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Everything posted by jonnykino

  1. Hey there, So, I realise that I've probably met a few of you via different forums... specifically mattj and Spex, so I do apologise for making yet another new thread about my hair... but it's really pissing me off now. It's constantly plaguing my mind. I really shouldn't even be here based on the advice I've received from both mattj and Spex, but I guess my thought process and obsession has taken over. Alright, for those who have no idea, I've got OCD, and my main obsession now is losing my hair. It's literally something I check everyday, at every free minute I get. It started when there was a picture taken of me from behind, and the flash lit up my hair and it looked as though I was losing it. Then my worries got worse when a friend of mine said, whilst I was sitting underneath a bright light, that he could see a bit of my scalp. So that's when I got absolutely terrified about losing my hair. It's gotten worse the past week or so that I'm even thinking about it whilst I'm out with friends. I'm out in a club or whatever, and instead of going up to girls, I go to the toilet and look at my hair in a mirror. I mean seriously... who does that? Originally, I was very concerned about my crown and the top of my hair. After numerous posts to different forums, I came to the conclusion that my hair was fine and there was nothing to be worried about. My scalp is inflamed due to a mild form of seborrheic dermatitis, and anxiety, and since my hair is blonde, the scalp can be a bit more noticeable. I've also got a natural parting coming from my crown, apparently. Then, in the past week or so, for some unknown reason, I decided to check my hairline. Again, I'd posted pictures on other forums before, and was told that I was a 'Norwood 1', but this time my fears were far more intense. I posted yet more pictures to various forums, with some pictures of me from a few years ago, and according to various posters, my hairline hasn't changed since I was 18, which is about the time a 'mature hairline' starts. And a 'mature' hairline is normal for every man, even for those who will never suffer from hair loss... apparently. Still, it's still permanently on my mind. I've scheduled an appointment for some therapy for my OCD, so am hoping once I've started that, the constant thoughts will stop. I've also considered going to a trichologist, but I've spoken to my parents, who both say that my hair hasn't changed since I was a kid and that's it's just my OCD making me over-worry, and they don't think there's any point going to see one. I've also spoken to my GP who checked my hair and she said the same thing. I guess, all I want is some piece of mind. I mean, I wouldn't be too bothered if my hair started to recede or whatever when I was in my 50's or 60's or something, that's only normal... but not at 21. Anyway, I've got the pics from the forums here, there's a lot. Two pages worth. Figured the more the merrier in determining whether my worries are all in my head . http://photobucket.com/kinohair2011 And then pictures of my hairline from a few years ago. http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff31/superxao/2001-2008.jpg Have I got anything to worry about at all? How is my hairline and crown? For those who have come across me before, and are most likely sick of seeing me, I am sorry. Thanks.
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