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Everything posted by Carver

  1. Thank you all for answers, you actually made me feel a lot better and that never happens. But that aside, if I were to decide to go along with it (which I doubt), how much follicles you think I would need and could I have a hairline like this: http://trialx.com/curetalk/wp-content/blogs.dir/7/files/2011/04/gcelebrities/Wentworth_Miller-3.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_30PRmkOl4ro/SuGYEFVOBwI/AAAAAAAAXEM/UtKTwAJbw68/s400/jensen_ackles_5.jpg
  2. You might find it odd for people to shave their head after HT, but actually a lot of people prefer Jamie Foxx, Will Smith type of hairstyle, you know, they get their full head of hear and then they cut it off. Not completely to zero of course, but to around 1-3 cm.
  3. Hello, I am 19 years-old student. In my family we don't have genetic baldness, the most far it went with a little receding hairline with my uncles. I love my hair, I love myself etc. I had a short hair, long hair... My problem is that on my hairline, it did recede for like a half inch and it's been like that for years so I am really not sure if it did recede or was like that always. However it became my psychosis, I am becoming obsessed with it and I will attach photo of my hair and if you guys could tell me how many follicles would Dr. needed to donate to have a beautiful child hairline, like actor Wentworth Miller (just see any Google picture). I know anyone would advise me not to do it so early because it may get worse, but none of my family are bald, this is just my obsession, and I would like to get it done and have a normal life, because this I am becoming more obsessed every day, always on the mirror... So, how much money would that cost me? I'm asking because it would take a little follicles...
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