So maybe that might have played into it since Dr. Wong said nobody has reported any side effects so far. For me it wasn't worth the sides. Sides went away day after I stopped using it.


    Didn't experience any other side effects other than the ones I mentioned.


    Applying it is easy like rogaine.

  4. I got an 2500 graft FUT transplant on my hairline.

    I have some shock loss above and below the FUT scar.


    The clinic recommends to use 5% rogaine on both donor scar area and the recipient area for 1 year.


    Is it necessary to use rogaine for donor and recipient area? What's the point of getting a transplant if you had to use medication afterwards too. Also if I discontinue rogaine will my hair at the donor area fall out? Also will the transplanted hair fall out?


    I started using it day before yesterday and today I after applying it I feel a bit lightheaded. I don't really like this feeling and can't see myself feeling like this for a year. I'm just hoping to use it for 4 month on the donor area till the shock loss hair grow back and in the receipient area for 6-7 months till I see a decent result. IS this a good plan?

  5. I got an 2500 graft FUT transplant on my hairline.

    I have some shock loss above and below the FUT scar.


    The clinic recommends to use 5% rogaine on both donor scar area and the recipient area for 1 year.


    Is it necessary to use rogaine for donor and recipient area? What's the point of getting a transplant if you had to use medication afterwards too. Also if I discontinue rogaine will my hair at the donor area fall out? Also will the transplanted hair fall out?


    I started using it day before yesterday and today I after applying it I feel a bit lightheaded. I don't really like this feeling and can't see myself feeling like this for a year. I'm just hoping to use it for 4 month on the donor area till the shock loss hair grow back and in the receipient area for 6-7 months till I see a decent result. IS this a good plan?

  6. Please take this advice; just let it be. No offense intended. It will resolve. Just takes time.


    Try not to let it affect you - there is NOTHING you can do about it except wait for it to grow back.


    Don't get worked up about it. Just comb your hair in the back over it and be on with your day.


    No one will even notice.


    Well it has ruined my plan for how I was going to hide my transplant. I was thinking of getting a short haircut down to #5 all over the head by the 2nd month and all my hair would've been equal length by that time. The hair in the recipient that was shaved would be grown to a #5 or longer by that time. So that was my plan and now with this huge donor loss there is no haircut that will work. The front will take 4 month to get to the same length as I need in the back to cover up the donor. Have to wear a cap to work now for 4 months which looks super weird in a professional setting. Even combing hair over it doesn't completely cover the scar. Probably need to use concealer to cover it which I don't know if it'll affect the growth of the hair or not. So I don't know if I should use Toppik on donor area or not.


    But of course all I can do is hope for the best, but I just have had bad luck all around in life that for me it doesn't seem like it's going to come back.

    Even my last surgery with such a renowned clinic as Hasson and Wong yielded really poor growth. :(

    Dealing with hair loss since 17 years old. Every little thing gets to me now as I have lost faith in my luck.

  7. It is common when you had multiple previous surgical sessions with FUT or FUE as you have had previous surgery mentioned in your bio. This kind of shock loss is not permanent. Hairs would be regain from same portion in 6-7 months. which is the maximum amount of time.

    I got my surgery in 2017 and my donor shock loss was recovered in 6 months.

    This type of shock loss is temporary


    Was yours as bad as mine? Do you have any pics of your shock loss. It'll put my mind at ease to see the shock loss pics and then later see them filled in.

    I probably need to take pills for my anxiety with this.

  8. This is definitely not normal...and it appears that these are dried out dislodged grafts that have many hairs in them.


    This seems normal to me. It makes sense that the hair has shed at day 25. It was already shed by the root and only remained on the scalp because it was anchored by the scab so when he removed the scab it came off. This is normal hair shed. And he's noticing a lot of these because he's just removing the scabs at day 25.

  9. Got HT for 2600 grafts FUT with Dr. Suneet Soni from Jaipur, India on Mar 14.


    Here are pics upto day . Will be updating this thread with my progress.


    How does it look so far? I was concerned with density as my pre transplant hair looks thin at the hairline. He offered to improve density and also lowered the hairline in a V shape.





  10. Got 2500 FUT done by Dr. Suneet Soni in Jaipur, India.


    Was wondering if my pics look normal. On day 8, my head looks a lot emptier at the transplanted site than the days before. Is this normal for hair to shed along with the scabs? Can you guys look at my pics and see if everything looks good. For the first 7 days I had dabbed my head with shampoo foam and rinsed after. Day 8 i gently scrubbed my transplanted area with rolling motion and using shampoo foam.


    As you can see the first pic is Mar 19 (Day 5) and 2nd and 3rd pic are Mar 22 (Day 8). You can see that day 8 is a lot emptier and has much less hair than day 5. This is normal right? Also I'll lose all transplanted hair by 1 month right?


    The last pic is from day 4.


    Also can you guys comment on the quality of the transplant? thanks.






    I went there for surgery and to get a high # of grafts w/excellent trichophytic closure techniques and to literally save 75% off USA retail and I was on my way to Hong Kong and Shenzhen China to visit with my best friend for another month or so after my surgery.


    I could have paid USA retail prices for less grafts in one FUT surgery - but what for?



    Can you share the price per graft he charged? I can't find that anywhere. I believe he has standard rate for everyone?

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