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Posts posted by Ahairdown

  1. Coach, just did a forum search on 'pimples' and there is a ton of info out there if you're interested in looking at it. Read a couple of them. Very normal, and even expected at this point. Here is one of the first threads that came up on the search and also has a response from a technician at a recommended clinic. Enjoy your new hair!



  2. Good to hear! Hope it's not stretching, I worry about the same thing as I like to keep my hair short too. Also like you, my right side is a tad thin right below my donor scar.


    I had disolvable sutures for my external layer. Any idea on why he used staples on you, sounds like a lazy way to sew someone up? These aren't commonly used in hair transplants are they? I had staples for a hernia operation a long time ago when I was a kid and the scar didn't heal well at all. Those staples are a lot thicker than they look in pictures and cause damage of their own. There isn't any hair in the area and you can still see the train tracks 20 years later.


    Well anyway, hope your shockloss comes back bro you gotta a lot of grafts dropped in and should look great here shortly!

  3. Coach, are they starting out pimple like? I had a few of those as well and have read that it is part of the healing process, really haven't given them much thought myself.


    Given Dr Vogel examined you and said it was expected I'd say you have nothing to worry about.

  4. Bonker, your closeup shot from the right side looks to me as though the scar is stretched. You look to have a tad of shock loss underneath it making it look worse, but it's definitely not a well healed scar.


    Why not grow your hair out longer to cover it up? Is your hair at #2 guard?


    What did Dr Hasson say to you during your follow up visit with him regarding the stretched scar?

  5. Aaron, can you point me in the direction to where this is disclosed, maybe I missed it?


    I agree that it takes money to operate this forum. However, there is a HUGE difference between driving revenue by doctors advertising here, and the forum RECOMMENDING a set of doctors because they are paid to do so. The assumption by a casual web surfer, or heck even myself, is that this place is recommending these doctors soley based on their skill set. Do you not see the conflict of interest here Aaron?


    Even assuming the best in the admins and owners, they could be leaving off top quality docs from their 'recommended' list because some docs may not want to pay to be a part of it.

  6. No he didn't deserve to get banned. So it sounds like this board is paid by the recommended doctors??>??? Really?.... makes me question the legitimacy of this forum as a tool for prospective patients. If you don't have pom poms and a short skirt on for the doctors, you're considered a "crusader" against a doctor.


    I think the forum members deserve to know if there are factors at play here where the moderators, or owners, would have a hard time being impartial. Are they being paid by these doctors? If so, how much are they being paid?


    Could a warning have been put out there that these funds might be cut off if corv wasn't booted? Looked like the Feller sure made it clear that he doesn't mind suing his form hair transplant reciptients... but of course only if "they ask for the hammer" right????... you think he' have an issue with pulling advertising funds from this place?


    Bill came on that thread and called us a "few crusaders" because we were questioning this doctors actions he was displaying in the thread, which is absolutely ridiculous and I'm insulted by this.


    My opinion is that if this forum is indeed being paid by they recommended doctors, this should be disclosed when someone navigates to this forum.


    Something stinks here.

  7. Hey js, I just looked at some of your old posts and it looks like you posting up every month or two asking somewhat the same question (the one you're asking here). Can you show us some before and after pictures?


    Don't get me wrong, someone will be along shortly to answer your question, and perhaps this will make you feel better - but in reality they are just speculating without seeing what is actually going on.


    My doc recommended that I visit him in fourth month intervels (if I remember correctly, need to go and look at the post op instructions again)..... If you can't post pictures, I'd recommend going in for your scheduled follow up and asking Dr Feller in person after he's had a chance to examine you.

  8. sooners, I believe you are being fed some bad advice here. Do a lot of research before you make a decision regarding the doctor, particularly with respect with location. You need to be able to go in if you have any complications (not common luckily), and also for follow-ups - particularly if your result isn't a good one. A lot of docs use stitches on the donor area that need to be removed after a couple of weeks. Although you could use a local doc to handle this, it's also nice if the doc that did your HT can take a look at you to make sure everything is healing properly. It's nice to be a couple of hours from the doctor (by plane or car) for handle this. From what I gather there is an overall brainwashing on this forum that location shouldn't matter, however you will find from your research on these forums that there are plenty of examples otherwise, just use your common sense....There are a lot of pom poms around here so I also encourage you to visit some of the hairloss forums such as the bald truth for a wider perspective as well. There are even folks on other forums that discourage hair transplants altogether that have long been banned from this message board. Although I have undergone the procedure myself, it's useful to read their perspectives before hand as well since their experiences and reasoning behind their arguments are valid and should be thought out before going through with it.


    You will see a lot of the same doctors being recommended across the different forums. I'd stick with this group to choose from. They are all talented and produce outstanding results, and their pricing is very similar.



    Good luck!

  9. Hey Bill, my vote would be to lock this thread. It looks like both Feller and jessie are finished posting here, and you have people like Prohair and Troll (seriously?) show up out of nowhere just to antagonize folks.


    At this point, now it just looks a few of you (yes, you included) are attacking corv and questioning why he is being critical of the doctor. Actually, I can kind of read into your post calling me a "crusader" as well, which I take offense to and it makes me question where the admins stand in regards to this community. I'm far from a "crusader" and have no agenda here. I could come back questioning your motives but don't think it's necessary....Really, the past 4 or 5 pages of this thread are people pointing fingers and making accusations. It's done at this point.


    IMO this thread is getting trashed and hope it's locked immediately. I do hope however, that it's kept around for prospective patients so they can get insight to how Feller handles unhappy patients (regardless of how the hair grew, which yes I do think the HT grew in as others have stated).


    My opinion anyways, thank you.

  10. Hey corv, great points - as well ask questions that I remember you asking previously which were never answered.


    However I do disagree with you on one point. Location. To me this is fairly important, and could possibly be part of the issue in some of these cases that we are seeing. These guys are flying from overseas to have these procedures completed thus making follow-ups, not to mention in person meetings for potential issues pretty tough to get done.


    Now I'm not saying to only select doctors in your specific city - but I think being able to round trip a follow-up in one day by plane or car is important.

  11. jesse or Feller, question for you... IMO jesse was a repair patient when arriving at Feller's office. I noticed right off the bat, that he had hairs coming in below the transplanted hairline. Originally I thought these were hairs still growing in from the FUE, but it sounds like it was from past procedures. Why weren't these FUE'd and relocated, or lasered this time?

  12. I'm not going to waste my time suing for these breeches and misrepresentations. Yes, I have sued other patients in the past for defamming me online, but their claims were far more egregious than Jessie's, although their method of attack was the same. They begged for the hammer, and they got it.



    Dr Feller, with all due respect - posts like this come across really badly. You're hurting yourself here man... Why are you bringing this up? Did you receive any judgements from these lawsuits, or was it another way to quiet them down? I'd be shocked if these went to jury and you won.


    I really want to know if other doctors are having these same issues? Are they having to sue their patients also, or are they screening their patients more effectively, making sure their patients have realistic expections about what can done with their hands, and making sure the patient feels confortable approaching them subsequent to the procedure with any issues versus coming here and asking the opinion of the forum?


    Something is not right here!!

  13. lorenzo, I've seen corv stick up for patients regardless of the doctor involved. If you go to his profile and patient website, the man is putting himself out and not hiding behind doctored photos (unlike most of us, myself included).


    IMO corv a patient advocate. It's a FACT that Feller has more patient issues on this forum than other doctors recently. Go and look!! It's a totally realistic, not to mention EXPECTED that corvtester shows up and questions the doctor's actions in these situations. To compound the situation, Feller has made it worse by coming in on these threads with an aggressive attitude towards to the patient. At this point, I actually commend corv for sticking up for these guys. IMO, the correct action for a doctor to take in these actions would be to only post to the patient and ask him to call or come in to talk to him in person. Better yet, pick up the @#$&! phone yourself and call the patient and try and make the situation right! Instead he's carrying on debates with people that are obviously emotionally distraught with their appearance.


    To claim that corv has some sort of agenda seems ridiculous to me, if not for people with a concerning eye there would be nothing but pom pom's around here.

  14. I'd stick with recommended doctors that generate consistent results, and that are convenient enough for follow ups by driving or a short plane trip. Dr Arocha is based out of Houston but he also has an office in Dallas where they do HT's and follow ups. Not sure how many times per month you'd have to call them up.... Also, traveling to Chicago wouldn't be bad either - Konior and Panine are there and their work looks great also. I'd think you could get a direct flight out of OK city. That's where I'd start as far as docs are concerned.


    Before that though, you may want to hit up a dermatologist and see what's up with the waxy substance.

  15. Profoam, top 5 according to who? A hair transplant is a total experience and is also subjective in nature. This is going to depend heavily on what is important to you. I did a couple of years of research on mutiple fronts before going in for mine. Feller wasn't in my top 5. Maybe he is in yours, good for you and you're entitiled to your opinion. I hope your HT goes well with him.



    If I lived in the UK and I wanted FUE, I'd take a short hop over to Belgium.


    As for there being something 'more to all of this', it's not really that complicated to me. Feller doesn't like being criticised. Heck, no one does. What matters though is how criticism is handled....

  16. Why the secrecy surounding your doctor? You mentioned no one took the time to explain in detail, did you ask these questions and simply not get a good answer?


    He/she should be able to answer all of these questions. Your asking for others to speculate on an event in which they weren't present. If the doc doesn't want to explain then I understand, but otherwise you'll be reasons that aren't based on anything but possibilities.


    I'd pick up the phone and call versus emailing.... easier to ask additional questions depending on how your original ones are answered.


    Good luck

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