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Posts posted by MGZ

  1. I know this is a forum filled with 90% men, but I'd like to know what you think of the new look.

    I'm trying to get a consultation with Rahal next month just to see what kind of candidate I am for the future, but I still feel I'm too young.


    I've been on Minox for 3-4 months with very subtle response, and may try Fin if propeciahelp.com stops immensely scaring me.


    Just going to stick it out with the new look, wondering if you guys think I can pull it off, I feel the hair suited me much more.

    BTW I'm 24, lost a drastic amount this year and it started when I was around 21.


    This look and the loss has definitely added 5-10 years to my age.



  2. I live in NYC at the moment, and I don't find it realistic to meet someone who has been a client of either of these doctors, especially NW6 ones who have had mega sessions, maybe Dr Feller since it's NY.


    Anyways I'd love to know if there is a way to make this possible, I'll also be in the Toronto area early september hopefully setting up a meeting with Rahal to discuss possibilities.



  3. It's a lot to take in, all this black hole talk.

    Some say that not sticking with meds will make the transplanted hairs fall out possibly, and others say the opposite and only native hair will fall. I'm still confused.

    I'm scared to start meds for my sex drive is mighty powerful right now, I would not want to risk what I have going, despite statistics and who cares what the FDA has to day.


    Another huge part of me wants to wait until I'm near NW6 to avoid any patches, possibly when I'm 30, and hopefully by then HT will be more advanced and cloning will be at a reasonable price (at least under $20 000).

    But I'm not sure if that's a realistic time frame, though HT's have advanced rather quickly in the last 5 years and prices have dropped.

  4. mgz, density is achievable but it will never be as dense as it once was (we simply don't have enough donor grafts). You don't start to realize you are balding until a certain percentage of native hair is gone (I think I recall hearing 50%). So, you can achieve density but it will only be an illusion of density. Any native hair you have helps with this. Now, say you have a HT and it looks dense, but then you lose more native hair--it will obviously look less dense. As Aaron pointed out, hairloss is progressive.


    In the end it's a personal choice to stay on the meds or not. No doctor will force you to stay on them. I stopped taking them after my second HT as I would rather have just lost the native hair (as it was going to fall out anyway) and just get another HT.


    And the HT grafts are permanent. They are ideally taken from a DHT-resistant zone. They do fall out immediately post-op and then start to re-grow.




    That makes sense, but this guys crown got worse. He had 2 procedures, after his first it seemed his crown was filled nicely, then when he went back in for the second it looked much much worse. He also stated stopping finisteride, but why should that matter if they are permanent?


    View topic - Dr. Rahal, 2597 grafts in the crown. My 2nd HT - May 09 2011 - HairlossTalk Support Forums



    Even after his his stronger pics the crows still had some baldness, it seems like it's a crap shoot based off your biology with these procedures, and obviously a good doc.


  5. mgz, density is achievable but it will never be as dense as it once was (we simply don't have enough donor grafts). You don't start to realize you are balding until a certain percentage of native hair is gone (I think I recall hearing 50%). So, you can achieve density but it will only be an illusion of density. Any native hair you have helps with this. Now, say you have a HT and it looks dense, but then you lose more native hair--it will obviously look less dense. As Aaron pointed out, hairloss is progressive.


    In the end it's a personal choice to stay on the meds or not. No doctor will force you to stay on them. I stopped taking them after my second HT as I would rather have just lost the native hair (as it was going to fall out anyway) and just get another HT.


    And the HT grafts are permanent. They are ideally taken from a DHT-resistant zone. They do fall out immediately post-op and then start to re-grow.




    That makes sense, but this guys crown is gone. He had 2 procedures, after his first it seemed his crown was filled nicely, then when he went back in for the second it looked much much worse. He also stated stopping finisteride, but why should that matter if they are permanent?


    View topic - Dr. Rahal, 2597 grafts in the crown. My 2nd HT - May 09 2011 - HairlossTalk Support Forums

  6. Well now I'm a little discouraged since I now too see my NW6 approaching, but then I see things like these










    Rogaine Foam is not working for me by the way, twice daily, and even if it did, rogaine is an illusion with minimal results.

  7. Yikes NW7, that's depressing. I hope I'm not there by 30 years old.

    I agree with you all, I'm too young and it's progressed a lot since two years ago.

    Not sure if this is relevant, but I think working out so much after my cycle of decahedron from back when I was 17, then abruptly stopping when I was 21 while still smoking excessively, had some contribution.

    I'm also think formaldehyde sped up the process, and wearing my hat rather tight all the time.


    Working out a lot should induce testosterone and speed up the process, but I think my body when into shock when I stopped being so active. maybe I'm wrong.



    Anyways, I hear Dr Cooley is exploring new options but it is ridiculously expensive and not 100% effective, yet, so lot's of donar hair is still needed.


    My question is, how long do you guys think until this is incorporated into clinics like H&W, and Rahal, etc, and NW7's can have a full head of hair by cloning a few grafts.


    Though this is impressive, I could never be content with a result like this:



  8. I am really obsessing over this now, I feel like I have OCD, I surf at least a couple hours a day on the subject.

    for me right now the crown is the biggest issue and more unattractive in my eyes.


    Im still uncertain as to why I shouldn't expect maximum density like when I was 20, shouldn't 5000+ grafts in my crown area do the trick? Assuming I am a good candidate of course.


    Hopefully I can set up an appointment for September.


    And Matt, what the hell happened to your Rahal pic?

  9. Also, I would like to have that it's been 2 years and I stilll have premature ejaculation because of meds I used to take, as well as watery semen.

    This is another reason that is making me think twice.




    Btw, would the procedure be done by Rahal himself? I keep reading about some asian dude who works with him thats great?


    This to me is what sold it for Rahal, with such few grafts :http://www.baldtruthtalk.com/showthread.php?t=993

    That is pretty much my pattern in a couple years.

  10. I don't believe the facts either, it's clearly affecting more people.

    If I started propecia I would probably be smooth sailing at first, but years down the road it is just inevitable, I don't care what anyone says. I'm not bashing the drug, I'm sure it works for a lot of people but I just can't take the risk right now, I know my body.


    Anyways, another key reason I want to hold of until I'm 30 is because of technological advancements in procedures. They've come a long way, but I hope in the next 5-6 years the strip will be obsolete, and hairs can be cloned bypassing any scars. On the contrary these procedures are probably going to be double the cost.


    I've seen a lot of goo FUE done, but strips always seem to have better results.


    Can anybody who has had a HT verify how little someone can finance the procedure at a monthly rate? I couldn't imagine paying more than 150 a month, why with rent, groceries, and traveling.

  11. I have mild anhedonia so had some light anti depressants proscribed, all with the same sides as propecia for a small percentage of men, I was that percentage with every drug I tried, so I'm positive I will face the same with propecia. One drug actually made me almost completely impotent, luckily it went back to normal in a few days. Also articles like this scare me:


    Merck Warned Europe That Propecia Causes Sexual Problems — but Not the U.S. | BNET


    Of course some men confuse the side effects and blame the pill, but it's just hard to ignore. Asking doctors isn't comforting because they go strictly by statistics, like with everything else. Doctors in my city are pretty crappy ones, I always travel to London when I have a condition.

    I don't work out anymore because I moved to the states and just don't have the time or money, of course I'd love to release those endorphins.

    If I experienced persistent or irreversible sides, along with my anhedonia, it just wouldn't be pretty


    Jotronic, I found several on youtube, just not on the website, and they all seemed consistent in the vortex area.


    I'm really in a crazy position right now, the change has been drastic, I can't believe how it's impacted woman. Some say it's superficial of them, but in reality it's just preference and I have physical attributes I prefer in woman also, and not just the typical T&A ones.



    ALso, I forgot to mention that I had taken 2 light 6 week cycles of decahedron when I was 18, I'm pretty sure it sped up the male pattern baldness. The cycles were very light, all the gains were kept and I didn't blow up like these juice heads you see. I was too stubborn to stack with something that prevented hairloss.

  12. I am 24 years old, I started losing it about a year and a half a go, in the last year it's just been rapid. I'm a heavy smoker and my diets always been pretty crappy.

    Ironically I've always been an athlete and also used to do a lot of weight training, and then stopped 2 years ago.


    I used to relax my hair ALOT, more than recommended, I used a product used for african american hair types that contained FORMALDEHYDE, a chemical that was pulled off shelves not too long ago. I feel this contributed to my loss a lot.

    My father has all his hair, my mothers father started when he was 40. I'm using 5% rogaine foam, it's working minimal, I don't expect it to fill in my vortex.


    So I'm down to Hasson and Rahal. From what I've seen, I like Rahals hairlines a lot, and NOT just because they are mostly densely packed, they just look natural. I've also seen a lot of better vortex's with Rahal. On the other hand I've seen great Hasson results and massive sessions, but Rahal just seems more intimate to me? And Montreal is closer to the Toronto area. Don't get me wrong, they are both admirable.


    I really don't know what to do, I feel I'm too young and should wait until I'm at least 30, by then I should be completely bald. I have heard a lot of people here say that the vortex is the "black hole" of HT's. If I got strip HT I would want as much density as possible, the soccer hair I had when I was 20, probably 8000+ grafts. I would also try to QUIT smoking for at least a year to improve circulation and start working out again.

    Financing will be necessary, I've looked at some plans but they still seem expensive.

    Can anyone confirm what the minimum monthly payment is?


    I used to do a lot of modeling, ha you should see me try and get jobs now. Things have really changed, less woman and different treatment that is not due to to lack of confidence, that is just a generic explanation for people who don't understand. I have plenty of confidence and personality. It's really depressing and as much as I move forward and get over it, something occurs that just brings me down and pisses me off.


    Looking forward to all your responses, hope I get a lot. Please don't recommend propecia I am always susceptible to sexual side effects with the meds I've taken in the past.



    I forgot to add, the classical music in most of Rahal's vids is a brilliant touch.









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