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Posts posted by jessie1

  1. Born76,


    I will echo what others have said. Why the gap in surgeries?


    Your progress is fantastic.


    I am also prospective FUE patient with Rahal and it woul be great if you could elaborate..... did you have a repair at one side preventing work in that area???


    Thanks in anticipation,



  2. I have done both FUT and FUE. the pain in the donor post FUT is bearable but unpleasant.


    FUE was less painful post op. The pain was more of a dull headache for me.


    Loads of reasons for and against a HT bt this all boils down to your personal situation as others before me have already commented.


    You are going about your research in the right way mate, spot on....



  3. Craig,


    Hopefully you are getting the message. We are all on the same side here.


    57 ph, if 10 minutes of your time is spent responding to threads like these and preventing another UK victim (like many of us) surely it wouldn't be a waste of your time mate (?)


    Anyway, I will dip out of this one now in the comfort that Craig has been suitably advised.



  4. I agree, 2 1/2 hours drive is a minor inconvenience.


    With the exception of Farjo in the UK, we don't have any world class Docs. Everything else is a plane journey away and with that comes time and more money, especially if we were to travel across the pond.


    If Dr Rahal was a relatively short car journey away I would be fumbling around for the car keys right now.



  5. I have had three HTs, two not shaved in the recipient area and one shaved.


    Unfortunately as there were so many variables it is difficult to make a true comparison as to which is best.


    I always understood it to be better to shave so that the doc had better vision and less risk of damaging neighbouring hairs.




    Your comments are interesting and very logical.


    Quick question, how would a Doc be able to accurately determine the direction of hair growth once the area was completely shaved down. Would this be a reason for the doctor not to shave?



  6. Craigd40,


    I am a UK lad like you. I have received two rubbish HTs in the UK and that's putting it politely.


    As far as I am aware the only recommended clinic in the UK is Farjo but without knowing your prospective Doc it would be unfair of me to tear strips of him/her.


    Craig, what concerns me, just as much as your choice, is the fact that you are unsure of the technique and number of grafts. You say,


    'As far as I can remember it will be FUT, just on the back main area, 2500 grafts' ........


    Craig, with respect, and I don't want to come across as patronising, technique, approach, design and graft numbers are huge factors in planning your HT. Just as important as choosing the right Doc.


    Hang in there mate and do more research. This forum is an excellent tool for research. In the UK we are limited to choice. Belgium has three excellent Docs and its only an hour away from Manchester. It's a breeze to hop on the plane from Manchester... and even cheaper from Liverpool (?50 return through Easyjet when I last checked). I have made the journey myself.


    If you don't research this properly you will become repair patient like me. I am a NW2 with minor hairloss but I have received three poor HTs to date and trust me, being a repair patient isn't fun. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE consult with this forum before you make any decisions.... I wish I had.....


    Feel free to PM me



  7. Hariri, Sean, Orlhair,


    Appreciate your responses.


    I'm not unique in that I will need to do online consults due to my location, bar Dr Bisanga, with whom I have already had a face to face consult . The consultation with Dr Bisanga was very informative, detailed and professional.


    The issue of experience is a huge decision making factor, especially with not being able to see the Dr Rahal and Dr Shapiro either before, or just as importantly, afterwards, on a one to one basis.


    I'm in a 'pickle' for want of a better word as I can not get out of my head how fantastic their hairline work is, the majority of which I see showcased however is FUT.


    Please keep the comments coming guys, much appreciated.



  8. Guys,


    I truly believe that Dr Rahal, Dr R Shapiro and Dr Bisanga are up there among the world elite. However, I have decided on FUE for my 4th HT (for several reasons ) and I want to know what people think about their ability in performing FUE.


    On recent threads forum members have commented on the fact that Rahal and Shapiro in particular are less experienced than one or two other world class Docs in relation to FUE.


    These Docs feature on my short list.


    My question is simply this: How to you rate these Doc's in the FUE field and why?


    Thanks in anticipation.



  9. SRK,


    I sympathise with your situation mate.


    The good news is that your hair has improved over the years and you seem to be a positive sort of chap.


    I can really tap into how you feel when you say how your life would have mapped out so much differently with a HT on board, albeit I am in a much more fortunate position than you. Hair loss is afterall relative and the psycological effects are massive, no matter what extent your hairloss is.


    I sometimes look at NW 6s and see how happy they are in life. Being a NW2, I would trade places with them if it meant happiness and not thinking about hairloss every day.


    Hairloss for me has made me self reflect, and it aint pretty what I learn about myself sometimes.


    Your honesty is admirable. Providing that you don't want a second opinion (?) you now have the rest of your life to get on with.


    All the best and I wish you every happiness.



  10. Frd,


    This looks great for the 6 month stage!


    Your hair looks so much healthier and better groomed being shorter.


    You must be so pleased.


    The fact that you say that 'life was been getting in the way of you posting' is a huge success in itself. These forums are great, but its easy to start spending excessive time in them.


    Over the moon for you,



  11. Ej,


    This is an exciting and unusual case. I have a terrible strip sar but nothing like this (respectfully speaking).


    I will be looking to graft into my strip scar down the line after I sort my hairline out which is the main priority.


    Dr Bisanga's consultations are excellent and this case is an excellent example of his ability.


    Can't wait for the pics....



  12. Dr Cooley,


    Excellent result. I was just saying on a previous thread that I haven't seen much of your work. I must look harder in future!!! Excellent.


    Would I be right in thinking that you grafted into/ around existing native hair?

    This will be a requirement for my next procedure and I am interested in any such cases (ie. shockloss /damage to existing hair etc).





  13. BaltoBill,


    Excellent write up! I haven't heard much of Dr Cooley on this forum so this was an interesting read.


    A quick couple of questions if I may;


    1) you stated that Dr Cooley did the plug removal and strip procedure all in one session. How many plugs were removed (ball park figure)?


    2) would the plug removal and grafting into (or near to) the same area increase the likelihood of trauma?


    3) Is a repair procedure not usually a separate procedure (to allow healing and reduce trauma?)


    I would be most grateful if those queries could be answered by either yourself or Dr Cooley ( I ask these questions in good faith and not criticising)


    A fantastic experience and I wish you all the best,



  14. Rich,


    Many characteristics including poor donor supply (low density), diffuse pattern thinning over entire scalp (including donor), age, hair type.


    This list is not exhaustive by any means.


    To put your mind at ease why not go for a consultation with a Doc. They will give you it straight. I would advise seeing a Doc face to face rather than a representative in this case.


    What makes you think that you may fall into the 'unsuitable category'?


    What is your situation Rich?


    All the best,



  15. Idyllic/ Gotitgood,


    $10,000 for 2000 grafts sounds like an FUT quote unless there is a special rate for FUE (?)


    I paid $10,000 for 1000 FUE grafts. I spent over $1,000 on travel and accommodation and then my surgery was cancelled when I arrived in NYC from the UK due to a terrible storm. (an act of god of course).


    I therefore had to alter my return flight from from the US to the UK and also my domestic flight.

    The whole experience totted up to $12,000 plus. Had it not have been for my flexible friend and help from my partner I would have been forced to cancel the whole thing due to being maxed out already. Massively important to have contingency plans and spare cash just in case.


    My experience is relevant if cash is an issue like it is with many of us. But please don't compromise on the Doc for the sake of cash. This is a decision that you will have to live with for the rest of your days. BUT, likewise do not be drawn into thinking that the higher the charge, the better the surgeon either. We go back to the SMG argument here: world class and yet very decent prices which makes a HT a reality where as with other Docs it wouldn't be, not withstanding that the Doc is willing to help you out.


    This is a profit making industry with plenty of compassion if you choose wisely. Researching into individual Docs and patient experiences will give you an idea as to just how compassionate and caring they are. An excellent example of both is Corvettester's experience with Dr Dorin. In a nutshell, Corv's initial HT did not provide him with complete satisfaction. Dorin made it right.... and then more! Read it....


    In any event, there are cheaper clinics out there that are still TOP CLASS, SMG being one of them. If you are traveling from out of state or overseas then certain clinics help out with travel costs and accommodation and possibly even a discounted rate per graft ( I believe that Dr Rahal: Canada is one of these Docs, see his website: he seems to really look after people traveling from abroad).


    A HT is a possibility I'm sure. Some clinics even do finance deals etc (not sure which).


    Good Luck.



  16. Standbyme,


    Why go the the UK for a HT indeed.......? Good question mate. There's absolutely no incentive, bar Farjo in my opinion.


    There simply isn't the same level of quality and skill in the UK. That's why so many UK patients go abroad.


    Genuinely, I am yet to see any decent UK results outside of Farjo. That's not to say they don't exist, they may do, but I haven't seen any.


    Furthemore, when you get the odd 'forum member' (sometimes questionable IMO) once in a blue moon bigging up a UK clinic or Doc with little substance to it, they soon tend to cave in quickly when pressed for evidence/ photos to back up their rather confident claims.


    In my opinion, traveling outside the UK is the only option in order to be in the hands of the worlds best. It disappoints me to think that we are so under represented here when the demand is so high.



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