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Everything posted by ezel

  1. I read in some post that although people in the airport may give u stares you have to remember the likelihood of you ever seeing them is slim to none. Probably a better chance of getting bitten by a shark in the ocean! I'd fly home 2-3 days post opp. I actually was out and about in Brussels on day two. Although you are wearing a bandana people overseas are much more accepting of how people dress compared to americans(I'm an American as well). Nobody looked at me with a questioning eye. My wife and I explored the city on day 2/3 with no issues. Day 1 you are still a bit bloody if you will. Only issue I had on day three was a little swelling in the forehead but with the bandana on nobody can tell. Oh-we upgraded to nicer seats on the plane ride as well. Was like 150 bucks. Worth it...if its an option just do it. You spent the money on the HT. Treat yourself to a nicer ride home. Where are you flying to for the procedure?
  2. Had fue with dr feriduni almost two weeks ago. Had surgery Monday and flew back Thursday. I live in the US as well. Flew from brussels to NYC and then had to continue on to boston. Two security checks. One in the uk and one in the states. Neither were an issue as I swear you could barely tell anything was done. My wife came with on the trip and she is brutally honest with me and she said the same. There was acutely another guy on my return flight that had a HT done as well. I can tell you we both had no issues making a bathroom trip to spray the recipient area. You may have some swelling but that's about it. Truthfully I dreaded this aspect of the procedure initially more then the procedure itself. But in the end I really can't tell you how little My life has been altered. Dr feriduni and his staff were extremely professional and the work was super clean.
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