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Posts posted by jackisback1

  1. hey isn't it dangerous to download proscar off of ebay w/out a prescription? i'm pretty sure you could get busted big time for that, although I'm not sure any law enforcement agencies care or pay any attention to that. my doc told me she didn't know if proscar had the same absorbancy for hair loss as propecia. sounds like bullshit to me, but i haven't been motivated to go further out of my way to get a proscar prescription.


    as for meeks - disclaimer: i'm 20, and my hairloss is not as advanced as yours.


    BUT, I would recommend you get on Propecia and Rogaine. From what I've learned and what I've seen, there is an initial shedding period of around 6 months. I would say that my hair probably continued to get thinner the first 6-12 months. Now, i'm not positive, but it SEEMS that the past 6-9 months my hair has stayed about the same density.


    In short, i'd recommend you get on these drugs, wait a few years, to see if you think this is going to halt your hair loss, and if it does, you'll feel a lot better about surgery. if it doesn't you may still want to do surgery, but if you are significantly balder you might not want to risk a "cosmetic nightmare" as i've heard it described more than a few times.


    above any of my advice, i'd say go talk to an HT doctor, and see what they have to say, but from what i've heard is you should avoid doctors who try to get you to sign up for an operation less than 6-12 months from the appointment date.

  2. Hey all, right now I grow my hair out long in the front as a combover, and I can actually get it to grow all the way down to my eyes, and it looks great. As long as there's absolutely no wind. I have to wear a hat everywhere, and I've never been much of a hat person. But anyway, one trick that I may have discovered is to lift my hair up in the front, and hairspray it on the side that touches my forehead, and even spray pretty much DIRECTLY ON THE FOLLICLE, then let the hair down over the forehead. This way it'll stay more still in the wind but it wont have that ridiculous hairspray look that my thin hair definately can't pull off.


    My question is, do you guys think this is safe? Is it safe to be spraying a hairspray RIGHT INTO my hair follicles? Or could this cause further hair loss? If anyone thinks they may have an idea as to the answer, I'd love to hear it.

  3. Hey all, right now I grow my hair out long in the front as a combover, and I can actually get it to grow all the way down to my eyes, and it looks great. As long as there's absolutely no wind. I have to wear a hat everywhere, and I've never been much of a hat person. But anyway, one trick that I may have discovered is to lift my hair up in the front, and hairspray it on the side that touches my forehead, and even spray pretty much DIRECTLY ON THE FOLLICLE, then let the hair down over the forehead. This way it'll stay more still in the wind but it wont have that ridiculous hairspray look that my thin hair definately can't pull off.


    My question is, do you guys think this is safe? Is it safe to be spraying a hairspray RIGHT INTO my hair follicles? Or could this cause further hair loss? If anyone thinks they may have an idea as to the answer, I'd love to hear it.

  4. Spiderman, dude, i'm going through the exact same shit as you. I just turned 20, and i got to say that the best option is to use Rogaine (generic for me) and Propecia. I'm definately not sure yet, but i MIGHT have stopped my hair loss. Right now I do the thing you do where i grow my hair out long in the front as a combover, and I can actually get it to grow all the way down to my eyes, and it looks really great. As long as there's absolutely no wind. That's the downfall--I feel so inhibited, and I have to wear a hat everywhere, and I've never been much of a hat person. But anyway dude, one trick that I may have discovered, actually to be honest I haven't tested this in the wind, so I don't know if it really works. But I'm going to try lifting my hair up in the front, and hairspraying it on the side that touches my forehead, then letting the hair down over the forehead down. This way it'll stay more still in the wind but it wont have that ridiculous hairspray look that my thin hair definately can't pull off. I'm gonna post another subj. hear to see if people think it's safe to spray right on the follicles, tho, so you might want to check that out before you try it.


    Phil, yeah man I know what you mean, i've noticed that a LOT of guys in their 30s are having hair loss. Truth is I dont think I'd care if i were 30 and bald (not now anyway) because that looks natural, and not too out of place for a man of that age. But the idea of walking around as a 20 year old bald kid, isn't real appealing. I'd probly wonder if girls were looking at me because i'd pulled off the look, and still looked good or if they just hadn't seen anyone that young and that bald before. but yeah, that's just me being paranoid and insecure, and i get your point.

  5. well when you say that emu oil strengthens your hair does that mean it holds its own better in the wind, b/c i hate the looks i get when the wind blows my hair to the sides from straight down the middle.

  6. hey robert, you may not see my post as this is an old thread, but uh, you said after switching to avodart you shed, but then had thickening in the crown (that's the front, right? sorry i'm retarded). Well i'm just wondering, about how long did it take for you to get back to where you were before you started taking avodart? like if you say a year that would mean for approx. six months you were losing, and then six months after that you were equal to a year prior, but gaining from then on.

  7. Haha yes. It's incredible to me that there's basically not anything some of us can do in 2006. And eye surgery! As far as I know damn near 100% success rate. Ridiculous because there ARE glasses out there that people can look good in, and socially acceptable. Not so for wigs. Now I don't mean to be a negative Nancy, but I personally don't think we should have our hopes up to get HM by 2009-2010, because I'm pretty sure I've read posts on this board from 2001 of people saying it was 5 years away.


    I'll tell you what really pisses me off: why can't InterCytex and Bosley/Aderans just work together? Other than of course that they want to make profits.

  8. Jodie, I didn't read anybody elses post so maybe i'm just saying the same thing, but I'd say you probably don't have anything to worry about. I'm only a 5 years older than you, but I remember your age, and both boys and girls say a lot of stupid shit to other people to try to make themselves feel better. There's prob nothing wrong with your hair. Is it thin? You'll know if it is because it will look retarded in the front whenever the smallest gust of wind blows (believe me i know). If it doesn't do that your fine. If it does you're probably still fine, and can hairspray it.

  9. FYI guys, there's some new articles out about HM. I just found them through google news search. Found a lot more results from typing "hair cloning" [quotations included] than "hair multiplication" [ditto].


    Apparently this company in Manchester, England is working on this, I had previously only heard of Bosley working on this. The company from Manchester just got involved in some kind of British stock market. I really hope this will be a reality and not some kind of scam to get money from investors or something. There's more articles than this if you do a google news search, but these i felt were the most significant.







  10. Because I've noticed lately that my hair feels dry, maybe damaged, just not good, but i dont know how to explain it, even though it doesn't look any worse. I have been using Nioxin every day lately, and I'm wondering if there's scientific or circumstancial evidence suggesting the importance of switching up which shampoo you use throughout the week.

  11. Because I've noticed lately that my hair feels dry, maybe damaged, just not good, but i dont know how to explain it, even though it doesn't look any worse. I have been using Nioxin every day lately, and I'm wondering if there's scientific or circumstancial evidence suggesting the importance of switching up which shampoo you use throughout the week.

  12. I was just checking out wikipedia's article on 'baldness treatment' and i found this interesting tidbit.


    The UC Berkeley Wellness Letter in March 2003 states they don't recommend Propecia "because its long-term safety is unknown. This is disquieting, since young men are the prime candidates, and the drug has to be taken for a lifetime. If you do decide to take it, you should know that although the standard dose is one milligram, there is some evidence that one-fifth that amount also works. If you cut the pill into quarters, you will save money."


    What do you guys think about that? I know the idea of having some kind of crazy sexual side effect 20-30 years from now doesn't sound too good to me. Anyone have any informed opinions on whether 1/5 does the same job?

  13. I was just checking out wikipedia's article on 'baldness treatment' and i found this interesting tidbit.


    The UC Berkeley Wellness Letter in March 2003 states they don't recommend Propecia "because its long-term safety is unknown. This is disquieting, since young men are the prime candidates, and the drug has to be taken for a lifetime. If you do decide to take it, you should know that although the standard dose is one milligram, there is some evidence that one-fifth that amount also works. If you cut the pill into quarters, you will save money."


    What do you guys think about that? I know the idea of having some kind of crazy sexual side effect 20-30 years from now doesn't sound too good to me. Anyone have any informed opinions on whether 1/5 does the same job?

  14. I think maybe I am missing something in your response. Her stated reason for not prescribing Proscar was not inconsistency of the daily amount, but the idea that Proscar may not be as easily digested by the body. In my mind this made sense as I likened it to different types of protein shakes, some with better absorbsion rates and benefits to the body per gram of protein. Could be legit, could just be a way to blow me off.


    Somewhat unrelatedly I thought this was interesting: she said generics are only required to have 75% or 85% (i can't remember which) the absorbsion of the original drugs.

  15. Hey guys, get this, my doctor recommended against me using Proscar because it is not known if the absorbsion is as good with Proscar as it is with Propecia. It seems like she was just brushing me off, because of course Merck is not going to come out with a study comparing the two, this would just encourage people to use Proscar for hair loss (resulting in less profits). It seemed odd that she told me this right after telling me about another (unrelated) drug which had certain benefits they could not advertise because they were not verified or approved by the FDA. First she's saying I may not get the full picture from what they can legally say, and the next second she's saying I shouldn't use Proscar because of lack of studies. Any thoughts on this Proscar issue guys?


    Just incase anyone is interested, the above unnamed drug I mentioned is Nexium. Despite literature, some patients (me) can receive benefits for acid reflux without taking the pill every day (I average twice a week).

  16. Hey guys, get this, my doctor recommended against me using Proscar because it is not known if the absorbsion is as good with Proscar as it is with Propecia. It seems like she was just brushing me off, because of course Merck is not going to come out with a study comparing the two, this would just encourage people to use Proscar for hair loss (resulting in less profits). It seemed odd that she told me this right after telling me about another (unrelated) drug which had certain benefits they could not advertise because they were not verified or approved by the FDA. First she's saying I may not get the full picture from what they can legally say, and the next second she's saying I shouldn't use Proscar because of lack of studies. Any thoughts on this Proscar issue guys?


    Just incase anyone is interested, the above unnamed drug I mentioned is Nexium. Despite literature, some patients (me) can receive benefits for acid reflux without taking the pill every day (I average twice a week).

  17. I'm 19 w/ a receding hairline.


    I'm wondering when you guys think one's hairstyle becomes a comb-over. I thought of this when I saw this dreadful picture of some guy named Gary McDonald.




    if that link doesn't work just check out the guy on the top left here http://www.bald.com.au/hall_of_shame.php


    I don't want to be one of those people who just won't just accept when they have to cut their hair short, but I also don't want to cut it short before I have to (and i'm not trashing anyone here who is getting a transplant, i just am waiting because of my age, and hopes for future HM treatments).


    Anyways, back to my original question: WHEN DO YOU THINK AN INNOCENT HAIRSTYLE BECOMES A COMBOVER?

  18. I'm 19 w/ a receding hairline.


    I'm wondering when you guys think one's hairstyle becomes a comb-over. I thought of this when I saw this dreadful picture of some guy named Gary McDonald.




    if that link doesn't work just check out the guy on the top left here http://www.bald.com.au/hall_of_shame.php


    I don't want to be one of those people who just won't just accept when they have to cut their hair short, but I also don't want to cut it short before I have to (and i'm not trashing anyone here who is getting a transplant, i just am waiting because of my age, and hopes for future HM treatments).


    Anyways, back to my original question: WHEN DO YOU THINK AN INNOCENT HAIRSTYLE BECOMES A COMBOVER?

  19. Yeah, waittosee, i think i have the same thing goin on. i used to only have to shave my mustache area with the grain, but now i have to go against the grain too (which is a pain in the ass) or it has stubble and looks stupid.

  20. My problem is that if I use say a lot of gel my hair is hard and held down, but clumped together with showing big holes in my forehead. If I use a small amount of wax I can get the right look in the mirror, but then later in the day the front of my hair will be all sticking up stupid on one side (left right) of my head. This can be the result of the most slight gust of wind, fan, walking fast, what have you.


    I was looking at this particular picture of matthew mccoughnehey linked below, and I was hoping to get this kind of texture (although i have less hair, i'd have to wear it down, not up).




    Any suggestions?

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