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Posts posted by Capelli11

  1. Hey...question...I am scheduled for a HT with Dr. Rahal in December for 3,000 grafts. I am trying to budget for this cost and the more I read posts I keep noticing that everyone seems to pretty much get more grafts than they originally went in for usually due to good laxity and/or other reasons. So my question is, if you guys could share your stories in regards to how much more were you able to get? Reason being I want to be able to budget for this...I heard the Dr. usually asks if you are willing to pay for additional grafts if need be? Please advise!!! Thanks!

  2. Interesting observation...if that was the case I would be drunk all day long!!! lol. I always thought alcohol was good to forget about our hairloss...never realized it could possibly be helping to save it!!! lol.


    Aaron1234...I'm with u...keg party at my place!!! LOL

  3. I agree temples and hairlines are key! I am just nervous it isn't going to come out the way i want...like the drawing looks good but then the actual transplant is off looking. I trust him though...his hairlines are unbelievable! is it hard to go out in public with your hair looking the way it is...esp after shedding? I am curious to see how dating would be after my HT...should def be non existent for a while unfortunately! lol

  4. Hey...quick question.


    I am having a HT with Dr. Rahal in December. I was told to grow my hair so that it will cover the scar. It has got pretty long (at least for me as I NEVER let it grow this long)...but my hair is now out of control...veryyy hard to style and look decent.


    My question for everyone is that I have a big event in November and I really NEED to look decent for as I will be in the spot light somewhat...I was thinking I would slightly trim the sides just so they don't look so long and it will dramatically make me look better. So the question is how long do the sides have to be in order to cover the scar? I know the dr. shaves above and below the actual incision so I would imagine it would have to be pretty long?


    Also...doesn't everyone shave down somewhat after like a month to blend everything? So what is the point in growing it out only to shave it down a little when a month passes? Basically does having longer hair on the sides really cover the scar???

  5. I'm very nervous too...I don't want ANYTHING going wrong especially since I just spent a ton on my HT with Rahal...so I am going to drive back (about 7-9) hours to get them removed...it may sound crazy but u know what I am NOT taking any chances...think about it...u spend sooo much time and money on this procedure and then your gonna have some other person take out ur sutures...this may be a very standard procedure but i'm not chancing it. Not worth it to me.

  6. I think it is important to be consistent with before and after photos. The one thing I like say about Hasson and Wong photos is that it is always in front of that famous blue back drop and always with NO FLASH which is key. This is the only way to take photos as consistency is key to seeing true results. I am surprised that there are different photo areas at SMG as this could hinder the true results. I am sure they do good work but in regards to this forum which we only have pictures, I feel it is quite important to be consistent with your photos when showing results.

  7. I am still trying to research! Doesn't really seem to be any real way around paying a foreign transaction fee...apparently Capital One credit cards do not charge you this fee. I will look into that. I am not paying cash upfront so charging it is where I am doing my research...at this point it is what it is...not sure if there is any real way around it. When is your surgery? With who?

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