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Posts posted by Barry1108

  1. Most of the hairs have now fallen out, this allied to my native hair having been shaved and the scar showing through on the back makes me look terrible! :eek:

    I fully expected this stage though, it is now 1 month post-op for me so time is ticking along.

    Hopefully my native hair will grow enough so I can look almost human again and then I can get excited about potential new growth. I will update blog with photos later

  2. It is usually at this time 3-4 weeks post-op that the average patient experiences some degree of shockloss to the existing native hair.


    The hair that was transplanted within the grafts usually come out when the crusts come off. Are the crusts (scabs) still present? If so, most are of the opinion that you can begin to remove them 10-12 days post-op. Most can be easily removed in the shower when shampooing you hair. You may need to dislodge some of the stubborn ones.


    What did your doctor tell you regarding these crusts and when to remove them?


    Whether it is shockloss to the native hair or the hair within the grafts, the follicles are what go dormant (resting phase) and why they fall out. Then they rest for approximately 3-4 months before re-entering the growth phase.


    This is why it is recommended to remove the dead hair before the new growth emerges. Contact your doctor if in question.


    Best wishes to you as the best is yet to come, regrowth!:cool:


    The scabs all came off after 10-12 days, basically once I went back to normal shower/hair washing routine.

    The hairs I am referring to are the transplanted ones which I was told would be gone after 2-3 weeks and there are still lots of them there almost 4 weeks post-op - is it a rule that you lose all these hairs before regrowth or do some od them stay in and grow?

  3. Just a quick question - I had my HT (3000 grafts with Dr Pathonvanich) almost 4 weeks ago.

    Most of my transplanted hairs are still in tact in my head - although some have gone. How long does it tend to take for all the transplanted hairs to shed and is it a case of the sooner they fall out the sooner they can regrow or does it not matter?

    Just curious as I didn't expect them to still be so visible.



    Hair Restoration Site for Barry1108

  4. Hi,

    I had a HT with Dr path 16 days ago and have created a blog/journal to monitor my progress if anyone ants to look.

    My HT entailed almost 3000 grafts and around 7500 hairs in total. I love the new shape of my hairline and now at 16 days post-op still have most of the transplanted hairs which I am used to looking at and am dreading them falling out!!!

    I cant speak highly enough of Dr Path and his team, they looked after me really well from start to finish and did a great job.

    If anyone has any questions or anything just get in touch, I would be happy to answer them. I got really nervous in the days leading up to the HT and can safely say it is not such a big deal.


    My hairloss blog is here

    Hair Restoration Site for Barry1108









  5. Thanks for the replies Bonkerstonker and gettinold, I think I am just having a panic because the point of no return is approaching.

    I will take your advice and have some sleeping pills with me for the first few nights and see how I feel. I am not one for melodrama so I do think I will be fine, like I say just having a panic.


    The thought of the scar never bothered me at all until I read a few comments on here about it stretching etc....

    And to answer your other question Bonkerstonker - I read plenty of reviews on here and emailed plenty of recommended docs for consults etc...

    Dr Path's record seems to stand up against most and although I know people say not to think of cost, unfortunately my finances did restrict me slightly, but I am happy with my choice. I have been told I need around 3000 grafts and the cost for that in some of the US/Canada based docs was more than double that of Dr Path.


    Thanks again for your replies!!


  6. Hi,

    I am flying to Bangkok from England this Saturday and am due to have my HT with DR Path on Tuesday and I am totally panicking!

    I always read these forums and the last few days I have read some scary stuff that is making me freak out.

    In particular - HT doesn't work as often as they should (no growth)

    HT is painful and it takes a long time afterwards to get back to normal sleeping patterns.

    HT scar is detectable and grows bigger over time.

    etc etc....


    Could people who have undergone a HT please re-assure me of some facts??

    I am panicking about making a huge mistake!!!



  7. Hi all, I have receeding hairline and slight loss at crown. I have a HT booked in for the middle of May and I have also been taking 1mg finpecia daily as well as using rogaine foam.

    The problem is my sex drive has been reduced to virtually nothing and I am desperate to sort it out.

    I am considering a few options and would love some advice from some of the more experienced board members if possible.

    1 option I am thinking is to just take finpecia 3 times per week (Mon, Wed, Fri)

    Another option I am thinking is that maybe after my HT I will be OK just using the foam to keep what I already have as I am not losing my hair at an alarming rate ( I am 39 and have been losing it gradually for about 12 years, the finpecia and rogaine foam seem to have slowed it down to a virtual stop.

    Ideally I will stop taking the finpecia but was just wondering what others thought, can lowering it to 3 times per week have a positive effect on hair retention as well as stopping the low libido side effect?

  8. Firstly, I am booked in for a HT with Dr Path in Bangkok for middle of May, I was just wondering as someone who is around a type 3 on Norwood scale and almost 39 years old. Do you think this is a good time to be getting it done?

    I also take 1mg Finpecia daily and use regaine foam and nizoral shampoo. I am just having a panic that I will have HT done and 10 years down the line be back in the same boat!


    Another thing, I play football (soccer) regularly - 2 times a week and it is a fairly constant impact sport, how long should I wait to play after HT? Would 3 months be OK?


    Thanks in advance!

  9. Hi, thanks for the responses - I have been using Nizoral for approximately 2 months too. If it is not a shed with the rogaine then what is it? I have about 5 or 6 hairs on my hand after every application of the foam, will this stop as I am starting to really notice the lost hairs?

  10. Hi Bald,


    Congratulations on the HT with Dr Path, can I ask you a couple of questions please?


    I am booked for a HT with Dr Path in May this year, approx 3500 grafts I have been told, how long did your HT take?

    Also, did Dr Path carry out all the work himself?

    I hear great things about him so hope we both have fantastic results.

    It would be great to see some of your photos.


    Good luck!

  11. Hi,


    I have been using regaine foam for about 4/5 months and have been taking propecia for about 2 months, I also use Nizoral shampoo.

    I have noticed over the last 4/6 weeks that I have been shedding everyday, I notice it when putting the regaine foam on as the hairs stick to my hands after I have rubbed the foam into my head. I presume it is a shed through using regaine and propecia - from reading posts on here I am hoping that the shedding is a positive thing but how long should I expect it to last for?

    I am a bit worried at how much hair I will lose through the shedding.


    Thanks for your advice.

  12. I'm guessing you had a high forehead to begin with? Docs usually don't go lower than the crinkles in your forehead, so maybe that will help you out.


    You could probably do the best (and most realistic) hairline by using your existing frontal tuff and forming a "U" shape slightly behind it. You would look much younger if you talked to him about moving your temple points forward and connecting them to the hairline.


    You resemble Anderson Cooper a bit, google him and look at his temple points and hairline.


    That was what I had in mind, something that frames my face a little bit better than what I already have (or dont have) and then just thickening up the top part where it is thin.

    I think the temple points idea is a good one.

    Is Dr Path usually good with his harlines do you know?

  13. I'm guessing you had a high forehead to begin with? Docs usually don't go lower than the crinkles in your forehead, so maybe that will help you out.


    You could probably do the best (and most realistic) hairline by using your existing frontal tuff and forming a "U" shape slightly behind it. You would look much younger if you talked to him about moving your temple points forward and connecting them to the hairline.


    You resemble Anderson Cooper a bit, google him and look at his temple points and hairline.


    That was what I had in mind, something that frames my face a little bit better than what I already have (or dont have) and then just thickening up the top part where it is thin.

    I think the temple points idea is a good one.

    Is Dr Path usually good with his harlines do you know?

  14. Hi,


    I am booked in for a HT with Dr Path in May 2012 and have been reading these forums with interest over the last few months.

    I would like some feedback over what typr of hairline people think I should ask for.

    I am a 38 year old man and have been thinning/receding for 10-12 years.


    Thank you.






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