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Posts posted by TommyLucchese

  1. I would wait, especially since money isn't an issue.

    For the sake of 6 months you can either go with one of the very best in the world or someone who is (by all accounts) very good but not as experienced. Since you're making the effort to go to the office it seems like a missed opportunity if you don't choose Konior. 

    Since Konior was the original plan, I think if you don't go with him then you'll always wonder "what if" - i.e. if Nadimi gives you a good result, would Konior have given you a great result etc.

    ....or maybe she's damn good too and it doesn't really matter either way. 

  2. If you're just starting out, 5% rogaine foam is a great choice because it's cheap, easy to use, dries quickly and is effective. 

    I use the topical minoxidil and fin you're talking about - it doesn't usually have the fin side effects but the liquid did cause me some dry skin so now I do a lot of moisturising and it's fine.

    Whatever you do - start slow with any medication. I recommend taking a few months to build up to taking the full dose every day. Give your body time to adjust - that will hopefully limit any side effects or temporary shedding.

  3. Congrats on finding us before making what would probably have been a terrible decision. Keep researching here - you've already been given some great advice. Look for the clinic/doctor names that keep popping up in results threads and discussions.

    I'll be going to Hattingen in Switzerland  for my next HT and based on their expertise, results and the consultation I had with them, I think they are a great choice for someone in Europe (I'm in UK too). They do both FUT and FUE so can give you great advice on the best method for you. 

    Keep doing your research and you'll see the names cropping up that you should consider instead of the ones you listed.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, melendezam said:

    Just scheduled my procedure with Dr. Hasson. Feeling extremely anxious now that it's on the calendar even though I have been thinking about hair transplant for at least the last 5 years.

    You have clearly done your research and picked one of the truly elite doctors in the world - if this is something you want to do, you are doing it the right way. It's always a risk but you have minimised the risk as much as possible by choosing H&W. 

    Good luck and keep us updated! Don't forget to take regular pics so you can track your progress (even if you don't post them here it's still very useful to be able to compare where you are at month 18 to where you were at month 6 for example).

    • Thanks 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Gooner said:

    Have you done any research into possible side effects from Dutasturide? Is it more likely to cause them as it's stronger etc.

    No I haven't but others here have said it actually has fewer side effects than finasteride. I took avodart (duta in pill form) for a while in 2013/2014 and got no side effects...i took 1 pill a week as a 'booster' alongside fin and minox. I only stopped because of the prescription fees.

  6. On 3/12/2021 at 1:40 PM, tressful11 said:

    Woah. Thanks for sharing. However shipping seems too expensive for my country :(

    No problem! What country are you in?

    On 3/12/2021 at 6:05 PM, Dr. Suhail Khokhar said:

    Thanks for sharing. Are there any dutasteride/minoxidil combo topical sprays available for purchase?

    Thanks for your reply doctor... I'm not entirely sure but I think this is their first foray into dutasteride based on my use of their site over the last 6 months.

    23 hours ago, Ronnieman said:

    Are you having any side effects with the topical fin/minox OP?

    It's hard to say. At worst, my side effects are only dry skin although this could be related to the most sun exposure I've had in my life last year working from home/garden. I had a very flaky and red forehead / cheeks for a while but since i started moisturising again (stopped doing it during lockdown) everything has gone back to normal. Scalp is still a bit flaky sometimes if I rub it. 

    21 hours ago, thetdog666 said:

    They need to make some without PG

    Yes that would be good, I've had to use a lot of moisturiser to combat the dry and flaky skin which I assume is the PG in topical fin minox.

    11 hours ago, mustang said:

    I wonder how these guys sell this since it's illegal to manufacture and sell topical dutasteride in the US, they might get into serious trouble with the FDA

    They also give no indication on how to use it nor ask for a prescription like Parati does 

    Just make sure to dilute it cause 0.2% is definitely on the strong side. They should at least give indications, some people can misuse this and have bad side effects 

    Their shipping isn't entirely clear. On package tracker it seemed like it was in the US but was then suddenly coming from a Netherlands address. Thanks for the warning.

  7. Have woken up this Friday morning to an email from MinoxidilMax saying they now offer topical dutasteride.

    I'm posting this because they aren't talked about much on here and I doubt many of you are subscribed to their marketing emails. I have purchased their topical fin and minox to the UK and have been impressed with the service and the product. 

    Good news for people like me who have seen it talked about but didn't know where to get it.

    I'm personally going to stick with fin and minox for a while because I like the idea of dutasteride as a fall back option, but if anyone's interested then here's a link.


    (no affiliation or incentive to post this other than helping and sharing info)

    • Like 1
  8. I'm glad you found us before you made any decisions. Keep researching and read on here every day for around 6 months.

    This isn't something you should take lightly and making choices based on cost, location etc. can be a recipe for disaster. You only have so much 'donor' hair at the back to work with so you need to make sure you choose an ethical, quality surgeon.

    You'll see results and discussions about lots of top doctors here from around the world so take some time to research.

    Since you're in Europe, search Dr Bisanga and Hattingen clinics to start off your research on the right foot.

  9. Try topical dutasteride too or an Avodart pill once a week. 

    I feel like I've kept up the meds' effectiveness over 11 years by taking regular breaks and not letting my body get too used to it. I stop taking it for a few months, lose some ground and then take it again and get the full results again. You could consider trying that.

    If it's only temporal recession then I don't think it's wise to get a HT. It's always worth consulting with some top doctors though, they can check for miniaturisation and give you some advice.

  10. On 3/6/2021 at 2:50 PM, EvoXOhio said:

    Do you have any comparison pics of 12 months versus 18 months? I’ve seen several people say the same thing but haven’t seen any pictures. 

    No, I didn't chart my progress with pics but I posted a lot of comments on here which I've since gone back and read. There wasn't new growth but it got thicker and fuller in those final 6 months. 

    I have posted some pics recently 9 years post op - search Dr Feller in the search tab to find my thread.

  11. I think you can do it (I was 23) but you need to have these things going for you

    • The loss needs to be bad enough justify surgery
    • The loss needs to be stable (meds or otherwise)
    • You choose a good doctor (which you have)
    • You think of the long-term and keep lots of grafts in the bank for the future - meaning your new hairline should be conservative
    • You leave the crown and accept you'll have to come back to it in 10 years

    I ticked all these boxes and 9 years later it has worked out really well for me. I'm hoping to get my crown sorted in the next few years and tweak my conservative hairline. I think transplants in your 20s should be to get you through the next decade looking a lot better, rather than trying to solve the entire situation. Maybe a less ethical doctor would have put an extra 1,000 grafts in my hairline and 1,000 in my crown 9 years ago (instead of just 2,000 on the midscalp and hairline) but that's a lot of grafts to use on someone in their early 20s when you don't know how the loss will progress. Luckily for now the meds have held up well so I'm in a good position to add to my existing HT.

    Not trying to make this about myself but hopefully you can see what I mean and relate it to you. 

    Regarding propecia - just keep the dose and frequency as low as you can get away with. Maybe try topical. If you have got through 9 months without sides then that's a good sign.  

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Jd98 said:

    @TommyLuccheseyeh it’s a fairly new company. Great business idea for the uk. will give it a go. I could get it from minoxidilmax also, I just want to get it ASAP haha. Glad your seeing great results also!  

    Thank you!

    I've just read that their minoxidil doesn't contain the ingredient that can cause scalp irritation, so that explains it being more expensive. Minoxidil max do a version without propylene glycol too but it's also more expensive.... [self edit] ok I just compared prices and minoxidil max 15% minoxidil without propylene glycol and 1mg fin is £310 per year. It also has some other ingredients too like 5% azaelic acid and caffeine. I don't know how Freshman can justify nearly £500 for what I'm guessing is only 5% minoxidil and fin.

    I guess for quick delivery and knowing it comes from UK, maybe £500 is worth it. 

    When you get it, start slow. use half a dose for half the amount of time it directs i.e. instead of 1 ml once per day, do 0.5ml 3 times per week. I would advise doing it for a month or two, just to let your body get used to it. It will still help your hair but crucially it won't shock your body into producing side effects. There's much less chance of sides anyway with topical but I think it's always good to be cautious.

    You should also look into getting a £10 dermaroller on Amazon (1mm needles) and nizoral 2% shampoo.... do both of them once a week to support your topical fin/minox.

    Who did you get your HT with by the way?

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