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Posts posted by gobby

  1. On 3/22/2024 at 6:20 PM, Rolandas said:

    Thanks man. I'm glad my input has been useful!

    What date you have your surgery on? I might/might not be in Porto at the end of May ;)

    My surgery is on the 28th and 29th May. I'll be there from 26th til 31st. Would be great to meet for an alcohol-free (surgery rules!) beer if you're around to compare hairlines 😄

  2. On 5/3/2023 at 7:43 AM, Rolandas said:

    Hey guys, just wanted to chime in to say - I'm fine!

    I do not have any side effects from meds @Mike10. And thank you very much for your remarks. I'm doing my best! 😅

    Thankfully everything is absolutely perfect with my transplant and no, Norwood reaper won't win this fight @follically challenged! I've got absolutely no seconds thoughts about my hair anymore for the last year or so, so yeah, I'm kind of "moved on".

    Truthfully im sort of "burnout" from YouTube. Creating 1 video takes anywhere from 5 to 20 hours of my free time. And since there is absolutely no incentive doing videos, I've decided to take a break and focus on other aspects of my life.

    That being said, I do plan on coming back very soon.

    @Rolandas Good to see one of your vids has now achieved 1M views! - Hopefully you will grace us with an update to celebrate (..and after teasing us last year that you’ll be back soon!).

    I just wanted to say a big thank you to you @Rolandas for your great videos and content. After years of pondering and anxiety around getting my hair fixed it was your videos that go me over the line.

    Like you, I had my first surgery with Dr. Bruno Ferreira last year and I’m back again in May this year for a second. I’m very happy with the progress so far.

    Also thanks to @Melvin- Admin and all the administrators of these forums for their input, content and videos - these resources are invaluable to anyone suffering hair-loss and in search for a safe outcome.

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