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Everything posted by vikas_009

  1. thanx alot for ur advice poly well m nt having severe baldness bt its just the starting i guess.. my hair hav started thinning nw n i have seen ma head starting looking as starting of male pattern baldness from left and right front side. so can i get hair on that area with mintop minoxidil lotion? or i shud go fr transplant dat early?
  2. hi guys! i am vikas. m putting up at noida. i wanna knw does minoxidil (mintop lotion 5%)works or not? doctor has advised me to apply minoxidil mintop forte lotion 5 % twice a day along with Tablet 'Finax 1mg' . does it work? or its just another waste of time? plz suggest me.. i am following u guys frm past sum time n i found u hav a good experience n knwldge bout hair problems.. plz suggest me dear s. kumar, polymerase, riz, m waiting. (regards: vikas )
  3. what price the doctors are taking for tranplanting per hair follicle?
  4. hi there! can any body tell me what cost it takes for a hair transplant surgery (arround) 1000 follicles
  5. hi there! can any body tell me what cost it takes for a hair transplant surgery (arround) 1000 follicles
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