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Posts posted by SugarHighs

  1. The next day is fine as is waiting several and sticking around to let the clinic look after you. However I recommend that if you do not stay one day and leave then you should stay no less than six extra days due to the potential for swelling. Some patients get severe facial swelling that, while not detrimental to the surgery, can have you looking "unusual" to others. Some can even see one eye swell up till it closes. This usually starts are day 3 and ends by day 6. While some swelling happens for most all patients the severe cases are probably limited to one out of every 20 patients.


    Hmm, I planned to have it done on a Friday and fly out on Tuesday. Would it be better to fly out on Thursday, 6 days later?


    I care nothing for what people in the airport think of my appearance that one day, rather I am concerned with my own comfort/health.

  2. The active ingredient in Rogaine and other topical products is minoxidil which can and will cause hair follicles to shed when it is first applied and/or applied to a new untreated area.


    Yes, I understand the logic that it is the same medicine, but you will find tons of "shedding" threads from guys who switched from the liquid to the foam, and virtually none from guys who switched from the foam to the liquid.

  3. Interesting that the "exercising" men showed a notable (I think it said ~14%?) increase in DHT at the 3 month mark over the control group of inactive men.


    Also interesting that the study only examined cardiovascular exercise! I'm inclined to believe that weight lifters would have seen a higher rise in DHT than men who did cardio exercise only - but they didn't test that.


    It logically stands to reason, though.

  4. I'm not sure what formula of minoxidil he gave you, but if it's the normal 5% kind, you can simply switch to rogaine foam which dries very quickly and doesn't leave your hair greasy. Switching shouldn't cause any issues, as it's the same medication.


    There seem to be many more "Rogaine Foam chewed up my hairline" threads than there are threads attributing the same thing to, say, Kirkland Minox.


    Can anyone speculate as to why this might be? Is it purely coincidence?


    I want to switch from Kirkland liquid to the Rogain foam, but since I'm a hairline case, I have reservations.

  5. I have always had dark circles under my eyes, so it's difficult to say whether min has added to that. I definitely notice swollen lips, particularly my lower lip - I've been on it for about the same length of time - 5 weeks. The swelling lasts for a little while, then seems to go away.


    To combat dark circles, drink a lot of water, and also use an eye cream. H20+ has an eye moisturizer that is supposed to help, or you can also use Olay Definity, but I think that is more of a concealer than anything else.


    People have said they've gotten results from Olay Regenerist for eyes, but no idea because I've never tried it.

  6. Whether you get women really has very little to do with your hair. The men who think that baldness prevents them from getting women are the ones who never got many women in the first place. They judge women on looks, so they assume that women feel the same way about men. Only they don't. Women respond to game, not what your hair looks like. Men with no game think that they didn't get the girl because they weren't handsome enough when, in reality, that usually has nothing to do with it. You want to talk about dating 20-year-old women? Right now, at my local bar, we have a 37-year-old scumbag who comes in. Total loser. Criminal record, been in a motorcycle gang, etc. Well, he's got a shaved head with an extreme NW3-4 dracula hairline. Plus, he's short! Well, two weeks ago, I found out he's banging a 21-year-old waitress who works there. The rest of the guys and I sat on our asses watching the clock go around while we stared at this girl's ass. But this guy actually went up to her. And that's why he got her. You could have Brad Pitt hair, but if you're not approaching women with game, you won't get them.


    I agree with this to a point, but I would say it reads somewhat like it was copied off the front page of the "Attraction Forums," rather than something that was gathered from personal life experience. If I am wrong, forgive me, and you're free to call me an ass.


    I just hope by "because they weren't handsome enough" you mean that looks aren't everything for men. I agree. I hope you are not suggesting that looks don't matter at all, or that your appearance does not matter - that would be a ludicrous statement.


    Your ugly short 37 yo biker sounds like he has an attractive stereotype (bikers/thugs are obviously attractive to some women), and probably knows how to push her submissive buttons. While he is not genetically good-looking, he's physically attractive in other ways (I don't want to speculate too much, haven't seen the guy in action.)


    The Brad Pitt part I think may be a little misleading - if you had only Brad's hair you wouldn't necessarily meet any women, because you might not be that good looking - but if you actually *looked* like Brad, you would still meet women, because they would approach you.

  7. SugarHighs, thanks a lot. I think the video I put up along with pics can give a better idea of what people are to expect from such a transplant.


    I really hope I get that crazy 6 month growth lol. Yea, I wish Dr. Rahal did work nearby. It would make things so much easier for lots of people.


    Your time is near, you must be feeling good. Can't wait to hear about your procedure / updates. Wish you the best.


    Thanks, Sean.


    I'm generally very private about my personal life, but I really like what you've done here and I'm going to keep a similar log.


    When the time comes, I will post the thread. In the meanwhile shoot me a PM if you want to compare notes or discuss anything.




  8. Sugarhighs, this is what i've read and have kind of noticed in the last year where once I have started lifting weights regularly my crown got noticeablly thinner compared to the rate it was thinning before. It was much less noticeable in the past years even though i have been losing hair for more than 5 years now.


    Did you try Finesteride?


    I wonder if aerobic type exercise such as running would also speed up hair loss.


    Hi Logi -


    Yes, I have been on Fin since ~1999. I'm sure it has helped to an extent - and if you are not on it, I would get on it (after consulting a doctor who agrees you're a good candidate.)


    As far as I know, aerobic exercise has a negligible effect on testosterone/DHT production. Everything I've read indicates that cardio exercise is good for your hair as it promotes blood circulation. It's best to test for yourself and find out what works for you.

  9. I'm just a bit confused on this. I understand that Testosterone converts into DHT and so if i am already balding because this conversion is happening in my body and if i work out where working out increases testosterone won't it be that there will be more testosterone which will be converted to DHT?


    Would finesteride help in such a case or should i stop lifting weights and take finesteride but if i work out then no point in finesteride since there will be too much conversion happening for finesteride to control?


    Weight training has different effects on different men. Some men can bulk up and their hair won't change. Others will notice an increase in the speed of their loss.


    The only way to find out is to test it for yourself, and determine if weightlifting has a negative effect.


    In my case, if I lift weights every other day, I don't have much of an issue. But for a while there I was in the gym every day M-F, and I had to stop and go back to every other day - because I was noticeably increasing in falling hair.

  10. Has anyone heard that if a person is already losing hair, weighlifting or other exercise only speeds up the loss because of the increase in testestorone?


    Do you think Finesteride would be of any benefit or the working out will increase more testorone than Finesteride can reverse in terms of DHT?


    I've been weight training on and off semi-seriously for the last 8-10 years.


    Periods of time during which I have built the most muscle mass, have directly coincided with the periods of time that I've experienced the most hair loss.


    Take from that what you will.


    (I have never used steroids or any strong anabolic supplements, and in the last 2-3 years I haven't used any supplements at all.)

  11. I mostly agree with the OP, based on my personal experience. I have never taken steroids, but I have engaged in periodic bodybuilding over the last 8-10 years.


    The periods of time when I have built the most muscle have unquestionably coincided with the periods I've had of the most hair loss.


    I definitely think supplements have had a negative effect (I've taken raw creatine, NO-Explode nitric oxide + creatine, protein powder, jack3d) but the effect of more loss is there even when I haven't taken any supplements. This is because you eat more when you lift more weights, and as one of the posters astutely mentioned, food is one of the most anabolic things you can put in your body.


    I've also read that testosterone alone, not just DHT, can cause hair loss.


    It's a trade off, really. When I am skinny and/or out of shape, I can't get a woman to look at me. When I am in shape and tan and have muscles, women seem to conveniently not notice that I have a receding hair line. Go figure.

  12. No, my biggest concern right now is Propecia side effects and if it would interfere with my athletic performance. The good news is that the recession has stopped over a year ago, so my next course of action is to see a respectable doctor (we have a couple good ones here in Canada) and check if there is any miniaturization. My hair has always been fine, so I am not sure if I am even a candidate.


    The PM seems to be broken for me, but I would be interested to see an update on your HT.


    I played semi-pro sports throughout my 20's including time I was off, then on Propecia. It had no impact on my performance whatsoever that I am aware.

  13. I went online to directlabs and paid for the tests I need, as per the doctor's letter. Directlabs sends you the requisition form in e-mail after about 2-4 hours, and then you can schedule at whatever lab is near you. There was a lab literally 200 feet from my front door. (I live in a major city)


    I didn't even show the lab the letter from the doctor, I only gave them the requisition form, and everything was fine. I literally just walked back into my house with the bandage on my arm.

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