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Posts posted by Mickey85

  1. On 2/21/2024 at 2:33 AM, Melvin- Admin said:

    A lot of new users have no idea that FUE was once touted as an inferior technique. 10 years later, almost all surgeons perform FUE solely. It was a bit like surgeons refusing to accept follicular unit grafting because the grafts were too small. They thought mini-grafts were thicker, healthier and would survive better. We all know that wasn’t true now.

    I agree, it has completely flipped now. I couldn't believe how hesitant some Doctor's were about it. Dr Lorzeno really was the one who showed that a clinic can restore high Norwoods using FUE exclusively. 

  2. I am very sad to see this. I personally wouldn't attempt anymore surgeries. You have could definitely rock the shaved head look. 

    Any further surgical intervention would be extremely expensive and would have to be in the form of body+beard hair. Even then the density would not be great. 

    There is alot wrong with how this was handled and you have every right to be angry. 

  3. Multi-hair grafts in the the hairline are often unavoidable due the the nature of 'hairs' within the multi-hair graft being in different cycles. Often one hair in the group will be in the telegen phase(dormant, not-visible, resting) whilst the other two hairs are in the anagen phase(fully visible, growing). The surgeon/tech cannot see the resting hairs within the graft even under powerful microscopes and assume the graft to be a single and elect it for hairline placement. No one will notice.

  4. I think for alot of people(myself included) we find other interests and hobbies to invest our time into because hair restoration is not something that you can be interested in and craft for years and years like say playing golf, guitar, pottery etc. I think that in general, the interest in hair restoration has a fairly limited and finite life. I certainly don't post much here anymore although I do glance the forum every few days. Not because I dislike the forum(I don't) but because I have other interests now that I enjoy more and are actually tangilble. I noticed even Hariri stopped posting some time ago.


    However, it does seem strange that whilst it is normal for existing members to leave the forum, that there is not an equivelent(or greater) influx of new members joining as hair transplantation becomes more mainstream. I'm not on Reddit etc so I can't say if that is a factor. I really can't explain that. I don't know the exact numbers of active forum members or if it has declined but it does seem quieter for sure.

  5. Hmmm the previous clinic did him no favors by giving him a low hairline and closed/low temples but I do feel another approach here would have been much more future proof and would have provided a more natural look even when factoring in a followup(essentially required) procedure. With this much baldness at 27, chances are he will be a full blown NW6 in 6 years if you subtracted any surgical intervention.

  6. Dr Feriduni and his team are very ethical and like to future-proof their patients as I understand. If they are saying wait a few years, I would definitely take their advice as your existing hair at the moment could disappear within the next few years, essentially diminishing the impact a hair transplant(if done soon) could make for you. That's my own opinion though. I wish you all the very best.

  7. So I saw a dermatologist today and after inspection of my scalp advised that he does not see had slightest sign of lpp. He said that recipient has inflammation but that is normal since I am 3.5 weeks post op. I told him the result from my biopsy said my scalp is compatible with lpp. He said compatible does not mean I have lpp. He also said that since biopsy was taken from area of op 1 there is micro scarring and this can cause a false/inaccurate result. He said however that as a precaution and in order to get inflammation down he recommends clobetasol shampoo twice a week for 2 months after which he will re analyze my scalp. At that point if need be he will do a biopsy but he said again host he really doubted I gave lpp. He said the shampoo will reduce inflammation and this is good for growth of grafts. He said the shampoo has no negative affect on growth and that I can also use rogaine. All this is exactly what dr b told me . I bought shampoo today and starting it tomorrow.


    Excellent to hear :)

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