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Posts posted by jackisback1

  1. BeHappy - I'm sure you know this, but just to clarify for readers, what you're talking about at half a pill would be two and a half Propecias. So that's an amount unlikely to be taken by anybody. I'm having some troub with my Propecia though. I've been on it for two years--no problems, but lately something's been not quite right down stairs. No trouble getting erections, they're just not very strong erections. And I've noticed a slight curve (which I have also read other people talk about on other sites) which has got me quite worried. The erection thing I figured could be 100 different reasons, like I don't sleep, eat, or exercise properly lately, but the curve that I had just noticed for the first time the day before bothered me. And i've read multiple stuff all saying that same thing. I hate to mention this here, as people don't talk about their penises a lot here, and this is not the first time for me, but I'm having trouble getting into the other message boards. I guess some of you have released pics of yourselves, so you're not anonymous like me. lol.

  2. Ruh Roh. I came across this article on MSNBC http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16582687/ Now in the article, it stipulates that it's really the radiation that causes the shrinkage here. But let's not be naive, if prostate treatments are used on our hair, and some prostate treatments cause your penis to shrivel up, is it possible that other prostate treatments could do so too (albeit to a lesser extent)? Pretty alarming stats in the article: before treatment the average penis length was 5.6 inches, and 18 months later 3.4 inches. Personally I could be willing to lose an inch to slow my hair loss down, but definitely not two! Reading this along with all the stuff at that site i think it's ask a patient where everybody insists that propecia kills your sex forever has done a little bit to scare me. What do you guys think?

  3. Thanks to GRAV15 who posted this.


    And to AHS:


    The BBC is arguably the most respected news agency in the world. Who are we supposed to believe them or you? You will need to come up with something more convincing than "we have thousands of happy clients". You beardy twat. Sorry, I realize that last part was uncalled for, unsubstantiated, and irrelevant, but it was British.

  4. No thanks, I think I'll save the $200. But get this, I tried tweezing the hairs, and surprisingly it doesn't really hurt! I know it sounds awful, but it's not bad (for me anyway, my hairs are fine). I'm too lazy to do it all, but I did about 10 hairs at least, and it's less painful than tweezing my eyebrows (don't laugh, i'd be a big bushy unibrow if i didn't)

  5. haha, just kidding! i laughed my ass off at your post B! and it's not that the hairs are really visible as they're so light and small, so it's not a problem of how it looks, just i'd imagine a female might find it unappealing if she were [insert clever metaphor for felatio]

  6. man, i was excited to see that there were now 11 replies, like maybe someone could give me some insight. unfortunately it just means that everyone on this board decided they're a comedian all of the sudden. wow i'm really glad this is so funny for you all. and B Spot: no, you idiot, i use a different hand for applying rogaine than i do for wanking

  7. i donno, i remember when i first started using rogaine twice a day i started to get more hair above my lip. like the hairs became very coarse, and that was as a result of an increase in Rogaine! surely i'm not the only person on these boards to have this issue tho.


    anyways i just looked online and found that there's now a nair for men (dont know if it's actually different from the original). this could end up being the solutions to my problem...or the beginning of an embarrassing story to be told by some worker in an emergency room to his friends.

  8. I noticed several months ago a couple of light hairs far down on the shaft of my penis. Now I'd say that there's about 10-15 hairs which are fairly significantly down the shaft of my penis. what the hell is up with this? has anybody else experienced this? the hairs are light so that's good i guess, but still, i think this is a result of the propecia and rogaine. either that or just proof that God believes irony to be the funniest form of humor.

  9. I noticed several months ago a couple of light hairs far down on the shaft of my penis. Now I'd say that there's about 10-15 hairs which are fairly significantly down the shaft of my penis. what the hell is up with this? has anybody else experienced this? the hairs are light so that's good i guess, but still, i think this is a result of the propecia and rogaine. either that or just proof that God believes irony to be the funniest form of humor.

  10. Did you see the Curb where someone writes "bald asshole" on Larry's door in spray paint and he tries to make it into a hate crime? He's talking to two cops who came to his door and this one bald, black cop goes, "hey i'm bald and i dont find this offensive" and larry's like "With all due respect, officer, you are not bald, you shaved your hair to be fashionable, and we don't really consider you part of the bald community."

  11. yeah, i see your POV, but just to be safe i felt i should omit that stuff. it seems to me that it would be stupid for her to tell that if she's not supposed to, but i couldn't find any info about it on a google search, so i have to consider the possibility that she gave me info out of sympathy that wasn't meant to be broadcast on the internets.

  12. Hmmm, is it possible that they have it listed, but don't tell what it is for? Or they keep it secret from the public somehow? I'm not sure why they'd do that. I know this info sounds real sketchy, but I'm telling you this came from a division of a well-known legit institution. If somebody there is misleading me that would be a tragedy. It would be way unprofessional for someone from this place to do that, but then again perhaps it was unprofessional to even tell me a drug was going to be out in 16 months in the first place, considering it doesn't appear to be public knowledge.


    Oh, and cousinit, how do you check the patent archives? Is there a website?

  13. Well, I left a long post about our discussion. The name of the Topic is: "Future Drug Coming Out", and it's posted under the "Future Medical Treatments" section. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=147319


    Yes, it does disuade the reader from taking Avodart, because it is based on the idea that a new treatment could be here in 16 months. From what I've heard Avodart causes massive shedding, and my rough estimate of what I've read seems to suggest it wouldn't even be worth it for about 9 months, because you have to wait to regain what you shed. Well if there will be a new treatment in 16 months why do something that will make you look worse at first, and then not better until 9 months from now? Just wait the extra 7 months.


    But to be honest, I want thicker hair so bad I would STILL be willing to take Avodart and risk the longterm side effects, and brave the short term shedding side effects if it weren't for the fact that A: it's a bitch trying to find a doctor to prescribe it to me, and that'll take a lot of time and maybe money; and B: Avodart is way more expensive, so maybe not worth all the money if there's gonna be a new better treatment very soon. Hope people like my other post, and even more than that, even though it all comes from what I consider to be a very reliable medical source, it just sounds almost too good to be true, so let's hope it is true!

  14. Ok, here is the deal. First of all I will warn you that I cannot substantiate ANYTHING that I'm writing here, but if you've looked at my posts for the past couple of years you can probably tell that I am not the time of person who gets my kicks by making up stuff online (actually I am, but hair loss is something that I actually take very seriously).


    When I'm reading this stuff I'm always impatient for the substance of the post, so I'll give that to you first, and then I'll give you the background info and try to convince you of the degree of reliability afterwards.


    Quick summary: In 16 months a new drug is coming out, and results have been very positive. I was told all the guys who took it got a full head of hair. I can only assume she was exaggerating when she said " all the guys" since she wouldn't tell me it was coming out if it hadn't already had Phase II trials, and yet in Phase II trials the sample size should be large enough that there's at least one unlucky fellow who doesn't get results. I thought about jokingly asking if I could get involved in Phase II trials, now I wish I had, as she probably could have clarified this last bit for me if I had.


    Full story:


    This may be way too long for you, but sorry, I thought it would be most fair to try to give those trying to seriously analyze the reliability of the informant, and myself, considering there is sooooo much BS out there on the internet.


    Anyways, so I decided I was going to try to get a prescription of Avodart from some kind of hair specialist, so I call up these places that I found on a google search in my area. (FYI: dont try to get Avodart, or prob anything else from Bosley, that place is a business office, not a medical facility, and they don't want to slow your hair loss because then they don't get their customer). One place that I called happened to be a reputable place. I know it is a reputable place because the hair department is just a small branch of the larger medical facility which has a brand name that is very well known to anybody in my area, and probably some knowledgable people who live far away, too. This is not a place trying to suck your money out, infact they didn't return my call after I left a message (made during regular business hours) I think until late the next afternoon. And at the end of the convo she encouraged me not to come in b/c it would cost hundreds of $ for a visit (cosmetic, not covered by insurance) probably all they could do is do a test to see if infact my reason for hair loss was MPB (my dad's bald, so she said 9/10 chance it was). I got the feeling that this woman had a good deal of knowledge, and even information which was not made public, but I also got the impression that she did not choose her words as carefully as someone like a medical expert typically would, (like when she said all the guys who took it grew a full head of hair as mentioned above seems to me to be an exaggeration). So I bring up this idea that I want to get Avodart since I read this thing about a new (albeit small test sized) study. Then she explains Avodart to me as if I've never heard of the drug, and I say (and obviously these quotes are all to the best of my memory) "Yeah, but Dutasteride [Avodart] blocks two types of DHT, and Finasteride [Propecia] only blocks one."

    Her: "There isn't any conclusive evidence that Avodart is any better than Propecia, I mean there have been some studies for Avodart and they say, 'yeah it grows hair,' but you're not going to get any better results with that than with Propecia." (Could be true, but it could be that they just don't like prescribing risky drugs with unforseen side-effects to young people who don't need them for medical reasons.)


    Me: Well, uh, I read about this study done on this website called baldingblog.com.


    She laughs, so i ask "oh i take it you've heard of that site?" I got the impression that she's heard quite a few callers reference it before. and she says "yeah, if you trace those sites they all track back to the drug companies." This is an instance where I think she spoke too quick. I now feel like there's a reasonable chance she's never heard of baldingblog.com she just assumes it's like all the other BS websites out there, b/c that site seems pretty legit to me, and the guy running it has not been pushing Avodart AT ALL and only mildly supported it after this last study. Then she drops the ball: she tells me that in 16 months a new drug is coming out that has had tremendous results in curing baldness. Full head of hair, yada yada. I can only assume that it's a pill she's talking about. "what's the name of the drug?" It doesn't have a name yet "No, I mean what's the name of the actual drug, the medical name that they use in testing and research?" She won't tell me that. I don't schedule an appointment of course since she's given me several honest reasons not to come in, but I thank her for her help, and she says, "just keep taking propecia and rogaine, that will slow your hairloss, and then in 16 months when this drug comes out, get it"


    So for me, I have a pretty reliable tip here. For you, you just have some hearsay written on a hairloss message board. Sorry, I can't do much to substantiate what I'm saying for all you out there. I don't feel comfortable telling you the name of the place because I'm not sure if she was even supposed to tell me a new drug was coming out at all. Don't ask me to tell you the name of the place. And if any of you have money invested in companies trying to develope HM. You may want to reconsider (although I'd think those companies would know at least as much as I do, and would stop pursuing HM research if they thought a drug was going to come out to make their procedure obsolete). She really made this sound like a wonder drug, so hopefully it is something resembling such a thing. And also, hopefully somebody doing a search on these boards won't find this post two years from today and laugh....or cry (i.e. that the words would not come true) like I did when I saw all these posts saying HM was three years away....in 2002.

  15. I've been considering Avodart since I saw a post on baldingblog.com saying that a recent study saw that it could be more beneficial than propecia. I don't think I'm considering it as much anymore, after a brief phone convo I had w/ somebody in the industry, and might I add a health institution which is considered very reputable aside from cosmetics. I plan on leaving a post about that conversation soon.

  16. Well, nobody replied, but I guess I'll give a little info anyway. The visit was pretty laughable. It was clear that the place was more like a business trying to pitch a product than a medical facility. It was also clear that the guy had no kind of medical training from any institution, i.e. if he ever got a college undergrad degree I doubt it had anything to do with health. Oh, and it was clear that he had a shitty HT himself, haha. It was clear to him that I was not yet in the market for an HT, and it was clear to me that he wanted me out ASAP to avoid wasting both of our time. Didn't get any Avodart, so it was a waste of my time, but here was the worst part:


    This gentleman informed me that Propecia and Rogaine do not work on the front of the head, so I should just stop because I am just wasting my money. What an asshole. I mean we all know, that of course these drugs are more effective in the back of the head, but I cannot believe that he would say something so stupid. It's like they aren't even trying to hide the fact that they are trying to get people to lose their hair so they can sell them on their HTs. I think they're clearly going for the market segment that does absolutely no research, and thinks that if they advertise on TV they must have money from building up a reputable service.

  17. Well by discouraging results I mean what seems to be an increased rate of hairloss. I mean i've been using rogaine and propecia for almost two years, and when i switched to just the foam the loss seemed to get worse. It used to be that if i grew my hair out long it looked fine as long as there was no wind, but now i can't even say that, it has thinned and receded so much it pretty much always looks like shit. And yeah, i'm using it on the front/hairline area. Anyways, I have gone back to mainly using the liquid, ONLY because my hair is grown out long right now. Maybe if i applied the foam while it was wet it would be better? But anywho, looks like i'm going to have to cut my hair real short out of necessity soon anyways, so i'll go back to the foam then. I don't want to discourage anyone from using the foam since there is some scientific evidence on its side, just want to give people something to look out for.


    Also, another cause to this loss could be scratching too much. Using Rogaine with increased frequency has caused my scalp to itch, and finally I caved. I want to have hair, but i dont want to live life with an itchy scalp. If it itches i'll scratch the hell out of it if i have to, as i'm not really getting great enough results otherwise to make it worth resisting the itch.

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