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Posts posted by Capelli11

  1. I have used concealers for a long time through heat waves to winter blizards and never did it run or look bad...at least not to me. Rain is tough but unless you get caught under a hurricane for hours you will be fine. I just put my head as far down as I can and run to my destination which hopefully is very close...it has never run or looked bad afterwards...just be conscious about it and you will be fine. Now going in a swimming pool is different...a pool will literally take it all off pretty much so avoid those as I learned the hard way one time lol.

  2. Corv,


    I actually have been using Revivogen Bio Cleansing Shampoo...I used to use Revivogen for hairloss and also used their shampoo...I thought Revivogen actually was helping my hair but then I got lazy and stopped but kept using their shampoo. It cleanses the scalp and removes Sebum and impurities from the scalp. I can't say whether a shampoo can truly help hair loss but I must say this shampoo is really good in that your scalp feels very clean as you leave it on for a few minutes and your scalp tingles! I've never tried Nizoral.

  3. Hey...I want to see how everyone transitions back to work without really being too noticed. Long story short, I am a consultant and my engagement is ending in mid October and usually once an engagement ends there are others that we go right into...however, due to losing some clients, there are not any engagements for me to work on at the moment so basically I have to wait till there is one. Now, I am having an HT with Dr. Rahal in December so this could work out in that I could take more time off...however, I was told there may not be work till February...so that leaves me in trouble in that I would probably have to find another job but of course at the WORST time considering I will look like a monster with half my head shaved! lol.


    So my question to everyone...has anyone had to get a new job like a month after their HT? I don't know how I am going to pull this off considering I work in an office like setting...any advice would be great...I can see it now going on interviews with my head a mess...oh boy! lol. Any help would be appreciated!!! Thanks!

  4. Thanks Sean! Has anyone else had experiences with foreign transaction fees...curious to see how others approached this. I really don't see anyway around it...seems like Capital One has no foreign transaction fee but I heard they bake it into the exchange rate which makes sense as a ploy to lure someone in. I really don't see any way around this fee...I'm gathering I will have to bit the bullet and get charged 3 %...sucks. Again...any other suggestions?! Thanks!

  5. All,


    I have to travel for my upcoming surgery and getting stressed out trying to decide whether I should drive or fly there/home. Car ride is about 7-9 hours away...flight is about 2 hrs. I would like everyone who traveled to their HT to give me an idea of what to expect afterwards in regards to the fact that would someone who had an HT be technically able to drive home 7-9 hours the next day? If not, what is the reasonable expected time to be able to do such a long drive? I would imagine the longer you wait the worse it is in case swelling occurs? I am trying to avoid having to go the airport with a hat on and looking weird and dealing with all of that...I figure driving would avert that but then provide its own complications as noted above. Please advise!!! Thanks everyone!!!


    Also suture removal (not staples)...ideally I would like to have the dr take them out but if not, how does this work...u go to your normal doctor to have them removed? I am nervous to go to my normal doctor for this as I would be worried he could mess it up being he didn't perform the surgery...please also advise as to your experiences with this...thanks!

  6. This is an interesting thread as I am having surgery soon (FUT) and am nervous about buzzing down my frontal hair and how it will look...I know it is long term but I am still trying to figure out how i can accomplish this look without looking totally weird. So my question is does everyone let their hair grow out before surgery (recipient and donor)...then say the recipient area gets buzzed leaving the rest of your recipient and donor area long. Is it easy to clean/care for the hair when it is long (i.e. donor scar cleaning, etc)? Just trying to see what everyone does?


    Aaron: when you buzz it down to a 3 guard how visible was the scar? did dermatch really hide it or would it hurt the healing process putting it on the scar?

  7. I had the privilege of meeting this patient in my quest to meet Dr. Rahal patients. I can 100% vouch for these results as I literally examined his hair in extreme detail. It is very thick and extremely dense and totally natural! And he is only 7-8 months out!!! Also, I couldn't even find his scar...it was pencil thin!!! I was quite impressed with this result and I hope that my result will be this good considering I have very similar loss and am getting around the same amount of grafts. I also really like that slight widow's peak that Rahal produces which really finishes framing the face.

  8. I remember in my consult with Dr. Wesley that he told me some details on this procedure. Like Corv said it is the best of both worlds with FUT yield but no linear scar. When he told me a little about the procedure I was like duh...why hasn't this been thought of before?! But like all other inventions throughout history...once you hear about something that improves something, you always say to yourself why didn't I think of that?! This technique proves that theory. I don't know the medical details as to the actual results but in theory (high level) it sounds extremely promising and I CAN NOT wait to see and hear about the clinical results as I am curious to see if the theory would equate to actual results. The only issue is like Corv said it would be quite pricey I would imagine and would probably be for the new wave of HT candidates not the ones who are considering it right now as I would love to have this surgery but can't really wait a few more years for it to be perfected...but I'm still very excited!!!

  9. I heard that at least 3 months is the key time give or take with light workouts before 3 months is ok. I also love to work out and it is hard to not be doing it but I say to myself I spent all this time and money in fixing my hair and I am going to jeopardize having a stretched scar just to work out? No way...a scar is forever...not being as tight as I was 3 months ago bc I held off on the weights post surgery is temporary. I am sure you will be able to recoup what was lost in those 3 months...just continue to eat right and you will be fine.

  10. Hey All!


    I have been on this site for a very long time reading everyone’s posts and getting enough of knowledge and experience to start really doing something about my 10 + year battle with hairloss. With all my knowledge I literally was able to consult with all the top doctors and even flew across the country to have a consult. I wanted to formally let everyone know that I have decided on going with Dr. Rahal in December (strip procedure-approx. 3k grafts).

    I want to thank literally everyone who contributes to this wonderful forum that has given me the courage and knowledge to go forward in putting my hairloss behind me soon! It is amazing how many people have helped me and were and still are willing to email with me and also speak on the phone in helping me on their journey. I honestly could not have done it without you!

    For those who are curious to see why I made my decision as I always was curious what drives someone to pick a doctor, there are sooo many great doctors I almost felt like I had to choose between a Ferrari and a Lamborghini…tough decisions! Lol. I am mainly a hairline case and at the end of the day you really need to go to the doctor that truly specializes in your kind of loss and produces CONSISTENT results…not just in pictures but also in person which I truly believe everyone should ideally see patients in person to see the true work of the doctor…examine their hair, talk with them about their experience and look at their scar because these are the things that really will seal the deal one way or the other for you. It really sealed my deal. I was thankful to reach out to patients of Dr. Rahal and email and chat with them and also meet them in person. Make sure also that they have your hairloss pattern as well! If you want strip then there are certain doctors that are great at strip…if you want FUE there are other doctors that you should consider…don’t automatically think because a doctor is great at strip that he will also be great at FUE…you have to SEE the results and make sure they are consistent results as even a broken clock is right twice a day!!! Dr. Rahal is proven in the hairline design and implementation department producing consistent unmatched results with his dense packing. He was extremely humble and exudes a ton of confidence without being cocky which is characteristic every doctor should/needs to possess. I never really believed this statement but it thankfully happened in that when you meet the right doctor for your HT, you will just know he is the one…tacky as that clich? is, it really is true at least in my case. You want to be 100% confident in your decision and doctor and never look back and thankfully I haven’t looked back since my decision which is rare for me because I second guess everything in my life! At this stage of my life I am tired of fighting hair loss and I want my hair back and in December I will get this! After I made my decision, I suddenly felt happy and encouraged that my hairloss issues will soon be gone so that I can finally move on from this emotionally and mentally crippling disease I have had for many years. It sounds pretty dramatic but in fact it really isn’t as we all suffer from issues that we struggle with on a daily basis and I feel if we have a chance at hopefully getting over them naturally that is great but sometimes we need some intervention…and my intervention is a HT.

    If anyone is on the fence about Dr. Rahal, I would absolutely be open to hearing your concerns as I had a great experience with him during my multiple consultations with him!

    So now that I have finally chosen my doctor, I will definitely have pre-op and post-op questions for everyone. I’m starting my scalp exercises this week! Thanks again everyone and I look forward to documenting my journey!



    P.S. I attached the design...I want to play with the temple points a little bit more to make them more prominent (nothing crazy though). Let me know your feedback!





  11. I wouldn't wait considering many consultations are free. It can't hurt to see a Dr. and see what he says about your hair loss. Because in all honesty, I only thought I was a hairline case but upon consulting with various doctors I realized I have a little thinning in other parts...so it was beneficial for me to see this because I went on Propecia immediately instead of say doing what you said you want to do and waiting a few months. The goal is to get on meds ASAP if you feel you are losing your hair. It unfortunately is the only way (or I should say one of the best ways) to hold onto the hair you have. Hope this helps.

  12. Cost is always a barrier when it comes to maintaining and/or having a HT. But if you want to keep your hair and are truly serious about it, you will find a way to pay for it. Propecia is not cheap but you can get generic FIN for very cheap and cut the pill into 1/4's. I have spent a lot of monies thus far on concealers and propecia and now my upcoming HT but in reality I say to myself and now you...what is the cost/expense of losing your hair worth to you? To me...it is priceless to hold onto and have a good head of hair so I am willing to pay for it. You need to see what means the most to you and you will be able to pay for it accordingly. Hope this helps.

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