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Posts posted by Gettinold

  1. 0 grafts. Seriously, you look fine.






    What's more, I am 43 and was basically in your shoes 2 years ago. Doc told me "Propecia won't help that. Only option for you is 1000 grafts." I went with his suggestion, and his suggestion to lower the hairline a little bit (I only wanted it thickened up a bit). 16 months later it looks awful. I literally sat at work today with chest pains all day long thinking how bad it looked. I slept virtually none last night. Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it....This industry is sick.


    Every industry that makes money is "sick". There's good guys and bad guys. Everywhere. Don't throw all the good guys under the bus because of one bad experience.

  2. I'll be honest man, I think it's too early for a hair transplant, I'd wait it out a few more years to see where it could progress, save up money, maybe do the buzz cut and go from there. From the looks of it, you could possibly lose it all by 30, and when you go the transplant route, it'll bea one-and-done (maybe 2) and you'll be happy you "fixed" it all at once rather than chasing it for the next 10 years. And possibly, you might grow to dig the buzzed route, find yourself a beautiful wife, and not give a crap anymore. You have a decently shaped face with ears that don't stick out a mile, unlike me :) I say hold off and buy a cool car and nice sunglasses, you can pull that off..

  3. Nobody seems towant to posts pics to back up their stories, but in your area, I would get in touch with Glenn Charles in Boca Raton, he's one of the coalition surgeons on this site and I've had 2 transplants with him (I flew over 1000 miles, just drive the 2 hours, you already seen what settling for "close" does!). Steer clear of Bosley, I've heard nothing but horror stories about them.

  4. Gettinold how old are you?

    Are you on meds?

    This puts you at 3200 in crown total?

    I am considering getting 2500-3000 in my crown later this year.


    I'm 33, not on meds, I take herbs, eat right (for the most part) and excersise. My crown and very front went on me in a flash, but the rest is much slower, if it's going at all .I've also not touched and coke/soda stuff in over 9 years. I'd like to think that all this contributed to the stabilization..

  5. So I had my first transplant March of 2012-about 1700 to the crown area. The growth was good, the coverage was a bit lacking, dang my thin hair..so I went back last week, wanted to thicken the crown and start on the hairline. We went with 1500 more grafts to the crown (Dr. Charles assured me that I had good donor hair and would have planty left over to continue the HT's if my hair loss continued to progress), and then start filling in the very front, 500 grafts..Will get more pics up soon, dealing with some shockloss in the back but not stressing over it. Just want my stitches out now, they are annoying as heck..



    SECOND-MAY 2013







  6. Thanks all, yes it was done with a flash...I'm not sure of the actual breakdown of 1, 2 hair grafts I had but I'm not worried, just get little fits of impatience from time to time..I'm well aware that it most likely wont be as thick as the hair below it but as stated before, I'm barely at halfway and waiting to see what the next few months hold...

  7. I see little progress from my 5 month photo. Seems half of my crown has grown and the other half has stalled.. Really hoped by now I could comfortably go out in public without a hat but coverage is just as much of a battle and take just as much toppik and hairspray as it did before I even got the transplant. I understand the crown takes longer and all, and maybe I'm just venting here, but when you are supposed to hit these magic mile markers every three months and it seems everything comes to a halt, it's frustrating. Please look through my photos and tell me I'm where I'm supposed to be and it's all in my head (pun intended)..


  8. Thanks for the info and support....Lastcall, sorry to hear about your heartbreak, that must've been very hard, but as I look back at my photos, my month-to-month marks always seem to show noticable improvement, so I'm sure that even if I do still have to put a little concealer in the area, it's still bettter than the big shiny patch I sported before that only a hat or 3 pounds of toppik could hide...but I'm not panicked or worried at this point, just being my impatient self and not paying attention to how blessed I am by having even that much hair where there was NONE before....thanks for the support everyone..

  9. It's not that I was dismissive, but multiple doctors gave me the same ballpark number of grafts when I sent them pictures/measurements, and my doctor was in agreement when we had the in-person consultation, and I don't think any reputable doctor would perform a transplant that "just gives you some hair there" without any kind of coverage. I understand that it may be a little thinner than the rest of your hair, but at this point I still have full faith in my doctor's ability and know/hope that this isn't "as good as it's gonna get"

  10. Well here's 5 months after getting 1693 FUT grafts to my crown..Definitely a lot of noticeable growth, but I guess I woulda have hoped for a bit more coverage by now, instead of still having a defined bald spot with some hair in it. I know I still have a ways to go though...It looks darker and fuller in the pic due to the camera flash, I just now have a "thin spot" rather than a "bald spot", but it's definitnely still a "spot". I still need to use just as much Toppik if I go out without a hat on. I'm sure I'm just being impatient, but I sure hope it starts to thicken up soon. Any input?


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