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Blog Entries posted by Truehair

  1. Truehair
    I'll start by apologising as I'm in the UK. I run a new company and our new hair system is groundbreaking and offers a solution to hair loss sufferers. I have typical male pattern baldness. But right now as I sit and write I have a full head of hair that is impossible to detect. I'm looking for some honest and genuine hair salons in the USA to use and offer our systems to its clients. I'm not going to mention our system or company name unless the moderators here say I can. But I'm appalled at some of the stories I've read here and on similar sites in the UK. We think of ourselves as the honest company. We tell you what we do, how we do it and exactly how much it'll cost. We don't promise anything. We say try our system if you like. Then judge us. Good luck to all of you reading this.
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