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Everything posted by DoctorWho

  1. so long how do i have to keep using it (2 months, 3months etc)? and if i did decide to stop it, do i do it gradually (to avoid excessive shedding) or i could just stop abruptly. thanks again for the replies.
  2. per my clinic advice, i was told to apply rogaine to my recipient area after two weeks post op to speed up the growth process. what is your opinion on this. does it really work, and if so, do i need to apply this for the rest of my life (recipient area)?
  3. I take fish oil, multivitamin (with B and E), grapeseed extract and drink green tea on a daily basis, which according to my research are blood thinners. when does one stop taking these supplements prior to HT (4 weeks, 2 weeks, or 7 days). I just want to know what the general consensus on this one? thanks..
  4. To those who had HT before, which of these is better to use post op HT. Baseball cap seems to be more constrictive right?
  5. So what type of skin/hair is best suited to get the best possible yield for FUE?
  6. considering that many of them are more expensive than regular shampoos. do they make a difference? or are they just a waste of money?
  7. Shapiro, but like what newhairplease said, go with who you feel the most comfortable with.
  8. I'm pretty sure Ron does FUE. There was a post here not too long ago regarding a patient name Dodger1 who had FUE with Dr. Ron.
  9. Silly question. Is nizoral 1% shampoo contraindicated days/weeks prior to surgery?
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